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The Woes of Indian Muslims

Not to mention victimhood mentality, rejection of modern education and total subservience to local mullahs and politicians who use them just for their political mileage. I can't believe they even fell for conspiracy theories like " Polio drops is a western conspiracy to sterlize Muslim children".

There is no doubt that the Muslims being the largest minority in India is the worst off. They should learn from other successful minorities like Sikhs, Parsis, Jains, Christians etc how to integrate to the mainstream and get the benefits out of it. No one can reform a community from outside, the change has to come from within.

i agree with you.
same crap posting again and again, I dont know why Pakistanis have to be the flag bearers for Muslims all over the world, from Israel to India, they are everytime cribbing for something, its funny when in their own land Ahmadias are treated like crap and called non-Muslims, you should hear what some of them have to say about Pakistan here in Toronto. Its even more hilarious as a land supposedly created for Muslims is among the biggest discriminators against muslims themselves.
Some require to bring in extraneous but sensational disinformation into the forefront so that they find comfort from their horrendous, dangerous and compromised situation.

Bless them if they find solace and comfort in the assuming issues that pleases the cockles of their heart, even as the next suicide bomber decimates another 10 or 12, inspite of being co religionists in sharing the believe in the same God.

If India has a problem as assumed by some Pakistanis, then could it be that they are all not co-religionist?

Differences do pose problems.

I am sure India can be forgiven to some extent, but can Pakistan be when they are killing their own, not as an exception, but as a rule, almost daily?
we had about 65 Muslims in my 10 division out of 240 odd students . we still keep in touch, with our old boys website and school newsletters . about 45 of them went into business for them selfs , while the rest went into service . in my 35 yrs i have not seen any discrimination towards any Muslims , yeah it does exists but then tell me a place in this world where discrimination does not exist? if not towards your religion then towards your skin , your eating habits or sexual orientation ect... .
no need for our Pakistani friends to feel that they are the flag bearers of the Muslims of the world.
i doubt if i asked any Indian Muslim today if he wants to go to Pakistan he would say yes , considering the state of Pakistan today . no offense intended but improve the situation for your own people and dont worry about others. you dont see Indians on this forum screaming about how Indians are treated over the world.
my dear friend leave the blame games for the politicians , they benefit from this we dont , go strive to do better , thats all it takes to make a nation great .
Tbh I think it is a small minority of ignorant people who still think like this. Yes, not so long ago, Hindus and Muslims have had troubles but this was due to a number if factors such as bear-baiting politicians. I think nowadays, from what i hear, things have improved dramatically and there seems to be an inclusive nature to India and her new found prosperity. Just look at the recent Ayodhya verdict- no riots, no bloodshed. Indians are proud of their democratic and secular country and minorities live equal and free lives in India- unlike in some other countries who border her. Just look at other minorities such as Sikhs and Christians they are well represented and protected- it is protected by the Indian constitution. From her birth in 1947 India was founded as a secular and democratic nation and no amount of $hit stirring from other nationalities shall change this. These sort if tactics of dividing and conquering have happened before- look at Khalistan movement in Punjab in 1990s, it was reported ISI was heavily involved in backing them but now Punjab is one of the most prosperous states in India and most Sikhs are happy and proud to be part of India and its TRILLION dollor economy.

Is there room for improvement? Yes, of course there is but India is slowly but surely getting there.
I'll say the most accurate information is drawn from experience in this case. I haven't come across many Muslims in my life, except two who girls who were in my class at school. In all my school life, and theirs, there never was an instance of discrimination against them. The only time in fact their religion was mentioned, and nothing more than that happened, was when the riots in Gujarat had flared up. And anyway we were gullible kids then, so....Anyway, one of them was and is one of the coolest, most popular girls I know. She even has a Hindu boyfriend. The other one....well she's dumb. But this is just me telling you that Muslims are not discriminated against in educated circles....at least, I haven't seen any such instance.
There are both kind of views about this some times positive sometimes bad. But i think pesonaly that general public of both countries wish to live like good neighbours
if pakistani's or other muslim countries care so much for muslims here in india please take them to your country
we are more than happy to send the
just don't whine about everyday and post same crap again and again
You seem like relative of hindu extremist bal thakrey as he also love to send indian muslims in pakistan :D
Thank god Indian Muslims can vote for a non Muslim, does not gets taxed more for being a 'minority' or is treated as a 3rd class citizen,

and Oh oh--- Indian Muslims also are more patriotic i.e. they don't think of themselves ( majority) as Muslim first and Then Indian...:P

