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The Vietnam Solution

That'll make me hopping mad. I'll volunteer and go fight the Vietnamese personally. I have experience shooting rifles. I also have a bullet-proof vest. Not sure if it'll stop an AK-47 bullet though.
No, you will not. The Chinese-Americans on this forum are too much of cowards to do anything more than just talk.

we dont have the willing to expand, we just want to keep what we own.
Based upon your creative interpretation of how you came to acquire what you own?
first,we never seek a war to solve conflicts,but if related country shows a kind of determination which it seem they never make a concession,why we should compromise?
second,in this forum,you indian always against chinese,i never see one of you,stand in our chinese situation to think,you guys should be careful,what you opposed and troll,the original reason is that you look china as a opponent,and as long as it is against china,you never think about whether it is wrong or right,and you indian never have seniorities to judge a conflict between china and antoher country,when you prepare a fair and clear attitude of china,we welcome you indian people with best regards.and this also suits chinese people here.
third,i just a nomal patriot,i just cannot bear the words you indian entry,and make a small step to fight back.

Sorry - I do not troll. As far as the fairness of my postings are concerned, it is as objective as you can get. Read through my subsequent postings here in this thread and let me know if you want to discuss further.

Good that Indians here have finally learnt that Kashmir has been a social trap for India.

Then why don't you quit?

Chinese leaders are no fools.


I guess they would pee to flood China. That's their sense of bombing.


Does that mean Vietnam goes back a province of China?


Offtopic. If you want to discuss about the highlighted topic, open a separate thread and we can discuss.
No, you will not. The Chinese-Americans on this forum are too much of cowards to do anything more than just talk.

The Three Annoyances

If they annoy me enough, yes I will. If necessary, I'm willing to volunteer against three countries.

1. India. Damn imperialists are lording over Chinese Tibetans in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh. We need to free our Chinese brothers. Sikkim too.

2. Japan. Thieves stole Daiyou Islands in 1895 with gunboats. They better return them or there's going to be trouble.

3. Vietnam. Uppity Viets have ignored the fact that China's massive economic and military aid helped them to win the French-Vietnamese and U.S.-Vietnam wars. Also, the greedy buggers are trying to claim 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the South China Sea from the Han Dynasty.

Others might be interested in a North Korean vs. South Korean war, but I can't get worked up over it. Let them kill each other. They don't need any help. North Koreans have nukes and South Korea has a better conventional army.

It'll be exciting to see who wins with the better military strategy. Can South Korea stop the North Koreans before the nukes go off? Do they know where all of the North Korean nukes are located on Chinese dual-use mobile launchers?

By the way, I'm pretty good at shooting soda cans.
My comments below are per the original post.

1st, it now testifies from another source that 1978 invasion of Cambodia by Viet was more “an act of cold-blooded realism to blunt the strategic threat posed by the pro-Chinese Khmer Rouge”. Saving people from massacre was just a by-product, getting rid of Pol Pot was the key target as he was pro-China and against Vietnam aggression. Should Pol Pot be pro-Vietnam, it doesn’t matter how more people he killed, Viets wouldn’t even lift a finger. This has been the result of my study as well.

This is true. We didn't want to send troops into Cambodia if the Khmer Rouge did not attack Vietnam and killed thousands of Vietnamese. However, the help Cambodian people and prevent the applying of Maoism in Cambodia is also a very important reason.

2nd, it reveals, and nobody denies, that those Vietnamese basically share cultural heritage with the Chinese, but they seem to be a very different species: when US renders Vietnam 20% land inhabitable and unstated amount of birth defects, they hate China who helped them repel US aggressor, more than the aggressor! This kind of weird logic and bizarre ingratitude in that nation has only caught my attention recently.

Americans invaded Vietnam only once, they were defeated and no longer threaten us anymore. However, the Chinese invaded Vietnam many times and we defeated them many times, but today they continues to threaten Vietnam.

3rd, Vietnam looks like to have a very shaky education system of hatred. Their high level officials and diplomats, not to mention those rampant internet fanatics are deprived of rational analysis. Yes China perhaps indeed invaded Vietnam 17 times, but a) Vietnam was established as a country by a Chinese called Zhao Tuo, and how many times Vietnam harassed China (pretty sure statistically Vietnam is not able to meaningfully invade China)? b) Over the past 3000 years China invaded Vietnam 17 times, that translates into one invasion per 176 years. America invaded Mexico in 1846, only in 70th year of US establishment. Who is more frequent in aggression? Yet the Vietnamese diplomat seems lost in this simple reasoning because of his shabby education.

