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The Vietnam Solution

I see that those anti-communists like you never stop lying and lying and lying over and over again. yeah, Ho invited the French back to Indochina so he had to face the French,...
What lies are those? Are you saying the Ho-Sainteny Agreement does not exist?

...yeah, go tell those Vietnamese at ttvnol forum and see if your logic persuade them or not, I warn you most of them are very anti-current Viet government
Do not need to. I told many Viets in the US and in Viet Nam of that fact and most of them do not know about it. Being anti-government does not mean they are aware of this black spot on the Viet Minh's history.

And stop your bullshiet about the Korean and Japanese investment in Viet Nam, they invest in Viet Nam to leech our low wage labourers,...
Unfortunately, thanks to communism, beside agriculture, low wage labor is the only thing Viet Nam had and STILL have to offer. Are you going to blame the investors for that? Who set that 'low wage' anyway?

Jobs at Intel - Vietnam

Plenty of Viets at Intel are eager to return but they will not return as low wage laborers. They will return as well paid engineers, managers and supervisors of local Viets who are paid far less than their US and European counterpart laborers. Are you going to condemn these Viets for being exploitative as well?

Get a clue. Like it or not, the Viets who are working for the American, South Korean, Japanese, and assorted European investors are glad they have jobs. Jobs that the communists cannot create and that you so labor FOR NOTHING to defend.

...not to make Viet Nam into an industrial country. Both the Japanese and Korean refuse to transfer even one bit of technology to Viet Nam so we can manufacture ship, car, airplane, electronic, power turbine blah blah blah so stop acting like they are angels coming to Viet Nam for a rescue.
Why is that their responsibility? Is that not the government's responsibility? But then again, since communists places a higher value of ideological passions over technical competency the results are typical: That there are incompetents in charge of economics, education, civil services, and the list goes on and on. Incompetent and corrupt. So just because someone want to protect their investments and intellectual properties, for right or wrong reasons, it is convenient for you to use that to hide the damages that communism and communists have done to RETARD our country and its people.

Look at SK Telecom of South Korea investment in Viet Nam and I'm glad they left due to failure for trying to take over our telecom market. I can see your disappointment when a foreigner like them fail in Viet Nam but for us patriots, that's a joy as we do not want anyone to take over our market.
Enjoy your shallow and convenient patriotism while you wield swords and spears for your army, uses cans and strings to communicate, pedal bicycles and run oxen drawn carts to move things. Your fellow Viets in the US and Europe looks at you with pity and at their birth country with sorrow. Thnx to fools like you.

Communism does not fail Viet Nam buddy, its just that the Korean and Japanese are lucky enough to receive massive technology transfer from the U.S and Europe. If communism is the problem, why the Phillipines and the rest of the "democractic" ASEAN are still in the middle-income trap and not like G7 who can MANFACTURE almost everything? Here is the answer: they do not receive technology transfer from the U.S and Europe like Korea and Japan did.

Communism is just a terrible excuse ..................
That is terrible logic. Why are you so afraid to bring up the Europeans? Is it because they are not Asian and therefore their status as being successful democracies do not count? You really think the computer you are using can come from a communist country? The microwave oven that we take for granted here but is a luxury in Viet Nam did not come from a communist country. You cannot justify your failure with other failures. If I give you $1000 and you spent it on alcohol and prostitutes, does not mean it is invalid to be charitable to an orphanage with the same amount of money?

Do not bother to bring in China. China is no longer a Marxist state. Marxism if the foundation of communism, which failed a long time ago. China is a Leninist state. Leninism is about the supremacy of the communist party and the communist government at the expense of everything else, even if the communist ideology is abandoned and its label in used is not even worth the cheap cosmetics on Mao's embalmed corpse.

So what if the South Koreans and the Japanese received more help? Why did the Soviets and China NOT helped Viet Nam in the same way? The way it looks to observers is that the flawed democracies are far better at helping each other than the 'perfect' Marxist countries do.


If you want the label 'anti-communist' to be an effective slur, show everyone a successful communist country. Else, like it or not, if YOU believe in the freedom of speech, property rights, the freedom to use the fruits of your labor to better comfort you and your family, the right to associate yourself with anyone you like, then you are an anti-communist. Welcome to the party, but not 'The Party'.
Văn Lang territory òf Viet in ancient time.


What is the purpose of this fictional map? :coffee:
What lies are those? Are you saying the Ho-Sainteny Agreement does not exist?

Do not need to. I told many Viets in the US and in Viet Nam of that fact and most of them do not know about it. Being anti-government does not mean they are aware of this black spot on the Viet Minh's history.

