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The World Without The US

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Arab counties would self destruct themselves? :rofl::rofl:
ROFL,Americans are are becoming very good joker day by day,after getting atom bomb gifted by Einstein this little cute country teaching us morale and life style.The country that can't even secure it's own people from dying like rats every day or every other day is talking about others.
And as for self destruct,i say buy weapons from American govt and sell it to their own public.
Then just grab pop corn and enjoy the "self-destruct" show.
They will phuck themselves up using freedom. :partay:
There's no chance of that happening to me. You got lucky.

I probably did. They are based in Europe. Some of them are half-Iranians. None (from what I could see) are pro-Mullah's. 1 of them was an Iranian Arab. The other an Azeri. The third a girl from Yazd originally.

Are there not many Iranian tourists in Turkey? That's what I hear. The largest diaspora in the region (that live permanently abroad) of Iranians is in the GCC, especially UAE. Somehow they get along with locals. Most are from neighboring Southern Iran though (Persians, Lur, Baloch and Arabs). We are quite similar to them (Southern Iranians) in fact but we both tend not to want to admit it in public due to current-day politics. I have nothing against the Southern Iranians that I have met. My feeling is that the Northern ones are a bit reserved. Just a feeling.

Just like I would probably prefer people from Southern Turkey and Anatolia rather than the city dwellers in Istanbul. People that live in big cities have not much time. They are busy. I like enjoying life and relaxing and interacting with locals when I am holidaying. It's part of the "experience".

Arab counties would self destruct themselves? :rofl::rofl:
ROFL,Americans are are becoming very good joker day by day,after getting atom bomb gifted by Einstein this little cute country teaching us morale and life style.The country that can't even secure it's own people from dying like rats every day or every other day is talking about others.
And as for self destruct,i say buy weapons from American govt and sell it to their own public.
Then just grab pop corn and enjoy the "self-destruct" show.
They will phuck themselves up using freedom. :partay:

Americans are causing chaos in the Arab world since the very start. They start wars, support terrorists, dictators, incompetent regimes etc. Only money matters for them and influence. Sadly people hail the most sellout regime in the Arab world (Qatari) currently. They just allowed the US an even bigger base in Qatar. It's a joke. Those small GCC states should have been a part of KSA. They are a liability by large.

Turns out that the military deal "signed" by KSA was a bluff. 100 billion if lucky. Personally I think it would be a good thing. We can spend that money better on our indigenous industry and with our partners.

I am 100% pro China. I like American people by large (studied there myself for some time), have a few American friends (some I have known for years), I like our educational cooperation and business cooperation but I don't like their foreign policy in the Arab world or in regards to our regimes in power.

Russia is just a smaller US. More useless since the cooperation (educational and business) is nowhere near so I would prefer the US over Russia though. Can't trust nobody.
Just like I would probably prefer people from Southern Turkey and Anatolia rather than the city dwellers in Istanbul.

I love Istanbul, but i'd never live there. Got cousins there, and they would never leave(they're native Istanulites). I am like you, i prefer the small town, boring laid back lifestyle of coastal Turkey.
I love Istanbul, but i'd never live there. Got cousins there, and they would never leave(they're native Istanulites). I am like you, i prefer the small town, boring laid back lifestyle of coastal Turkey.

Yes, I hear that it is a very nice city. Especially the historical areas.

I don't have anything against large cities or city life. I just prefer holidaying in places like the French Rivera or Turkish Rivera or our own Saudi Arabian (Red Sea) "Rivera" where you have a beautiful sea next door (many untouched areas), mountains in the background, wilderness, small cosy costal villages (fishing villages) and larger cities near you if you want the city life for one night or two. Especially during the summer. It depends who you travel with. I have travelled with both family and friends. Totally different experiences obviously.

I can see myself live in a large city (doing it currently) but it would only be temporary and only for study/work purposes. Can't see myself retire in a big city or life in a big city in my 40's, 50's (early 20's nowadays) etc.

I just need a lot of space. Whether it is a house or apartment or open spaces. I hate small apartments. I visited China (Hong Kong, Shanghai etc.) a few years ago and in such cities millions of people live in 30-40 m2 big apartments. Almost like animals in slaughterhouses in the West (pigs for instance). I feel like I am trapped. In KSA, due to the huge size of the country, we have completely wilderness not far from any population center. If you want to escape modern-day life you can easily escape to some isolated mountain, valley or desert area. Or if you life outside of Najd (center) or North, to the sea. Many people, even my age (youth) do it. For example mountain or desert camping is very popular. Friends or couples (in secret but not always) venture out in the wild, barbecue, drink coffee, tea, make a bonfire and just talk, relax and have fun. I really like that. Many people in KSA were Bedouins before WW2. So they moved around and lived with nature 24/7. Some (most) settled for half of the year. Sometimes you can envy such lifestyle today. Much more natural than being trapped in an concrete block IMO. Nowadays strapped in front of a computer/smartphone screen. Online 24/7 on social media. News from all over the world 24/7. We are not mentally designed to coop with all this information IMO.

BTW I like nature in general. I don't like concrete. I do not like modern architecture. I dislike areas that are propped with people (metros) etc.
It started from British empire when they put in Saudi family after ottoman sabotage.
They are the gate keepers like a pimp, who pimps out his whores who doesn't want to but he has her drugged up and beats her so out of fear she does anything to survive.
Saudi just keep pumping that oil for military industrial complex of USA.
saudi and their western allies did create isis and it was Muslim countries that suffered. not only that isis was drugged up and we have been hearing news lately Saudi and their drug bust.
Saudi also charging taxes an raising it. hajj brings enormous wealth still they hungry.
The history of the US is a joke in comparison.

