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The Vietnam Solution

I'm just saying that I'm looking forward to war as much as you Vietnamese guys.

During peacetime, borders don't move. After a war (like the five day war between Russia and Georgia), borders become very fluid and the winner can redraw it as they see fit.

I wouldn't mind China annexing 20% of Vietnam. Our country will only grow bigger and it will teach you guys an important lesson: not to mess with us. It will cost you dearly.

We don't want war. We're not crazy.
Georgia was the first cause of war.

You chinese cannot stop thinking expansionism?
I'm just saying that I'm looking forward to war as much as you Vietnamese guys.

During peacetime, borders don't move. After a war (like the five day war between Russia and Georgia), borders become very fluid and the winner can redraw it as they see fit.

I wouldn't mind China annexing 20% of Vietnam. Our country will only grow bigger and it will teach you guys an important lesson: not to mess with us. It will cost you dearly.

Here is the Georgian President Mikheil Saashkavili when he realized the Russians were coming. Similary, your Vietnamese leadership will be very anxious after a real war starts. Talk is cheap. When the PLA comes for you idiots, you'll be eating ties too.

Wet dream of idiot boy. Go to washing dish and plates in chinese restorants in US is good job.
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We don't want war. We're not crazy.
Georgia was the first cause of war.

You chinese cannot stop thinking expansionism?
Maybe if you Viet monkeys still thinking about stealing our sovereign sea and islands, we wouldn't have to think about crushing your bones.

Wet dream of idiot boy. Go to washing dish and plates in chinese restorants in US is good job.
Well even if he was a dishwasher, he'd still have a legitimate job unlike a certain portion of Viet monkeys in U.S. leeching off everybody else with your drug trade and welfare fraud.
Maybe if you Viet monkeys still thinking about stealing our sovereign sea and islands, we wouldn't have to think about crushing your bones.

Well even if he was a dishwasher, he'd still have a legitimate job unlike a certain portion of Viet monkeys in U.S. leeching off everybody else with your drug trade and welfare fraud.

What do you have based on to say that we stole your islands?, while both the Paracels and the Spratlys, China used force to steal them from Vietnam in 1974 and 1988.

Which islands where China was before 1974 and 1988? Nothing!
Maybe if you Viet monkeys still thinking about stealing our sovereign sea and islands, we wouldn't have to think about crushing your bones.

Well even if he was a dishwasher, he'd still have a legitimate job unlike a certain portion of Viet monkeys in U.S. leeching off everybody else with your drug trade and welfare fraud.

I don't say washing dish is illegitimate job, I stated : good job.:D
What do you have based on to say that we stole your islands?, while both the Paracels and the Spratlys, China used force to steal them from Vietnam in 1974 and 1988.

Which islands where China was before 1974 and 1988? Nothing!
If you stole a guy's house, but the guy didn't beat you up until a few months after the fact, does that make you the rightful owner? We're coming to take back what is ours. Our constitution stated our boundary clearly, we're not claiming an extra inch that's not ours.

I don't say washing dish is illegitimate job, I stated : good job.:D
Welfare fraud and drug trade are good jobs now? In that case, you Viets would be master of good jobs.
If you stole a guy's house, but the guy didn't beat you up until a few months after the fact, does that make you the rightful owner? We're coming to take back what is ours. Our constitution stated our boundary clearly, we're not claiming an extra inch that's not ours.

Welfare fraud and drug trade are good jobs now? In that case, you Viets would be master of good jobs.

Actually, before the Chinese use of force to seize the islands from Vietnam in 1974 and 1988, and while Chiang Kai-shek government taking advantage of the chaos after WW2 to occupy some islands in 1946, earlier China has never owned two islands.

Vietnam has sufficient evidence to prove we have occupied the two islands peacefully, continuously and in fact from hundreds of years ago.

According UNCLOS1982, you only could occupy them peacefully, continuously and in fact, not on China's big mouth and especially not allowed to use force to invade them from other countries...
If you stole a guy's house, but the guy didn't beat you up until a few months after the fact, does that make you the rightful owner? We're coming to take back what is ours. Our constitution stated our boundary clearly, we're not claiming an extra inch that's not ours.

Welfare fraud and drug trade are good jobs now? In that case, you Viets would be master of good jobs.

You lies, read again my post.
Welfare fraud and drug trade is available every where in the world, not only in USA.