Unfortunately, thanks to communism, beside agriculture, low wage labor is the only thing Viet Nam had and STILL have to offer. Are you going to blame the investors for that? Who set that 'low wage' anyway?

Jobs at Intel - Vietnam

Plenty of Viets at Intel are eager to return but they will not return as low wage laborers. They will return as well paid engineers, managers and supervisors of local Viets who are paid far less than their US and European counterpart laborers. Are you going to condemn these Viets for being exploitative as well?

Get a clue. Like it or not, the Viets who are working for the American, South Korean, Japanese, and assorted European investors are glad they have jobs. Jobs that the communists cannot create and that you so labor FOR NOTHING to defend.

Why is that their responsibility? Is that not the government's responsibility? But then again, since communists places a higher value of ideological passions over technical competency the results are typical: That there are incompetents in charge of economics, education, civil services, and the list goes on and on. Incompetent and corrupt. So just because someone want to protect their investments and intellectual properties, for right or wrong reasons, it is convenient for you to use that to hide the damages that communism and communists have done to RETARD our country and its people.

Enjoy your shallow and convenient patriotism while you wield swords and spears for your army, uses cans and strings to communicate, pedal bicycles and run oxen drawn carts to move things. Your fellow Viets in the US and Europe looks at you with pity and at their birth country with sorrow. Thnx to fools like you.

That is terrible logic. Why are you so afraid to bring up the Europeans? Is it because they are not Asian and therefore their status as being successful democracies do not count? You really think the computer you are using can come from a communist country? The microwave oven that we take for granted here but is a luxury in Viet Nam did not come from a communist country. You cannot justify your failure with other failures. If I give you $1000 and you spent it on alcohol and prostitutes, does not mean it is invalid to be charitable to an orphanage with the same amount of money?

Do not bother to bring in China. China is no longer a Marxist state. Marxism if the foundation of communism, which failed a long time ago. China is a Leninist state. Leninism is about the supremacy of the communist party and the communist government at the expense of everything else, even if the communist ideology is abandoned and its label in used is not even worth the cheap cosmetics on Mao's embalmed corpse.

So what if the South Koreans and the Japanese received more help? Why did the Soviets and China NOT helped Viet Nam in the same way? The way it looks to observers is that the flawed democracies are far better at helping each other than the 'perfect' Marxist countries do.


If you want the label 'anti-communist' to be an effective slur, show everyone a successful communist country. Else, like it or not, if YOU believe in the freedom of speech, property rights, the freedom to use the fruits of your labor to better comfort you and your family, the right to associate yourself with anyone you like, then you are an anti-communist. Welcome to the party, but not 'The Party'.
You're a fool who knows nothing about the development of Viet Nam to speak such words about her. I read Vietnamese language news everyday to know that Viet Nam is currently transitioning from agriculture and light manufacturing to manfucturing in the fields of : shipbuilding, automobile, oil rig building, electronic, heavy equipment; don't believe me? I can list you the companies that have produced those mentioned industrial goods or are in the process of producing them. I see a very bright future of Viet Nam in the 2020's. You on the other hand, are still living under the rock or trying to dig out all the bad news of Viet Nam to sooth your pain.....

I can assure you that your opportunist children will be proud of being a Vietnamese, not like their inferior complex ladden daddy. You're just an inferior complex opportunist who turn your back on your country since Viet Nam is not on par with Japan or South Korea at the moment to make you "proud" Do you turn your back on your parents because they're poor?
You're a fool who knows nothing about the development of Viet Nam to speak such words about her. I read Vietnamese language news everyday to know that Viet Nam is currently transitioning from agriculture and light manufacturing to manfucturing in the fields of : shipbuilding, automobile, oil rig building, electronic, heavy equipment; don't believe me? I can list you the companies that have produced those mentioned industrial goods or are in the process of producing them. I see a very bright future of Viet Nam in the 2020's. You on the other hand, are still living under the rock or trying to dig out all the bad news of Viet Nam to sooth your pain.....
No thanks to communism. The sad part here is that as you defend the inept and corrupt Vietnamese government, you associate that government with Vietnam herself. That is wrong on its face already.

I can assure you that your opportunist children will be proud of being a Vietnamese, not like their inferior complex ladden daddy. You're just an inferior complex opportunist who turn your back on your country since Viet Nam is not on par with Japan or South Korea at the moment to make you "proud" Do you turn your back on your parents because they're poor?
Fine. But enough about me. As you defend communism, show me a successful communist country. Simple question enough, right?
No thanks to communism. The sad part here is that as you defend the inept and corrupt Vietnamese government, you associate that government with Vietnam herself. That is wrong on its face already.