Just read the comments on this forum, easy to recognize the Chinese education system has problems. Members have words full of hatred and blindness, despite right and truth. They taught children from early childhood that the East Sea (SCS) is a lake of them, they said wrong that the Paracels and Spratlys of them but in fact they just started presence there on some islands in 1946 after Japan invaded the islands from Vietnam then she surrendered Allies. Two Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands belong to Vietnam feudal state for hundreds of years before the Japanese invasion. And everyone knows that China used force to invade the Paracel Islands from Vietnam in 1974 and some coral reefs of the Spratly Islands from Vietnam in 1988.

4th, it can be seen that Vietnamese were sincere at the time that its PM Van telling Chinese counterpart that Spratly islands were China’s, but now, as land problem solved, they feel “suddenly” urgency to challenge China in the ocean “But now that the land-border questions that helped to feed those conflicts are largely settled, nationalist competition in much of Asia has moved to the maritime domain, namely to the South China Sea. With nearly 2,000 miles of its coastline making up the western rim of the South China Sea, Vietnam suddenly finds itself in the midst of a historic and geographic drama…”. While it’s all Viets business to have sudden mood change, I’m telling Viets: it’s not worthy it by using forces. Ocean war is not like jungle war. This is precisely why China doesn’t want to take Taiwan by force unless it is at least at par with USA militarily, if it has to use force (which is probably unlikely).

China deliberately misinterpreted about so-called recognition of Vietnam's PM for the two islands is deliberately distorting the truth. The fact that in 1954 China joined hands with France to Vietnam's division into two separate countries and China is a signatory to recognize the sovereignty of South Vietnam, including two archipelagoes Paracels and Spratlys.
Vietnam has controlled over both the Paracel Islands and Spratly Islands peacefully reality. The Chinese just began to paint a map of nine dotted line cover the entire SCS in 1948, then they say that it is ancient maps, which to complicate disputed SCS. LOL on chinese. :lol:

Finally, either ideologically or economically, China was, is and will be your teacher. Your history is in Chinese after all, no? Ideologically, your way of rule, your history/culture, your opening-up and your reforming… nearly each and everything is invented in China and copied by your. Economically, China is your #1 importer. Your daily life would be in hell if without made-in-China. LOL! Some of you fanatics dreaming bring down China economy. What a lunatic joke! :lol:

Such cooperation is always beneficial to both parties. You have confused that it is only benefit Vietnam. The fact that Vietnam continuously imports from China with poor quality goods, toxic foods flood in Vietnam. That's what we dont want, but now not yet prevent.
Keep reading:

When Vietnam needs China to repel aggressors, it would say Zhao Tuo was a founder of Nam Việt. When Vietnam covets SCS gas and petroleum, it would say Zhao Tuo is a foreign invader.


Idiot, Nanyue and Đại Việt (Vietnam) are different.
Historically, many times China (sometimes was a smaller country divided from China) invaded Vietnam, but all them was defeated by the Vietnamese.
Read about the history of Vietnam:

The history of Vietnam is one of the longest continuous histories in the world, with the oldest archaeological findings showing that people have been living there as far back as over a half million years ago.[1] Ancient Vietnam was home to some of the world's earliest civilizations, with a cultural history of over 20,000 years - making them one of the world's first peoples who practiced agriculture.[2][3] The Red River valley forms a natural geographic and economic unit, bounded to the north and west by mountains and jungles, to the east by the sea and to the south by the Red River Delta. The needs to have a single authority to prevent floods of the Red River, cooperation in constructing hydraulic systems, trade exchange, and fight against invaders, led to the creation of the first Vietnamese states in 2879 BC.[4] The first truly influential part of history in Vietnam occurred during the Bronze Age, when the Đông Sơn culture was in Vietnam, dramatically advancing their level of civilization. Vietnam's peculiar geography made it a difficult country to attack, which is why Vietnam under Hùng Vương was for so long an independent and self-contained state. The Âns and Qins were among the earliest foreign aggressions of Vietnam, but the ancient Vietnamese regained control of their country soon after their invasions.

