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The Vietnam Solution

My comments below are per the original post.

1st, it now testifies from another source that 1978 invasion of Cambodia by Viet was more “an act of cold-blooded realism to blunt the strategic threat posed by the pro-Chinese Khmer Rouge”. Saving people from massacre was just a by-product, getting rid of Pol Pot was the key target as he was pro-China and against Vietnam aggression. Should Pol Pot be pro-Vietnam, it doesn’t matter how more people he killed, Viets wouldn’t even lift a finger. This has been the result of my study as well.

2nd, it reveals, and nobody denies, that those Vietnamese basically share cultural heritage with the Chinese, but they seem to be a very different species: when US renders Vietnam 20% land inhabitable and unstated amount of birth defects, they hate China who helped them repel US aggressor, more than the aggressor! This kind of weird logic and bizarre ingratitude in that nation has only caught my attention recently.

3rd, Vietnam looks like to have a very shaky education system of hatred. Their high level officials and diplomats, not to mention those rampant internet fanatics are deprived of rational analysis. Yes China perhaps indeed invaded Vietnam 17 times, but a) Vietnam was established as a country by a Chinese called Zhao Tuo, and how many times Vietnam harassed China (pretty sure statistically Vietnam is not able to meaningfully invade China)? b) Over the past 3000 years China invaded Vietnam 17 times, that translates into one invasion per 176 years. America invaded Mexico in 1846, only in 70th year of US establishment. Who is more frequent in aggression? Yet the Vietnamese diplomat seems lost in this simple reasoning because of his shabby education.

4th, it can be seen that Vietnamese were sincere at the time that its PM Van telling Chinese counterpart that Spratly islands were China’s, but now, as land problem solved, they feel “suddenly” urgency to challenge China in the ocean “But now that the land-border questions that helped to feed those conflicts are largely settled, nationalist competition in much of Asia has moved to the maritime domain, namely to the South China Sea. With nearly 2,000 miles of its coastline making up the western rim of the South China Sea, Vietnam suddenly finds itself in the midst of a historic and geographic drama…”. While it’s all Viets business to have sudden mood change, I’m telling Viets: it’s not worthy it by using forces. Ocean war is not like jungle war. This is precisely why China doesn’t want to take Taiwan by force unless it is at least at par with USA militarily, if it has to use force (which is probably unlikely).

Finally, either ideologically or economically, China was, is and will be your teacher. Your history is in Chinese after all, no? Ideologically, your way of rule, your history/culture, your opening-up and your reforming… nearly each and everything is invented in China and copied by your. Economically, China is your #1 importer. Your daily life would be in hell if without made-in-China. LOL! Some of you fanatics dreaming bring down China economy. What a lunatic joke! :lol:
'Missing in action'? LOL They didn't miss the actions in Vietnam, they moved to various parts of the world and doing much better then what they would've done if they stayed. Now they are thriving in the US, Canada , Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore. Indonesia..... etc with over 5 million strong. Thanks Vietnam for being so nice to the Hoa.

a lot of those people moved to US,they don't really identify with China or think they have anything to do with P.R.C.but those hard working people can prosper anywhere in the world.
People here profess a war will settle the dispute. But they do not understand it will be a "social trap" for China. If it so open and shut case, China's leaders would have acted by now.

Good that Indians here have finally learnt that Kashmir has been a social trap for India.

Then why don't you quit?

Chinese leaders are no fools.

You are going to bomb Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong with what? Rocks thrown from your Vietnamese hands? Your country Vietnam is a primitive non-industrialized country. You Vietnamese grow pineapples and coconuts to trade for manufactured goods.

You Vietnamese don't pose a threat to anyone. Even Singapore has an economy that is twice your size. Singapore could crush Vietnam if it chose.


I guess they would pee to flood China. That's their sense of bombing.


China will reduced as she was.


Does that mean Vietnam goes back a province of China?

'Missing in action'? LOL They didn't miss the actions in Vietnam, they moved to various parts of the world and doing much better then what they would've done if they stayed. Now they are thriving in the US, Canada , Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Singapore. Indonesia..... etc with over 5 million strong. Thanks Vietnam for being so nice to the Hoa.
And how about the Hoa in Laos-Camb ?? as you know, poor Pol pot, Yeng sary had no chance to fled and enjoyed new life in US , Canada :coffee:
Every civilization has its glory and its fall, now look where is Egpty/Greece/Rome? But China is still there.

We had our glory and our defeat in the history, while we still have the gut to admit the truth.