10 out of 45 World UNESCO Heritage Sites in Spain (the country with the third most World Heritage Sites in the world) have full Arab/Moorish/Islamic heritage or partial Arab/Moorish/Islamic heritage. 900 years of Arab rule of most of Spain and Portugal.

Historic Walled Town of Cuenca (city name of Arabic origin):

Historic Centre of Córdoba (city name of Arabic origin):

Alhambra, Generalife and Albayzín (all names of Arabic origin)

Old Town of Ávila with its Extra-Muros Churches

Mudéjar Architecture of Aragon

Historic City of Toledo

Old City of Salamanca

Cathedral, Alcázar and Archivo de Indias in Seville (city name of Arabic origin)

Old Town of Cáceres (city name of Arabic origin)

Palmeral of Elche (biggest palm grove in Europe - planted originally by the Semitic Phoneicians but Arabs later expanded it) (City name of Arabic origin once again)

List of World Heritage Sites in Spain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The most famous Arab/Moorish/Islamic heritage site in Spain/most visited heritage site is Alhambra which means "The Red Castle" in Arabic. It is located in Granada, Andalusia.


Here are two excellent documentaries about Al-Andalus.

There are of course many other heritage sites but they are not admitted to the list of World UNESCO Heritage Sites. Yet that is. Some might in the future.

Over 1/4 of the current-day vocabulary of Spanish used on a daily basis derives from Arabic


Arabic/Moorish/Islamic culture influenced Spain on many fronts. Influences seen to this very day in the language, cuisine, architecture, traditions, music etc. Meanwhile the same Spain later influenced Latin America greatly which is why Latin America is influenced by Arabic/Islamic culture likewise, aside from the 30 million Latin Americans of Arab origin. The largest Arab diaspora in the world. Same story with Portugal and its colonies.

Lastly many people seem to equal Al-Andalus with Spain but they often forget that Portugal was there as well and Southern Portugal was probably as influenced as Southern Spain. Genetically as well as confirmed by DNA results of today.

Over 20 000 Arabic words in the Portuguese language… : Muslim in the Midst…


"One contemporary translator from Arabic into Portuguese, Adalberto Alves, is currently compiling a list of Portuguese words of Arabic origin and has found more than twenty thousand of them. This fruitful interaction between the two languages led to a linguistic phenomenon which arose in the medieval period called aljamiado, whereby Portuguese was written in Arabic characters. This medieval period could be seen as a first phase of the interaction between the Portuguese and the Arabic languages."

Al-Garb Al-Andalus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aljamiado - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lisbon – an Arab city in the heart of Europe | Syria News Wire

Portugal | History | Islam | GlobalPost

Sadly this very detailed lecture (almost 2 hours long) from Casa Árabe is without English subtitles.

A leading Spanish professor in Al-Andalus talks about all the topics I have mentioned and many more. For 2 hours.

US is just a mixture of migrants from across the world. It is no real country.

50 million Americans are starving. 30 million African-Americans. 50 + million Latinos. And KFC and McDonalds.

They are already on the retreat ever since 1991.

They had their 100 years of glory. This century or certainly the next will belong to Asia.

Is this the new version of 1000 Arabian nights ?
Is this the new version of 1000 Arabian nights ?

Why do you say that? Everything that I wrote in that post (even provided graphical evidence) are facts. You can google those World UNESCO Heritage Sites one by one. I have visited several of them (most in fact).
@Attila the Hun



You are 50% Persian and 10 - 15 % Mongol - Turk.


It started from British empire when they put in Saudi family after ottoman sabotage.
They are the gate keepers like a pimp, who pimps out his whores who doesn't want to but he has her drugged up and beats her so out of fear she does anything to survive.
Saudi just keep pumping that oil for military industrial complex of USA.
saudi and their western allies did create isis and it was Muslim countries that suffered. not only that isis was drugged up and we have been hearing news lately Saudi and their drug bust.
Saudi also charging taxes an raising it. hajj brings enormous wealth still they hungry.

You are like a parrot. KSA was never a Western colony. House of Saud conquered most of modern-day Saudi Arabia before the Brits had even ventured inside the Middle East. In fact 100 years before.

The House of Saud had nothing to do with the Arab Revolt. It was the Hashemites in Hijaz and other Arab dynasties in Syria (Sham) and Iraq that revolted. Brits, due to the Ottomans being German Empire allies, saw that as an opportunity (WW1) to expand in a very strategical and rich region of the world.

You don't even know the basics yet you blabber.

Stop focusing on KSA. Every Muslim regime is either directly or indirectly controlled or strongly influenced by the West. Even Russia's policy is controlled by the West due to sanctions. It is thanks to the same West that they even modernized during Peter the Great. Face it, for the past 500 years, the world has been shaped by the West. Before it was by Muslims and people in the Muslim world (mainly Middle East and South Asia but not only). Today we are laughing stocks by large. The blame lies in many places. A start is the Mongol destruction in 1258. We never overcame this IMO.

BTW what do you say about Pakistan then? Funded in 1947. Prior to that a British colony. Most of Pakistan's elite back then was British educated. Your Indian-born funder was educated in the UK and practiced law there if I am not wrong.
Fact is that the US has done more harm against Arabs than any other region of the Muslim world. They are not good for anything by large outside of the educational cooperation. Their governments are supporting Arab regimes. Playing double games. You should know as a Turk. The popularity of the US is at an all-time low in Turkey too. I know because my Turkish bros tell me in person.

I thought you were ultra pro-US. Did you change or was I wrong?
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