And Vietnam Navy:
In Lý-Trần Dynasty era, the problems of construction the naval base, set up the naval forces were in place. Specially, the Van Don port has an important role to protect the northeast sea of Vietnam. In 1077, the Vietnamese Navy fought the Battle of Cầu River against the Chinese Song Dynasty forces. This was the final battle China's Song Dynasty would fight on Vietnamese land or waters. The battle lasted for several months, and ended with the victory of the Vietnamese Navy and the loss of many Song's (Chinese) sailors. This victory demonstrated the successful tactics of war and active defense of the famous Admiral Lý Thường Kiệt who faced a naval force several times larger than his own.[2] The Song Dynasty lost a total of 80,000 soldiers/sailors and 5,19 million ounces of gold, including all costs of the war.[3]
The largest battles (officially recorded in history) were three naval battles (all three are called Battle of Bạch Đằng): Ngô Quyền against the Chinese Southern Han forces in 938 (killed over 100,000 and captured a thousands Chinese sailors, killed Chinese Prince Liu Hongcao);[4] Lê Hoàn against Song Dynasty in 981; and Trần Quốc Tuấn against Yuan Dynasty (Mongol) in 1288 (killed over 80,000 Yuan Mongol sailors, destroyed more than 400 Yuan ships, killed Sogetu, and captured Yuan Admiral Omar).[5]
One of the greatest victories in Vietnamese Naval history was the Battle of Rạch Gầm-Xoài Mút in Tay Son dynasty, during which Nguyễn Huệ (Emperor Quang Trung) defeated the Siamese (Thai) naval force. The battle occurred in present-day Tiền Giang Province on January 19, 1785. Nguyễn Huệ's forces completely destroyed over 50,000 Siamese sailors and 300 warships.[6]
Idiot, Nanyue and Đại Việt (Vietnam) are different.
Historically, many times China (sometimes was a smaller country divided from China) invaded Vietnam, but all them was defeated by the Vietnamese.

Eventually, Vietnam defeat Chinese invasions. However, one of these victories come after a thousand years of almost uninterrupted occupation.
That's right, the northern part of Vietnam was historically the land of China, and we will take it back in the near future as we are simply keeping our own land. :coffee:

My comments below are per the original post.

1st, it now testifies from another source that 1978 invasion of Cambodia by Viet was more “an act of cold-blooded realism to blunt the strategic threat posed by the pro-Chinese Khmer Rouge”. Saving people from massacre was just a by-product, getting rid of Pol Pot was the key target as he was pro-China and against Vietnam aggression. Should Pol Pot be pro-Vietnam, it doesn’t matter how more people he killed, Viets wouldn’t even lift a finger. This has been the result of my study as well.

2nd, it reveals, and nobody denies, that those Vietnamese basically share cultural heritage with the Chinese, but they seem to be a very different species: when US renders Vietnam 20% land inhabitable and unstated amount of birth defects, they hate China who helped them repel US aggressor, more than the aggressor! This kind of weird logic and bizarre ingratitude in that nation has only caught my attention recently.

3rd, Vietnam looks like to have a very shaky education system of hatred. Their high level officials and diplomats, not to mention those rampant internet fanatics are deprived of rational analysis. Yes China perhaps indeed invaded Vietnam 17 times, but a) Vietnam was established as a country by a Chinese called Zhao Tuo, and how many times Vietnam harassed China (pretty sure statistically Vietnam is not able to meaningfully invade China)? b) Over the past 3000 years China invaded Vietnam 17 times, that translates into one invasion per 176 years. America invaded Mexico in 1846, only in 70th year of US establishment. Who is more frequent in aggression? Yet the Vietnamese diplomat seems lost in this simple reasoning because of his shabby education.

4th, it can be seen that Vietnamese were sincere at the time that its PM Van telling Chinese counterpart that Spratly islands were China’s, but now, as land problem solved, they feel “suddenly” urgency to challenge China in the ocean “But now that the land-border questions that helped to feed those conflicts are largely settled, nationalist competition in much of Asia has moved to the maritime domain, namely to the South China Sea. With nearly 2,000 miles of its coastline making up the western rim of the South China Sea, Vietnam suddenly finds itself in the midst of a historic and geographic drama…”. While it’s all Viets business to have sudden mood change, I’m telling Viets: it’s not worthy it by using forces. Ocean war is not like jungle war. This is precisely why China doesn’t want to take Taiwan by force unless it is at least at par with USA militarily, if it has to use force (which is probably unlikely).