High-purity Southeast Asian (SEA) heroin dominated the market in the United States during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Over the past few years, however, all indicators point to a decrease in SEA heroin available domestically. Significant investigations led to the incarceration in Thailand and extradition to the United States of more than a dozen high-level violators who played key roles in moving SEA heroin shipments to the United States. SEA heroin trafficking links run from independent brokers and shippers in Asia through overseas Chinese criminal populations to ethnic Chinese criminal wholesale distributors in the United States. In the United States, ethnic Chinese criminals rely upon local criminal organizations for the distribution of SEA heroin. Despite the recent decline in the trafficking of SEA heroin in the United States, Chinese criminal groups remain the most sophisticated heroin trafficking organizations in the world.

Heroin Trafficking - NCBuy Health Center
You lies, read again my post.
Welfare fraud and drug trade is available every where in the world, not only in USA.

High-purity Southeast Asian (SEA) heroin dominated the market in the United States during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Over the past few years, however, all indicators point to a decrease in SEA heroin available domestically. Significant investigations led to the incarceration in Thailand and extradition to the United States of more than a dozen high-level violators who played key roles in moving SEA heroin shipments to the United States. SEA heroin trafficking links run from independent brokers and shippers in Asia through overseas Chinese criminal populations to ethnic Chinese criminal wholesale distributors in the United States. In the United States, ethnic Chinese criminals rely upon local criminal organizations for the distribution of SEA heroin. Despite the recent decline in the trafficking of SEA heroin in the United States, Chinese criminal groups remain the most sophisticated heroin trafficking organizations in the world.

Heroin Trafficking - NCBuy Health Center
You do such good work that police can't even handle you.

Police 'can't cope' as Vietnamese flood drugs trade | UK news | The Observer

In the United States, ethnic Chinese criminals rely upon local criminal organizations for the distribution of SEA heroin. Despite the recent decline in the trafficking of SEA heroin in the United States, Chinese criminal groups remain the most sophisticated heroin trafficking organizations in the world.
In the United States, ethnic Chinese criminals rely upon local criminal organizations for the distribution of SEA heroin. Despite the recent decline in the trafficking of SEA heroin in the United States, Chinese criminal groups remain the most sophisticated heroin trafficking organizations in the world.

Vietnamese and other ethnic Asian criminal gangs smuggling illicit drugs from Canada into the U.S., dominate the narcotics trade along the northern border, according to the Department of Justice.

That's right, I got the US Department of Justice to back up my claim. You on the other hand, pulled some unknown third rate website called NCBuy. Perhaps you should start attending school in Vietnam, not that it'll help you much though from the looks of it.
Vietnamese and other ethnic Asian criminal gangs smuggling illicit drugs from Canada into the U.S., dominate the narcotics trade along the northern border, according to the Department of Justice.

That's right, I got the US Department of Justice to back up my claim. You on the other hand, pulled some unknown third rate website called NCBuy. Perhaps you should start attending school in Vietnam, not that it'll help you much though from the looks of it.

Don't lies, read how media in USA reported about ethnic chinese do this fraud bussiness related to heroin.
All the countries along South China sea should settle the dispute in Spratlys peacefully jointly develop the resources there. It would be a win-win scenario for everyone. If a country seek to have total control over the islands, there would be military conflicts and the strongest navy would win all the islands. And the strongest navy in SCS region is not Vietnam.

Don't lies, read how media in USA reported about ethnic chinese do this fraud bussiness related to heroin.

I live in America and there are both Chinese and Vietnamese criminal gangs. As well as black and hispanic gangs. So lets end the discussion about gangs and get back to topic.
Don't lies, read how media in USA reported about ethnic chinese do this fraud bussiness related to heroin.

Brother, no need to point fingers, once a trash always a trash. Throw out the trash and focus on the point.

All the countries along South China sea should settle the dispute in Spratlys peacefully jointly develop the resources there. It would be a win-win scenario for everyone. If a country seek to have total control over the islands, there would be military conflicts and the strongest navy would win all the islands. And the strongest navy in SCS region is not Vietnam.

I live in America and there are both Chinese and Vietnamese criminal gangs. As well as black and hispanic gangs. So lets end the discussion about gangs and get back to topic.

You're so smart, you should run for president. I believe you will get somewhere.
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