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The 'worst ever' mutant from South Africa: UK Banning Travel from some African Countries

Honestly now I'm starting to think this crap is just scare tactic to control people. Enough with this bs already.

Seems like this is true afterall,
View attachment 796804

Already they were itching about Africa.

Must be LOTA this one ..

A virologist consulting for WHO had warned over a year ago that mass vaccination program would lead to an acceleration of Variants that vaccines would not be effective against.
Vaccinated are the Variant Breeders!

Many months ago I read some guy Geert from a Western European country saying something like that. I can't find the link. I was a firm believer in vaccines then and still have some faith in them. However, in my situation I can't take the risk of taking the vaccines. Also, I am starting to think if we keep taking vaccines and boosters indefinitely then we will never get out of this pandemic.
Just saw a video where a WHO official was calling for EVERYONE in this world to be vaccinated to kill the pandemic. That's the official thinking not only at WHO but in most govt circles. I don't think that is practical--at least not in America where individual States have powerful legal rights to resist the Federal govt. Look at how FL's DeSantis is poking into Biden's eyes almost daily!
I think you mean the one which produces only 3 products?? I am not an economist and generally defer to others on this forum about those matters. Regardless, no, even the CDC has officially called the immunity after after an infection 'more comprehensive' and so that negates your 3 vs 30 products. It is a different matter that CDC, to protect is reputation and to protect the 'scientists' working there, is not going to admit that CDC has been wrong on Covid for a long time. The CDC in America is a big pawn between the Republicans and Democrats and science itself is the biggest victim of the political divide in America.

"It has been well established that natural immunity is far superior to the so-called “protections” offered by the experiment Covid-19 injections. Despite this, the CDC and other health organizations have chosen to ignore natural immunity altogether because acknowledging it could derail their universal vaccine agenda. Their efforts are working since less than half of Americans are aware of any of the abundant data showing natural immunity works.

One does not need to be an “anti-vaxxer” to acknowledge that natural immunity is better than the jabs. But it goes further than that with data pointing to a possibility that is very inconvenient for vaxx-nannies: The “vaccines” may actually weaken the immune system permanently and take away the natural immunity previously infected Americans have developed."
were does CDC said that
they published this

and antivaxer community erroneously touting previously infected as equal to immune.
A virologist consulting for WHO had warned over a year ago that mass vaccination program would lead to an acceleration of Variants that vaccines would not be effective against.

Vaccinated are the Variant Breeders!
no mass vaccination is not variant breeder , that's again misunderstanding the situation by Antivaxers, virus for propagation use our body but the process is not perfect and body make a lot of mistake in converting genetic codes to proteins . normally there are mechanism that eliminate those mistakes . but when there is millions of copying in a day , well some escape. and that's mutation for you.
now answer a question a vaccinated person make more copy of the virus or an AntiVaxer who didn't take vaccines. the answer is simple the one who didn't take the vaccine

so the abtivaxers are the breading ground for variants not the one who get vaccinated , in a vaccinated body virus don't have enough time to mutate
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There also is another bottom line. Accept death. Old people die. Its the way things are. No 90 year old needs an intensive care unit. Give them oxygen and morphium to pass in peace and accept it like it is.
just if you knew how many young people die.

and by the way you guys say we glorify death, but you come here and very matter of factly say accept death. ,
in west its all lies that they respect life
were does CDC said that

CDC is the most partisan, the most politically motivated organization on this planet when it comes to the pandemic. I will find that link at CDC itself from some weeks ago where even the CDC conceded that Natural Immunity is 'more comprehensive' but then CDC in the same article still advocated vaccination.
I have been following Natural Immunity's discussions rather closely because my job is in jeopardy in January without getting some recognition about the Natural Immunity. In some parts of Europe the Natural Immunity is recognized but not in America! Not at all in America! Makes you ponder as to why??

Of course those who don't want to believe in Natural Immunity would not believe anything to the contrary of the CDC narrative. Do note that a mere challenging of the official narrative is landing some scientists and doctors and bloggers into the 'Cancel Culture'. This muzzling of dissent is becoming self-muzzling; that is so unscientific!!

I have been collecting links and this one is from the prestigious Science magazine.

A virologist consulting for WHO had warned over a year ago that mass vaccination program would lead to an acceleration of Variants that vaccines would not be effective against.

Vaccinated are the Variant Breeders!

I posted this much earlier, and the vigilanties on this forum decided it wasn't science.
CDC is the most partisan, the most politically motivated organization on this planet when it comes to the pandemic. I will find that link at CDC itself from some weeks ago where even the CDC conceded that Natural Immunity is 'more comprehensive' but then CDC in the same article still advocated vaccination.
I have been following Natural Immunity's discussions rather closely because my job is in jeopardy in January without getting some recognition about the Natural Immunity. In some parts of Europe the Natural Immunity is recognized but not in America! Not at all in America! Makes you ponder as to why??