Finally, either ideologically or economically, China was, is and will be your teacher. Your history is in Chinese after all, no? Ideologically, your way of rule, your history/culture, your opening-up and your reforming… nearly each and everything is invented in China and copied by your. Economically, China is your #1 importer. Your daily life would be in hell if without made-in-China. LOL! Some of you fanatics dreaming bring down China economy. What a lunatic joke! :lol:

They don't have their history after they banished Chinese language.

A country without history is a country of ash.

Yuan was not interested in a jungle place ridden with poverty and disease. Yuan needed mainland China full of cultural and material treasures.

The Three Annoyances

If they annoy me enough, yes I will. If necessary, I'm willing to volunteer against three countries.

1. India. Damn imperialists are lording over Chinese Tibetans in South Tibet/Arunachal Pradesh. We need to free our Chinese brothers. Sikkim too.

2. Japan. Thieves stole Daiyou Islands in 1895 with gunboats. They better return them or there's going to be trouble.

3. Vietnam. Uppity Viets have ignored the fact that China's massive economic and military aid helped them to win the French-Vietnamese and U.S.-Vietnam wars. Also, the greedy buggers are trying to claim 2,000-year-old Chinese islands in the South China Sea from the Han Dynasty.

Others might be interested in a North Korean vs. South Korean war, but I can't get worked up over it. Let them kill each other. They don't need any help. North Koreans have nukes and South Korea has a better conventional army.

It'll be exciting to see who wins with the better military strategy. Can South Korea stop the North Koreans before the nukes go off? Do they know where all of the North Korean nukes are located on Chinese dual-use mobile launchers?

By the way, I'm pretty good at shooting soda cans.

from 2000 years ago chinese call our sea: Jiaozhi Sea, This is Sea of Jiao zhi people, of Vietnam today. Stop lying.
Eventually, Vietnam defeat Chinese invasions. However, one of these victories come after a thousand years of almost uninterrupted occupation.

There was continuoued fighting, uprising. In fact in all most of time Vietnamese warlords controlled the country, chinese officials were sitting in stronghold to receiver bribes, gifts only. At the end we didn't need such puppets and dropped them run away.
There was continuoued fighting, uprising. In fact in all most of time Vietnamese warlords controlled the country, chinese officials were sitting in stronghold to receiver bribes, gifts only. At the end we didn't need such puppets and dropped them run away.

Just like the French occupation of Vietnam?
Yes, from 1858 france opened fire first at sea port Da Nang until they controlled all Vietnam 1884. But until 1945, how many uprisings was ? many, Vietnamese didn't let the rulers in peace.

I guess all these uprising failed. Its not until Japanese occupation and then post WWII ended french presence in Vietnam.
Eventually, Vietnam defeat Chinese invasions. However, one of these victories come after a thousand years of almost uninterrupted occupation.

In fact more than a thousand years under northern, Vietnamese still continued resistance against china, such as the revolts of Hai Ba Trung, Ly Nam De, Khuc Thua Du, Duong Dinh Nghe, Ly Tu Kien, Dinh Kien, Mai Thuc Loan, Phung Hung, Dương Thanh ...
And the fact in about a thousand years, most of the time Vietnam was considered as a vassal and controlled by Vietnamese, not Chinese entirely.

We could wait a thousand years, now we also can wait to get back Paracels, maybe not too long. Just wait when china collapses and was divided into many small pieces...
One thing that made most Chinese in this forum (Include rejected Chinese from Mainland) think Viet Nam just easily crush by China Army, but one most important thing that they are not, or never thought: "Why Viet Nam has been occupied by China for over 1000 years but its still independence?"
One thing that made most Chinese in this forum (Include rejected Chinese from Mainland) think Viet Nam just easily crush by China Army, but one most important thing that they are not, or never thought: "Why Viet Nam has been occupied by China for over 1000 years but its still independence?"

Firstly, you paid us off with tribute. We decided to leave you alone after you showed respect.

Secondly, China didn't have modern industrial weapons in the past. The force multiplier of tanks, howitzers, MLRS, ballistic and cruise missiles, jet fighters, bombers, destroyers, etc. is terrifying. Oh, let's not forget the 3.3-megaton thermonuclear warhead.

If China decides to flatten you, it's not your independence that you have to worry about. It's your existence.
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