However you Viets had always been the losers in the entire history, while you cowards don't even have the gut to admit the truth. :coffee:

They don't have their history after they banished Chinese language.

A country without history is a country of ash.

China couldn't even resist the onslaught of Mongols, but the Yuan empire was defeated three times by Vietnamese when they sent troops to invade Vietnam


Yuan was not interested in a jungle place ridden with poverty and disease. Yuan needed mainland China full of cultural and material treasures.
Finally, either ideologically or economically, China was, is and will be your teacher. Your history is in Chinese after all, no? Ideologically, your way of rule, your history/culture, your opening-up and your reforming… nearly each and everything is invented in China and copied by your. Economically, China is your #1 importer. Your daily life would be in hell if without made-in-China. LOL! Some of you fanatics dreaming bring down China economy. What a lunatic joke! :lol:
Oh, so who taught us how to defeat Mighty Mogol ?? china ?? oh you forgot that your country's name was erased on the world map that time ??

Did china know how to shoot down B-52 during 1970s ?? did china know how to train a perfect spy like us ??

Poor low IQ dreamer, get back to life, dude:pop:
That'll make me hopping mad. I'll volunteer and go fight the Vietnamese personally. I have experience shooting rifles. I also have a bullet-proof vest. Not sure if it'll stop an AK-47 bullet though.


Perhaps we all join gambit to fight in Vietname again this time.



Perhaps we all join gambit to fight in Vietname again this time.


hehe, and Martian2 will need a RPG- proof vest, bullet-proof one can't save his @$$ :lol:

Know more about us first :lol:
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Wrong, China invaded our country, then we beat China and regain independence for Vietnam.

Keep reading:

Zhao Tuo (Chinese: 趙佗; Mandarin Pinyin: Zhào Tuō; Jyutping: Jiu⁶ Tō⁴, Vietnamese: Triệu Đà), was the founder of the kingdom of Nanyue (Chinese: 南越; Mandarin Pinyin: Nányuè; Jyutping: Nām⁴yūd⁶; Vietnamese: Nam Việt.[1] He was a Chinese military commander who gained independence upon the collapse of the Qin Dynasty. Nanyue included northern Vietnam and parts of southern China. His capital was in Panyu, modern Guangzhou, China. His ruling circle included both ethnic Chinese and native Baiyue, and he encouraged intermarriage and assimilation.[2] In Vietnamese, he is referred to as Triệu Đà. The dynasty he founded is called the Triệu Dynasty (Chinese: 赵朝). In traditional Vietnamese history, he was considered the emperor of Vietnam. However, modern Vietnamese historians regarded him as a foreign invader who invaded Vietnam in 207 BC.[3]


When Vietnam needs China to repel aggressors, it would say Zhao Tuo was a founder of Nam Việt. When Vietnam covets SCS gas and petroleum, it would say Zhao Tuo is a foreign invader.

tiny Vietnam should show some courage,dont just talk,we just patrolled your coastline and you did nothing about it.you wanna confront Chinese navy?send your ships not words.
tiny Vietnam should show some courage,dont just talk,we just patrolled your coastline and you did nothing about it.you wanna confront Chinese navy?send your ships not words.
it just china surveillance ship, not warship, and you know what we did to that kind of ship already, right :coffee:
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it just china surveillance ship, not warship, and you know what we did to that kind of ship already, right

those are law enforcement ships,and they scared your small ships away and decleared the Sovereignty there.
At least majority of Chinese can have the quality of life that you Viets can ever dream. :coffee:

China to be biggest source of outbound tourists | Industries | chinadaily.com.cn

Sure, selling yourself short for a job at Apple (where people commit suicide due to stress) and sometimes work below minimum wage and even for free are considered your quality of life then go for it.

Good that Indians here have finally learnt that Kashmir has been a social trap for India.

Then why don't you quit?

Chinese leaders are fools.


I guess they would pee to flood China. That's their sense of bombing.


Does that mean Vietnam goes back a province of China?


This is why history repeats itself because of people like you just never look back to history and learn from your mistakes. Oh, I forgot, you guys destroyed your history books. There's no such a thing as history to China.
a lot of those people moved to US,they don't really identify with China or think they have anything to do with P.R.C.but those hard working people can prosper anywhere in the world.

Most Hoa from Vietnam, at least the second generation in the US, don't not associate with ROC because they have had no history with them. Most of them consider themselves Chinese period, with no loyalties to either CCP nor KMT. All of them associate or befriend other Chinese from various locales and speak English, Chinese and some Vietnamese at home. They are probably more sinitized than the ones that left behind in Vietnam.
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