Of course those who don't want to believe in Natural Immunity would not believe anything to the contrary of the CDC narrative. Do note that a mere challenging of the official narrative is landing some scientists and doctors and bloggers into the 'Cancel Culture'. This muzzling of dissent is becoming self-muzzling; that is so unscientific!!

I have been collecting links and this one is from the prestigious Science magazine.

This is referred to as a 'captured agency'. The industry it is meant to regulate effectively owns it. Half of its budget comes from vaccine sales, it cannot legislate against something that is making it money.
CDC is the most partisan, the most politically motivated organization on this planet when it comes to the pandemic. I will find that link at CDC itself from some weeks ago where even the CDC conceded that Natural Immunity is 'more comprehensive' but then CDC in the same article still advocated vaccination.
I have been following Natural Immunity's discussions rather closely because my job is in jeopardy in January without getting some recognition about the Natural Immunity. In some parts of Europe the Natural Immunity is recognized but not in America! Not at all in America! Makes you ponder as to why??

Of course those who don't want to believe in Natural Immunity would not believe anything to the contrary of the CDC narrative. Do note that a mere challenging of the official narrative is landing some scientists and doctors and bloggers into the 'Cancel Culture'. This muzzling of dissent is becoming self-muzzling; that is so unscientific!!

I have been collecting links and this one is from the prestigious Science magazine.

from the same link
The researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated.
Still, Thålin and other researchers stress that deliberate infection among unvaccinated people would put them at significant risk of severe disease and death, or the lingering, significant symptoms of what has been dubbed Long Covid. The study shows the benefits of natural immunity, but “doesn’t take into account what this virus does to the body to get to that point,”

by the way its only one study it must be repeated . many times a group do a study and reach a conclusion and others do a study and reach different conclusion
I posted this much earlier, and the vigilanties on this forum decided it wasn't science.

This is referred to as a 'captured agency'. The industry it is meant to regulate effectively owns it. Half of its budget comes from vaccine sales, it cannot legislate against something that is making it money.
and itt explained in far more detail in that time than what is explained now that why you are wrong
by the way its only one study it must be repeated . many times a group do a study and reach a conclusion and others do a study and reach different conclusion

I am aware of the caveats around the 'Science' magazine article and about what CDC said in that 'more comprehensive'. But I don't trust the CDC. I think they are the most unscientific of all health organizations in the Western world because CDC is greatly affected by the political pushes and pulls of the American system.

But Truth be told, no one knows the truth!! This is such an evolving situation--no pun intended! But muzzling of dissent by the authorities where distinguished scientists have been threatened, borders on the kind of dogmatic anti-science culture which had plagued much of the West until only recently.
CDC is an extension of American political system. CDC is not scientific in its current form. It will kill every other idea to get out of the pandemic other than mass vaccinations. Its influence is beyond America. I saw an Aussie complaining about that Australia is part of the larger Asian continent geographically but follows the American CDC blindly. The American political and cultural influence goes too much into other countries' decision making about the pandemic.
I posted this much earlier, and the vigilanties on this forum decided it wasn't science.

I don't know what happened to you but watch the latest videos about Covid and even in the liberal YouTube channel there is deep resentment about the official narrative. People are tired of this.
I am aware of the caveats around the 'Science' magazine article and about what CDC said in that 'more comprehensive'. But I don't trust the CDC. I think they are the most unscientific of all health organizations in the Western world because CDC is greatly affected by the political pushes and pulls of the American system.

But Truth be told, no one knows the truth!! This is such an evolving situation--no pun intended! But muzzling of dissent by the authorities where distinguished scientists have been threatened, borders on the kind of dogmatic anti-science culture which had plagued much of the West until only recently.
CDC is an extension of American political system. CDC is not scientific in its current form. It will kill every other idea to get out of the pandemic other than mass vaccinations. Its influence is beyond America. I saw an Aussie complaining about that Australia is part of the larger Asian continent geographically but follows the American CDC blindly. The American political and cultural influence goes too much into other countries' decision making about the pandemic.
let put it as it , you don't trust CDC, you don't trust WHO, what about Chinese counterpart , what about European or Russian one , even in Iran we have a counterpart to CDC that also state you must vaccinate ,or the rest of he world organization that deal with health care .

are they all part of world wide conspiracy
for every research that support not vaccinating there is more than hundreds that support vaccination
I don't know what happened to you but watch the latest videos about Covid and even in the liberal YouTube channel there is deep resentment about the official narrative. People are tired of this.
nothing happened to him , we in detail explained for him that mutation more likely happen in unvaccinated not vaccinated people and there in detail we went into why its so and explained to him why vaccinated people is more likely to get the mutated variant rather than the old ones and why its so and why it don't mean the mutation happened in their body
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Jakarta is more than 100 % fully vaccinated (some have taken booster), look like US and European people despite having better education still have large amount of the people who are anti vaccine
just if you knew how many young people die.

and by the way you guys say we glorify death, but you come here and very matter of factly say accept death. ,
in west its all lies that they respect life

Covid has a very low effect on young people, not higher than the seasonal flu

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