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The Vietnam Solution

Văn Lang territory òf Viet in ancient time.


Nato Wasn't existent in 1945 (further, associated countries weren't in the position to support the misguided notions of your false histories)

Further, US was the global force behind decolonization after WWII, as it had been previous to it (much to the consternation of Continental Academics of the time, and perhaps misinterpretation of the crowd who inhabited smokey cafe's in London and Paris in the 1920'2, 1930's, etc...)

It's interesting how these issues are played, it seems the work of 1930 continental academics, influenced post Civil Rights post-modernist critical theorists, upon Marxian principles, within the confines of the basic tenants of Soviet Foreign Policy and these things are sounding their death call in the present era, where greater truth, and less ideology can reign supreme, hopefully.

USSR entered the war in Pacific 14 days before capitulation of Japanese.
That, and subsequent, Cold War altered the trajectory of Nationalist movements and foreign involvement in Civil Wars otherwise.
Hence, Truman doctrine, and alteration to course.
Where the export of ideology and political revolution were part and parcel of the USSR's foreign policy, and that of some satellite states.

Upon your perspective, all the US would have had to do would have been to use tactical nukes as the French requested. (at Dien Bien Phu)

Do you believe actually believe those things you state, or does someone pay you to spout this drivel.

Nato Wasn't existent in 1945 (further, associated countries weren't in the position to support the misguided notions of your false histories)

Further, US was the global force behind decolonization after WWII, as it had been previous to it (much to the consternation of Continental Academics of the time, and perhaps misinterpretation of the crowd who inhabited smokey cafe's in London and Paris in the 1920'2, 1930's, etc...)

It's interesting how these issues are played, it seems the work of 1930 continental academics, influenced post Civil Rights post-modernist critical theorists, upon Marxian principles, within the confines of the basic tenants of Soviet Foreign Policy and these things are sounding their death call in the present era, where greater truth, and less ideology can reign supreme, hopefully.

USSR entered the war in Pacific 14 days before capitulation of Japanese.
That, and subsequent, Cold War altered the trajectory of Nationalist movements and foreign involvement in Civil Wars otherwise.
Hence, Truman doctrine, and alteration to course.
Where the export of ideology and political revolution were part and parcel of the USSR's foreign policy, and that of some satellite states.

Upon your perspective, all the US would have had to do would have been to use tactical nukes as the French requested. (at Dien Bien Phu)

Do you believe actually believe those things you state, or does someone pay you to spout this drivel.
No one pay these guys for what they say. You should understand that in Viet Nam, well over half of the population are borned after the war and have no emotional ties to it. But that does not mean they are immune from the selective history editing by the communist government.

Just as they do not know that NATO did not exist in 1945, they did not know that it was Ho himself who invited France back into Viet Nam via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. They did not know that there were non-communist nationalists and that it was the French and Viet Minh forces who slaughtered these people. They did not know that it was the intention of the US to place Indochina under UN administration towards development and independence. There are many things they do not know but the one thing they are assured of is that without communism, Viet Nam could not achieve independence. Circular logic.

Nato Wasn't existent in 1945 (further, associated countries weren't in the position to support the misguided notions of your false histories)

Further, US was the global force behind decolonization after WWII, as it had been previous to it (much to the consternation of Continental Academics of the time, and perhaps misinterpretation of the crowd who inhabited smokey cafe's in London and Paris in the 1920'2, 1930's, etc...)

It's interesting how these issues are played, it seems the work of 1930 continental academics, influenced post Civil Rights post-modernist critical theorists, upon Marxian principles, within the confines of the basic tenants of Soviet Foreign Policy and these things are sounding their death call in the present era, where greater truth, and less ideology can reign supreme, hopefully.

USSR entered the war in Pacific 14 days before capitulation of Japanese.
That, and subsequent, Cold War altered the trajectory of Nationalist movements and foreign involvement in Civil Wars otherwise.
Hence, Truman doctrine, and alteration to course.
Where the export of ideology and political revolution were part and parcel of the USSR's foreign policy, and that of some satellite states.

Upon your perspective, all the US would have had to do would have been to use tactical nukes as the French requested. (at Dien Bien Phu)

Do you believe actually believe those things you state, or does someone pay you to spout this drivel.
I use NATO to mention about Western's support to France, France got huge support from England a winner after WW 2. I just try to make a short cut, that's all.

US won't support nuke bomb to France at Dien Bien Phu bcz USSR could give us that bomb too.
gambit said:
Just as they do not know that NATO did not exist in 1945, they did not know that it was Ho himself who invited France back into Viet Nam via the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. They did not know that there were non-communist nationalists and that it was the French and Viet Minh forces who slaughtered these people.
Are you tired with lying yet ??
Gambit, stop lying again and again, you white @$$ licker love to consider enemy is your father.I will report to Mod if you keep lying about history next time.

