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The Vietnam Solution

Chinese and Soviet military technologies were decisive. North Vietnam only supplied bodies.

1. Total Vietnamese casualties were in the millions. The kill ratio was roughly 10 to 1 in favor of the U.S. Also, Agent Orange and DDT are still present in the Vietnamese ecosystem wreaking havoc.

2. China and the Soviet Union provided unimaginable supplies to North Vietnam to fight the United States. Without Chinese and Soviet help, the U.S. would have bombed North Vietnam with impunity. It was Chinese anti-aircraft guns that caused 1 out of 3 U.S. planes to fall out of the sky. The Soviet SAM missiles had a success rate of 1 in 20.

The North Vietnamese lacked the technology to resist American airpower. It was China and the Soviet Union that decimated the U.S. Air Force. Without Chinese and Soviet help, a North Vietnamese military "victory" was impossible (e.g. U.S. decided to go home; the U.S. Army was never crushed by the Viets).

Chinese stopped help from 1968 to show his face against socialist pack and licked his new daddy USA @.
Your ignorance is annoying.

U.S. is sending four LCS (littoral combat ship) on a rotational basis to Singapore. It has no military effect. LCS are large sitting ducks intended for littoral combat.


U.S. plans 10-month warship deployment to Singapore | Reuters

"May 10, 2012 – The government has discussed hosting up to four such U.S. "Littoral Combat Ships," or LCS, on a rotational basis at its naval facilities."

What a fool!

These are the warships suitable for narrow areas such as the Malacca Strait.

They're not just there for fun!
Your interpretation run around, it is subjective and groundless. Just look at your quotation: at #3
America says that she has national interests in the East Sea, it is because of the following reasons:

She is sending 4 wasships to singapore to ensure security in the Strait of Malacca, she also wants the same thing in the East Sea. Just Philippines or Vietnam say OK like Singapore...

Run around, subjective and groundless? Now you got me going and unfortunately I have no idea what you are talking about. Let me put it this way, all my analysis is based on the article of the OP and interpreted what the US announced recently. If my interpretations are not what you want then we have differences of interpretations. No big deal, life goes on.

As far as the US sent 4 warships to Singapore to secure the Malacca Strait, it has nothing to do with the issues at hand, They are not here to protect VN interests in the SCS. The freedom of navigation through the SCS, it's a non issue, because all the 6 claimants are fighting for the islands not the sea. The 200km of EEZ doesn't prohibit freedom of navigation and any commercial vessel can pass through within 12 miles of any islands.

You keep bringing the US in as she'll protect your interests, well she's not. She's even having a hard time to find a reason for her warships to linger in this area, and that's why she's going around to ask for bases.
Your country was defeat consecutive by Manchuria, Mongolia; 6 power divided your country as a cake, Japanese destroyed your country, and without the help of Soviet and American, more likely both China and Taiwan now hang the rising sun flag.

How can you understand how is the winner? :lol:

Vietnam' Navy:

You need to read up on "animal farm" but since its banned in your communist country, you cannot not get a hand on it. When the term "animal farm" is implied, it means that the communist elite oppress their people, even more so than the capitalists that they replaced. Even tough the communist elite come to power base on equality for all people. In the end, there is no equality. Its just one leach replace by another. So when the Vietcong took power, the winners are not the people, but only the communist elite. The Vietnamese people are the losers in the communist take over.
There are many reasons China doesn't act first, she doesn't want to seem as the aggressor and in fact she's not. All her actions in SCS so far were the reactions of other players' aggressive moves. Secondly China's preparing for the worst, however unlikely, that is the US physical involvements. She believes in a few years she'll buildup enough naval deterrent for the US even try to attempt to get involve.

Time is on China's side, the islands are not going anywhere and as she reiterated many times, peaceful negotiations are best way forward.

