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The Vietnam Solution

They are the middle class Chinese travelling in the western countries, who wanna spend money to go to your sh!thole? :coffee:

If you travel to abroad with a tourist visa, you will be counted as a tourist without knowing that you went to Vietnam to the illegal labor.

BuT China is still China and becomes bigger and bigger.

It will collapse and be split if it Continues Trying to expand the territory to other countries. Many empires so.
Your full power sailor went to the bottom of the ocean in 1988. Maybe we'll send your "full power" race there too. We'll make the damage Americans did to your country seem like a paper cut in comparison.
You only killed few VN sailor, but we killed and loot from millions chinese in Laos-Camb-Thailand , so who lost more than who ??:P
Sonyuke_Songpaisan said:
You mean you will attack overseas Chinese if sino-viets war broke out?
Of course, white cat, black cat is still the cat, chinese every where is the same...but chinese in ASEAN is much richer and have more gold to loot :P
ChineseTiger1986 said:
Too bad that Martian lives in US, while you lowlife Viet gangsters aren't the Ku Klux Klan there, it is simply not your home turf.
Hope he will fight against VN for chinese in ASEAN as he promised:P
You Viets wanna swallow too much, and you better to worry your digestion problems. :coffee:

We are not greedy like China, who claimed waters off the coast of China thousands of nautical miles, even very close the beach of Malaysia and the Philippines. :lol:

We are not greedy like China, who claimed waters off the coast of China thousands of nautical miles, even very close the beach of Malaysia and the Philippines. :lol:


We discovered it first with our advanced sailing technology during the ancient time, while your ancestors still lived in the jungle when the ancient Chinese have discovered those islands.

So it is not yours. :coffee:
You only killed few VN sailor, but we killed and loot from millions chinese in Laos-Camb-Thailand , so who lost more than who ??:P
Millions of Chinese? LOL! I don't think there's even that many Chinese over there. Are you suffering from delusions again? We can kill you by the boatloads if 1988 and 1974 weren't enough.

Of course, white cat, black cat is still the cat, chinese every where is the same...but chinese in ASEAN is much richer and have more gold to loot :P

Hope he will fight against VN for chinese in ASEAN as he promised:P
That's okay. It will give us justification to wipe your race completely off the map in the name of self defence.
but a question to chinese. how can you claim an island so far away and closer to other countries. what is the logic in that move?
but a question to chinese. how can you claim an island so far away and closer to other countries. what is the logic in that move?

is there an Indian island much closer to Burma than to India?so based on your theory that your Andaman Islands should be indisputable part of Burma,so why not give back the islands to Burma?
China is the last people went to the two islands, after the islands were controlled by the Vietnamese feudal state for hundreds of years ago.
In 1946 taking advantage of the chaos after WW2 Japan left the two islands after surrender the Allied , Chiang's army had illegally occupied some islands.
Remember, Japan invaded the two islands in 1939 from Vietnam.

China has used force to rob the Paracel Islands from Vietnam in 1974, and robbing some of reefs in the Spratly Islands from Vietnam in 1988. Earlier Vietnam controls both the islands (Paracels and Spratlys)

Nine dotted line claim of chinese only began to appear in 1948, after Chiang Kai-shek was thought that china was a superpower, but he did not know that china only real escape from Japan due to the help of the Soviet and the U.S.

Nine-dotted line - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Chinese scholar dismisses U-shaped East Sea line as baseless

A Chinese scholar has objected to a U-shaped line that China has put in its maps to bring most of the East Sea under its sovereignty, including Vietnam’s Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) Islands, calling it imaginary and having no legal foundation.
The line, also known as the “nine-dotted line,” “nine-dash line,” or “cow tongue line,” started to appear last year in American and Italian journals that cited Chinese articles with maps portraying more than 80 percent of the South China Sea, known in Vietnam as the East Sea, as belonging to China.

The concern grew after Google Maps also depicted the line several times.

But Li Ling Hua, a researcher for more than 20 years at China's National Oceanographic Data and Information Center, and the author of more than 90 reports on maritime issues and maritime laws, said at a conference June 14 that “The nine-dash line on the Nan Hai (or the East Sea) is unreal," according to a Tien Phong report Sunday.

"The line was established by our predecessors with no longitudes or latitudes, and it was not based on any laws or regulations.

“It was merely a unilateral announcement by China in 1947.”

He said the Chinese government has never officially announced the U-shaped line, but many textbooks and newspapers consider it the official sea border, making most Chinese believe it.

The Chinese government needs to clarify the legitimacy of the line, “or there will be clashes in the future” when Chinese people rely on the line to oppose any country they think is violating it.
The conference drew many scholars and saw arguments over solutions to the dispute between what the Chinese media described as “hawks” and “doves,” the latter also comprising the 66-year-old Li.

He urged the government to resolve the dispute peacefully based on international laws and regulations.

“Last month, when lecturing researchers over oceanographic studies and Chinese sea borders at Wu Han University, I also said that the real legal foundation has to be the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Sea.”

China is a member of the convention, so it should not have drawn its own borders after strong objection from the Vietnamese and Philippine governments, he said.

Countries bordering the East Sea should rely on the convention instead of their own policies to establish their 200-nautical mile exclusive economic zones and continental shelves, he said.

“Then people in every country in the area, including China, will have a 200-nautical mile area, large enough for fishing and developing marine resources.

“If neighboring countries develop economically in the future, China will also benefit. We should have a global point of view.”

The conference was organized by the Tianze Economic Research Institute and news website Sina.com to discuss national sovereignty and international regulations related to the East Sea dispute.


Vietnam latest news - Thanh Nien Daily | Chinese scholar dismisses U-shaped East Sea line as baseless
If you travel to abroad with a tourist visa, you will be counted as a tourist without knowing that you went to Vietnam to the illegal labor.

It will collapse and be split if it Continues Trying to expand the territory to other countries. Many empires so.

we dont have the willing to expand, we just want to keep what we own.
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