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The Vietnam Solution

You can keep KMT to not collapse, Taiwan to independence.
KMT's full name translated into English is Chinese Nationalist Party (中国国民党), while Taiwan's official name is Republic of China.

Sorry Viet monkey, whether it's PRC or ROC, we're still going to punish you.
That's right, the northern part of Vietnam was historically the land of China, and we will take it back in the near future as we are simply keeping our own land. :coffee:

Wrong, China invaded our country, then we beat China and regain independence for Vietnam.

The history of Vietnam is one of the longest continuous histories in the world, with the oldest archaeological findings showing that people have been living there as far back as over a half million years ago.[1] Ancient Vietnam was home to some of the world's earliest civilizations, with a cultural history of over 20,000 years - making them one of the world's first peoples who practiced agriculture.[2][3] The Red River valley forms a natural geographic and economic unit, bounded to the north and west by mountains and jungles, to the east by the sea and to the south by the Red River Delta. The needs to have a single authority to prevent floods of the Red River, cooperation in constructing hydraulic systems, trade exchange, and fight against invaders, led to the creation of the first Vietnamese states in 2879 BC.[4] The first truly influential part of history in Vietnam occurred during the Bronze Age, when the Đông Sơn culture was in Vietnam, dramatically advancing their level of civilization. Vietnam's peculiar geography made it a difficult country to attack, which is why Vietnam under Hùng Vương was for so long an independent and self-contained state. The Âns and Qins were among the earliest foreign aggressions of Vietnam, but the ancient Vietnamese regained control of their country soon after their invasions.
KMT's full name translated into English is Chinese Nationalist Party (中国国民党), while Taiwan's official name is Republic of China.

Sorry Viet monkey, whether it's PRC or ROC, we're still going to punish you.

Manchu guy, turn back to China to do something for independence of Manchukuo. Don't troll here Han chinese look down at you.
Well according to your Viet monkey logic, we controlled it for over a thousand years without problem, so that must mean it's ours.

Wrong again! During China invaded Vietnam, Vietnamese continued with the resistance movement against the invasion of China, and finally ending with the Battle of Bach Dang River in 938 killed over 100,000 chinese soldiers and captured the rest.
Moreover, China invaded Vietnam after the use of force caused war of aggression against Vietnam feudal state. It can not be called a "peacefully". Idiot.
Wrong again! During China invaded Vietnam, Vietnamese continued with the resistance movement against the invasion of China, and finally ending with the Battle of Bach Dang River in 938 killed over 100,000 chinese soldiers and captured the rest.
Moreover, China invaded Vietnam after the use of force caused war of aggression against Vietnam feudal state. It can not be called a "peacefully". Idiot.
So you invaded our water, stole our island, pirated our fishermen and tried to claim it as "peaceful control"? So according to your logic again, you stole those islands and fully deserved the 1988 and 1974 sinking.

You're quite the retard you know that? Of course you don't. Afterall, you're nothing more than a Viet jungle monkey.
So you invaded our water, stole our island, pirated our fishermen and tried to claim it as "peaceful control"? So according to your logic again, you stole those islands and fully deserved the 1988 and 1974 sinking.

You're quite the retard you know that? Of course you don't. Afterall, you're nothing more than a Viet jungle monkey.

Don't repeat such idiot thing bro, what chinese brain washed you.
Viet regained independence from China 938 AC.
What about Manchuria and Manchu people. Where was Manchu in ancient time ? You can join for movement to clam idependence of Manchu Kuo.

So you invaded our water, stole our island, pirated our fishermen and tried to claim it as "peaceful control"? So according to your logic again, you stole those islands and fully deserved the 1988 and 1974 sinking.

You're quite the retard you know that? Of course you don't. Afterall, you're nothing more than a Viet jungle monkey.

More wrong. Vietnam feudal state went there and have managed both the Paracels and Spratlys without using any force to seize the islands. There was not any a war occurs when Vietnamese began to go there. The simple reason, it is because earlier both the Paracels and Spratlys were not managed of any country.
People here profess a war will settle the dispute. But they do not understand it will be a "social trap" for China. If it so open and shut case, China's leaders would have acted by now.

first,we never seek a war to solve conflicts,but if related country shows a kind of determination which it seem they never make a concession,why we should compromise?
second,in this forum,you indian always against chinese,i never see one of you,stand in our chinese situation to think,you guys should be careful,what you opposed and troll,the original reason is that you look china as a opponent,and as long as it is against china,you never think about whether it is wrong or right,and you indian never have seniorities to judge a conflict between china and antoher country,when you prepare a fair and clear attitude of china,we welcome you indian people with best regards.and this also suits chinese people here.
third,i just a nomal patriot,i just cannot bear the words you indian entry,and make a small step to fight back.
is there an Indian island much closer to Burma than to India?so based on your theory that your Andaman Islands should be indisputable part of Burma,so why not give back the islands to Burma?
that was part of british india and given as part of that.. if they had given that to burmese then india would not have complained.. but thats another story..
my question is not a troll.. just sincerely asking... how come suddenly you are claiming almost the shore of indonesia and malysia...

Diaoyu Island is much closer to China, yet Japan still illegally occupies it. :coffee:
fine.. but my question is this.. will you agree if india claim entire indian ocean and you have to pay tax to travel thru it?
Millions of Chinese? LOL! I don't think there's even that many Chinese over there. Are you suffering from delusions again? We can kill you by the boatloads if 1988 and 1974 weren't enough.

You know, before 1979, there were about 4 milion chinese in VN, so it should be the same number of chinese living in Laos-Camb too, and now, in VN there are only about 2 mil of chinese living in VN-Laos-Cam, so you can guess how many chinese were'missing in action' right ??:coffee:
That's okay. It will give us justification to wipe your race completely off the map in the name of self defence
Hehee, you had a good justification to wipe us off from 1979 already, problem is you still too weak to do it , so let sit and see we will wipe you off in ASEAN first :P
'Missing in action'? LOL They didn't miss the actions in Vietnam, they moved to various parts of the world and doing much better then what they would've done if they stayed. Now they are thriving in the US, Canada , Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore. Indonesia..... etc with over 5 million strong. Thanks Vietnam for being so nice to the Hoa.
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