Fine. But enough about me. As you defend communism, show me a successful communist country. Simple question enough, right?
Since you equate capitalism with success, do you want me to list you a chunk of democractic/capitalist countries that are still traped in the middle-income status? ..the status that are far behind someone like Japan or Korea .
Dear My Brothers,
Don't deny that we are behind quite far compared to other ASEAN countries. This is very sad. To paraphrase that, we will fall into a vicious circle. Just compare Japan who needed only about 20 years after the war to restore their ruined country to become a strong.



Remember about a long time the stupid subsidy policy "go forward up socialist". It wastes a lot of times of the Vietnamese.
And now, the corruption of the communist regime is destroying the country. Just look at PMU18, Vinashin, Vinaline ...

Vinashin, Vinalines ch

Provisional agreement between Ho Chi Minh and the French had purposes to kick 200,000 troops Chiang Kai-shek out north Vietnam. China is more dangerous than France because it is near us and its greed.



Today, take advantage of cheap labors of Vietnamese workers are stupid policies of stupid leaders. Current, the top leaders of Vietnam only the label called communism. They are actually just "the benefit groups".


Above all, I call on the solidarity of all the Vietnamese. More than once we were taken advantage by the chinese invaders when we had not solidarity.
To Vietnamese brothers !!! (Included Vietnamese overseas)

To pro-communist or anti-communist we can settle for our self in some other forum, the only enemy that we could or maybe face of that China and Chinese. We only strong and stronger that we back to back and fight till its last.

Đoàn kết là sức mạnh - Quyết tử cho Tổ Quốc quyết sinh
Since you equate capitalism with success, do you want me to list you a chunk of democractic/capitalist countries that are still traped in the middle-income status? ..the status that are far behind someone like Japan or Korea .
Better to be trapped in the middle than to be trapped at the bottom, you think? But the fact that you failed to give everyone an example of a successful communist country and that you have to resort to pointing out the flaws of those who improved their status mean one thing: That you are defending this failed ideology out of sheer stubbornness instead of common sense.

Do you think we Viets who are living in the US really care what the likes of you thinks of us? No, we do not. For decades we have been sending back our hard earned monies to support our families and friends so they can pay for medicines, fix the roads in their villages or little parts of the cities, to pay the bribes of corrupt communist officials to get anything done, or to buy better food for themselves. Do not tell me that you are that ignorant of this fact.

So when you see a sad state like the PI and a successful case like Japan, why would you want to use the failure to decide which direction do you want Viet Nam to go? That is like choosing the beggar over the millionaire.

If you have a problem with me equating capitalism with progress and success, then give me a few examples of communism that actually produced progress and success.
Dear My Brothers,
Don't deny that we are behind quite far compared to other ASEAN countries. This is very sad. To paraphrase that, we will fall into a vicious circle. Just compare Japan who needed only about 20 years after the war to restore their ruined country to become a strong.


Siêu n? l?c, siêu sáng t?o m?i ?u?i k?p Thái Lan, Malaysia

Every country has their own problems, JP and others country has US-EU's support in technology and market place. Look at North Korea and Iran, they're under US's sanction and the lives in NK seem much more harder than VN. But NK can enrich and make Unke bomb to protect her sovereignty when SK-JP can not and have to request US's protection.
Remember about a long time the stupid subsidy policy "go forward up socialist". It wastes a lot of times of the Vietnamese.
And now, the corruption of the communist regime is destroying the country. Just look at PMU18, Vinashin, Vinaline ...
VN had lots of wars, and our biggest supporter Soviet union collapsed so fast, so we had No one to show us which way to go forwad. We need more time to find out the best way for VN.

btw: it'f better to discuss our own problems in VN's forums such as TTVNOL, HSO etc...our English is not good enough to talk about it, bro :D

I think you always study history because of you historical claims

Viets are tropical jungle dwellers, while most parts of South China are in fact the temperate regions, it got little the tropical regions like in Vietnam.

It is hard to imagine that you guys claim to be belong to these areas. :coffee:
Văn Lang territory òf Viet in ancient time.


I like this picture very much! You guys are very imaginative.

I'd like you guys put it in popular Chinese forums, such as www.tianya.cn and write some simple Chinese like "I am a Vietnamese. This is our Vietnam map." copy paste this 我是越南人。这是我们越南的地图。

I believe it helps the Chinese to understand you better.


Let me know the URL once you've posted.
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