Even now China is ready for Vietnam naval power wise. Maybe not for Taiwan or Philippines as they have US support. But if you see how Vietnam is playing its cards, it does not envision taking on China militarily unless it is land based warfare. For SCS islands, Vietnam is quietly internationalizing the issue and will force China to negotiate in a multilateral forum(e.g leveraging ASEAN) instead of China's preferred bilateral approach. The same will be the case with Philippines as well as these small countries feel that is the best bet to take on China. This being the case, I doubt China will take the military route even when it can take on all these countries including US in future as it will lose out diplomatically. And that is what I meant as a "social trap" for China.
Even now China is ready for Vietnam naval power wise. Maybe not for Taiwan or Philippines as they have US support. But if you see how Vietnam is playing its cards, it does not envision taking on China militarily unless it is land based warfare. For SCS islands, Vietnam is quietly internationalizing the issue and will force China to negotiate in a multilateral forum(e.g leveraging ASEAN) instead of China's preferred bilateral approach. The same will be the case with Philippines as well as these small countries feel that is the best bet to take on China. This being the case, I doubt China will take the military route even when it can take on all these countries including US in future as it will lose out diplomatically. And that is what I meant as a "social trap" for China.

You have a good point, that's why I said China will not make the first move. China counters VN and PH internationalization strategies with a patient 'wait and react' and plays chickens with them both. The longer she can wait out the more to her benefits.
You need to read up on "animal farm" but since its banned in your communist country, you cannot not get a hand on it. When the term "animal farm" is implied, it means that the communist elite oppress their people, even more so than the capitalists that they replaced. Even tough the communist elite come to power base on equality for all people. In the end, there is no equality. Its just one leach replace by another. So when the Vietcong took power, the winners are not the people, but only the communist elite. The Vietnamese people are the losers in the communist take over.

This you have to ask China for Tiananmen famous, not Vietnam.

Run around, subjective and groundless? Now you got me going and unfortunately I have no idea what you are talking about. Let me put it this way, all my analysis is based on the article of the OP and interpreted what the US announced recently. If my interpretations are not what you want then we have differences of interpretations. No big deal, life goes on.

As far as the US sent 4 warships to Singapore to secure the Malacca Strait, it has nothing to do with the issues at hand, They are not here to protect VN interests in the SCS. The freedom of navigation through the SCS, it's a non issue, because all the 6 claimants are fighting for the islands not the sea. The 200km of EEZ doesn't prohibit freedom of navigation and any commercial vessel can pass through within 12 miles of any islands.

You keep bringing the US in as she'll protect your interests, well she's not. She's even having a hard time to find a reason for her warships to linger in this area, and that's why she's going around to ask for bases.

You don't even read what you have quoted at # 3
Your country was defeat consecutive by Manchuria, Mongolia; 6 power divided your country as a cake, Japanese destroyed your country, and without the help of Soviet and American, more likely both China and Taiwan now hang the rising sun flag.

How can you understand how is the winner? :lol:

Vietnam' Navy:

Nice, a piece of history invented by the Vietnamese Ultranationalists, but still the reality remains that your country has always been conquered in the history. :coffee:
Even now China is ready for Vietnam naval power wise. Maybe not for Taiwan or Philippines as they have US support. But if you see how Vietnam is playing its cards, it does not envision taking on China militarily unless it is land based warfare. For SCS islands, Vietnam is quietly internationalizing the issue and will force China to negotiate in a multilateral forum(e.g leveraging ASEAN) instead of China's preferred bilateral approach. The same will be the case with Philippines as well as these small countries feel that is the best bet to take on China. This being the case, I doubt China will take the military route even when it can take on all these countries including US in future as it will lose out diplomatically. And that is what I meant as a "social trap" for China.

In fact SCS dispute has been internationalized.
Run around, subjective and groundless? Now you got me going and unfortunately I have no idea what you are talking about. Let me put it this way, all my analysis is based on the article of the OP and interpreted what the US announced recently. If my interpretations are not what you want then we have differences of interpretations. No big deal, life goes on.

As far as the US sent 4 warships to Singapore to secure the Malacca Strait, it has nothing to do with the issues at hand, They are not here to protect VN interests in the SCS. The freedom of navigation through the SCS, it's a non issue, because all the 6 claimants are fighting for the islands not the sea. The 200km of EEZ doesn't prohibit freedom of navigation and any commercial vessel can pass through within 12 miles of any islands.

You keep bringing the US in as she'll protect your interests, well she's not. She's even having a hard time to find a reason for her warships to linger in this area, and that's why she's going around to ask for bases.

China with her claim for sea and Inslands is conflict with global interest of USA, you can stop cheering for China.
You have a good point, that's why I said China will not make the first move. China counters VN and PH internationalization strategies with a patient 'wait and react' and plays chickens with them both. The longer she can wait out the more to her benefits.

Ultimately she will work out a compromise as her focus will be on the bigger global picture where she will want to be seen as a powerful yet a very responsible power.
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