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The 'worst ever' mutant from South Africa: UK Banning Travel from some African Countries

no mass vaccination is not variant breeder , that's again misunderstanding the situation by Antivaxers, virus for propagation use our body but the process is not perfect and body make a lot of mistake in converting genetic codes to proteins . normally there are mechanism that eliminate those mistakes . but when there is millions of copying in a day , well some escape. and that's mutation for you.
now answer a question a vaccinated person make more copy of the virus or an AntiVaxer who didn't take vaccines. the answer is simple the one who didn't take the vaccine

so the abtivaxers are the breading ground for variants not the one who get vaccinated , in a vaccinated body virus don't have enough time to mutate

A well respected and known virologist made those statements of vaccinated breeding variants. You and I are nobody in this field of science compared to this guy.

It is well documented now that MRNA vaccines efficacy drops significantly over a few months. Also what is being injected in the body with these vaccines - the Spike Protein that is poisonous to the body!

Case in Israel and Belgium with this new variant - both were fully vaccinated. Majority of those admitted in hospitals in UK are double jabbed lot! Transmission and impact of new variants is significantly higher in the jabbed. Heart attacks are rising in jabbed young.

Many first in country jabbed elderly are DEAD! Read up! The whole narrative of lockdowns and getting jabbed to protect elderly turned out to be false.
Experts here already calm down. The vaccine appears to work quite well also on this variant
That 90 year old maybe an artist . He maybe someone who has employed 30 more people . He may pay enough tax so they can pay unemployment benefits for 30 person . Maybe next year he save the life of a 10 years old. Maybe if he live now he will be brain death 6 month later and you find in his will he donated his organs to save the life of several others. Or maybe he is not 90 year old but 40 years old.

Who says children are at zero risk . They have lower chance of symptomatic disease but when they become symptomatic they face very serious complication.

Everybody who has a passport or birth certificate has that ID

Children are at zero risk of dying. Fact.

Digital ID's are nothing like a passport or birth certificate.

In the UK the government has deployed the 77th ( Psychological warfare) Brigade to carry out propoganda on social media to support their narrative. The British army is actually going to war against it's own people to support the narrative.
here has been a policy of silencing anybody who doesn't believe in the narrative. Martin Kulldorf, Jay battacharia and sinitra Gupta of Oxford university have openly spoken out against this madness. The head of Oxford's evidence based medicine dept has said that there is a political agenda to this. I can see two agenda's at the moment.

Add to them Dr. Suneel Dhand who practices in the American northeast region but hinted at moving to some other area because of pressure and censorship. Senator Dr. Rand Paul starts his You Tube videos by saying he may not be allowed again by You Tube. Indeed, dissent from the official narrative has been difficult and I have not doubt many scientists and doctors are self-muzzled. Recently discovered this Aussie blogger with over 4 million subscriber. Look at how carefully he has to use his words trying to present an alternative view about the pandemic.


Here is Dr. Suneel Dhand. The video echoes my own position about the pandemic and about the Natural Immunity. And like this doctor, I too believe Covid will go away only because of a combination of Natural Immunity and Vaccination. The stupid drive to vaccinate 8+ billion people is not only impractical but may well cause more Variants to arise.
This is a must watch video. Feel the pain in the doctor's voice.

"The Great Barrington Declaration" had it been followed we would be in better situation. Lockdowns were too drastic because they were too generally applied. I saw an article in NY Times about SARS Cov-1 sometime in the spring of 2020 where the article said that evidence from 2000's epidemic showed the immunity lasts 'lifetime'. The article said that if SARS Cov-2 was anything like SARS Cov-1 then immunity should be long lasting. I knew that then, given that I am young and healthy and not around old people to risk them I decided to live my life as normally as laws would allow. So I have been living fairly normally since June 2020. I was criticized by some friends--some of them are no longer my friends after repeated insults. I am glad I followed my instincts and actually lived the past 18 months of my life instead of living in some basement afraid of my shadow.

Here is a video about the Great Barrington Declaration.

Never. Just take a booster every 6 months for the rest of your life. You know Pharmas need to make money.
I dont think any medication will help... Nature is just dictating the human race to slow down.. Nature will ensure that humans so not travel fast and exploit nature at the cost of other living beings...
I dont think any medication will help... Nature is just dictating the human race to slow down.. Nature will ensure that humans so not travel fast and exploit nature at the cost of other living beings...

Yes Nature through UN and WHO are implementing and propagating these viruses to achieve de-population targets.
South African Health minister saying that the new variant is not particularily dangerous, and can be treated with existing vaccines. But hey, the press and the politicians will tell you that this is the greatest threat to humanity...

As it looks now it could also be a blessing. South Africa says the new variant is extreme mild. No hard cases till now. It looks like the virus is more infectious than Delta but the cases have very mild symptoms. This could also be a game changer since it would outcompete the dominant delta form and brings hospitalisation down.
A well respected and known virologist made those statements of vaccinated breeding variants. You and I are nobody in this field of science compared to this guy.
First again wrong its my field of work and its my business to knew it
secondly mutation happen when the virus is being copied , and the number of copies are a lot more in unvaccinated peoples
It is well documented now that MRNA vaccines efficacy drops significantly over a few months. Also what is being injected in the body with these vaccines - the Spike Protein that is poisonous to the body!
there is no spike protein in mRNA vaccines and all vaccines loose their efficacy over time that's why we have booster doses
Case in Israel and Belgium with this new variant - both were fully vaccinated. Majority of those admitted in hospitals in UK are double jabbed lot! Transmission and impact of new variants is significantly higher in the jabbed. Heart attacks are rising in jabbed young.
the case in south Africa are not vaccinated and the virus has around 10 mutation the old vaccines are probably not a vaccine for that virus , but don't worry we soon will have appropriate vaccine for the virus
Many first in country jabbed elderly are DEAD! Read up! The whole narrative of lockdowns and getting jabbed to protect elderly turned out to be false.
First again wrong its my field of work and its my business to knew it
secondly mutation happen when the virus is being copied , and the number of copies are a lot more in unvaccinated peoples

there is no spike protein in mRNA vaccines and all vaccines loose their efficacy over time that's why we have booster doses

the case in south Africa are not vaccinated and the virus has around 10 mutation the old vaccines are probably not a vaccine for that virus , but don't worry we soon will have appropriate vaccine for the virus


Thats wrong, some vaccines work lifelong. Measels for example and Polio
check your fact
go study about MIS-C and by the way usa have around 5800 death in children 0-9 years

are you talking about covid or vaccines in general. so I can answer appropriately
In the UK the figure is virtually zero. In Canada it is zero. The UK's own scientific advisory body to the government advised against vaccinating children. I suggest you check your facts.
check your fact
go study about MIS-C and by the way usa have around 5800 death in children 0-9 years

are you talking about covid or vaccines in general. so I can answer appropriately

You said all vaccines lose efficiency over time, which is wrong.

I get my 3rd booster in 21st december^^

Im not worried about this new variant. South africa says all cases are very mild and it appears the vaccines also keep the effects of it down very well.

What i hate is the media making a big fuss.

fact is, when its detected now, it circulates since weeks so all this panic now is bullshit

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