I dont think its true because for all muslim islam is above their country And they are even allowed to leave their country if its difficult or hard for them to practice islam there. I dont doubt that indian muslim love india but i doubt that their love for india is stronger than their love for islam unless they are just muslim by name for example shah rukh khan whose married is legal according to indian law but its not valid marrige according to his religion islam
we had about 65 Muslims in my 10 division out of 240 odd students . we still keep in touch, with our old boys website and school newsletters . about 45 of them went into business for them selfs , while the rest went into service . in my 35 yrs i have not seen any discrimination towards any Muslims , yeah it does exists but then tell me a place in this world where discrimination does not exist? if not towards your religion then towards your skin , your eating habits or sexual orientation ect... .
no need for our Pakistani friends to feel that they are the flag bearers of the Muslims of the world.
i doubt if i asked any Indian Muslim today if he wants to go to Pakistan he would say yes , considering the state of Pakistan today . no offense intended but improve the situation for your own people and dont worry about others. you dont see Indians on this forum screaming about how Indians are treated over the world.
my dear friend leave the blame games for the politicians , they benefit from this we dont , go strive to do better , thats all it takes to make a nation great .

You have just contradicted yourself there.

I am not sure whether you have lived outside India and so may never have been in a situation where you have been a powerless minority so let me give you an idea what it is to live somewhere where you are not in the majority

Here in the UK, there is quite explicit racism in the jobs market. You know this is true even without working in a company just by seeing the number of responses you will get if you put your CV on the internet and see how many responses you get. Then if you change your name to something that sounds more "white" you get a lot more interview offers, even with exactly the same CV. So that is racism even before you have the job.

Now say you have cleared this hurdle then there is the issue of how you are treated and the opportunities for promotion. By in the large, British whites in the UK are less qualified and work less hard to get the same job as a minority worker. The white management do not seem to have any shame in keeping things this way. And even if a minority person becomes a manager, he knows that unless he treats his white workers better than the others, his white superiors will find some way to get rid of him.

It is possible to succeed as a minority in the UK but you must work harder and be much better than your white colleagues for the same position. And you may ask why I put up with this? At this moment in time the alternative in BD is worse.
I dont think its true because for all muslim islam is above their country And they are even allowed to leave their country if its difficult or hard for them to practice islam there. I dont doubt that indian muslim love india but i doubt that their love for india is stronger than their love for islam unless they are just muslim by name for example shah rukh khan whose married is legal according to indian law but its not valid marrige according to his religion islam

keeping country second than religion is ruining pakistan today,i like iran for this.i dont know wat will be the future if u guys keep thinking like this.
keeping country second than religion is ruining pakistan today,i like iran for this.i dont know wat will be the future if u guys keep thinking like this.
Whats wrong with holding your beliefs more dear than your land ? Kindly elaborate how its ruining pakistan.
Whats wrong with holding your beliefs more dear than your land ? Kindly elaborate how its ruining pakistan.

the problem is that the beliefs are very very subjective. They can be twisted with ease to justify very different kinds of things. Islam is a religion of peace and the mujahideen and taliban fight in its name.

If one holds country above beliefs then one can think objectively about whether the action will benefit the country or not. If the beliefs are held higher one acts according to the beliefs and their interpretations regardless of the consequence of the action.

This however is the wrong forum for such debates. lets just stick to the conditions of muslims in india for now.
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