Pls read the link below, from page 29 to page 30, and you can see Who offered France troop to station in North VietNam first. It's clearly was a Deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France

The French troop porposed to Chiang Kai-shek that their relinquish the old French concession in Shanghai and other Chinese ports in exchange for allowing French troop to replace the Chinese forces north of the 16th parallel .After Chiang accepted the offer , Lu Han's army departed early in 1946 . Ho then was faces with prospect of French return to Northern VN, and some of Ho collaborators urged him to order the VMLA to fight. Instead, he decided to try negotiation first and to resort to war only as last resort

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/military-forum/43913-worlds-best-special-forces-10.html#ixzz20sUKHG2V
Tactical Nukes

Not in support of such, but that would have been dependent upon time, and certainly, a decision to have used, would have altered the time (and other) dynamics, and likely lessened the support for the USSR to provide, likely lessened that they would have provided in any case, although they themselves might have used in support of, or there could have been complications otherwise,..... more importantly, the other points left unaddressed?
Are you tired with lying yet ??
And I see you are not tire from lying for the communists. You have no proper understanding of why China was in northern Viet Nam in the first place: It was a necessity of war.

Each area under Imperial Japan control must make an official turn over of power to an Allied Powers agent and in Indochina that agent was China. If that deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France was so good for France, there would have been no need for the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. Chiang Kai-shek was under the understanding that France was going to be returning to Indochina as a colonial power, but as custodian of northern Viet Nam at that time, he had the leverage over France when it comes to France's territory in China. He did not care whether France succeeded or not. As long as he can get what he want for China, he was willing to block France's access to Indochina.

On the other hand, Ho knew that if France were to return to Viet Nam as colonial master and if he resisted, there were no guarantees that anyone would come to his aid in his resistance. The Viet Minh would be facing France and non-communist nationalists in northern Viet Nam who have refuge in southern Viet Nam which was under British control. The Ho-Sainteny Agreement was at the same time as when China withdrew -- Mar 1046.

Ho wanted a communist Viet Nam but look around you and see how communism failed our birth country. Look at the South Koreans and the Japanese. Look at how they came to Viet Nam to invest and almost left because of the failures of the communists in every way. Stop trying to save face for a failure.
Tactical Nukes

Not in support of such, but that would have been dependent upon time, and certainly, a decision to have used, would have altered the time (and other) dynamics, and likely lessened the support for the USSR to provide, likely lessened that they would have provided in any case, although they themselves might have used in support of, or there could have been complications otherwise,..... more importantly, the other points left unaddressed?

How can Vietnam do to protect his sovereignty, independence against bigger enemies ?:coffee:
And I see you are not tire from lying for the communists. You have no proper understanding of why China was in northern Viet Nam in the first place: It was a necessity of war.

Each area under Imperial Japan control must make an official turn over of power to an Allied Powers agent and in Indochina that agent was China. If that deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France was so good for France, there would have been no need for the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. Chiang Kai-shek was under the understanding that France was going to be returning to Indochina as a colonial power, but as custodian of northern Viet Nam at that time, he had the leverage over France when it comes to France's territory in China. He did not care whether France succeeded or not. As long as he can get what he want for China, he was willing to block France's access to Indochina.

On the other hand, Ho knew that if France were to return to Viet Nam as colonial master and if he resisted, there were no guarantees that anyone would come to his aid in his resistance. The Viet Minh would be facing France and non-communist nationalists in northern Viet Nam who have refuge in southern Viet Nam which was under British control. The Ho-Sainteny Agreement was at the same time as when China withdrew -- Mar 1046.

Ho wanted a communist Viet Nam but look around you and see how communism failed our birth country. Look at the South Koreans and the Japanese.
You comments have No credible link to support when I have. This book was written by "Larry H. Addington", and posted on - Google Books, so who's lying here
Pls read the link below, from page 29 to page 30, and you can see Who offered France troop to station in North VietNam first. It's clearly was a Deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France .
The French troop porposed to Chiang Kai-shek that their relinquish the old French concession in Shanghai and other Chinese ports in exchange for allowing French troop to replace the Chinese forces north of the 16th parallel .After Chiang accepted the offer , Lu Han's army departed early in 1946 . Ho then was faces with prospect of French ruturn to Northern VN, and some of Ho collaborators urged him to order the VMLA to fight. Instead, he decided to try negotiation first and to resort to war only as last resort
America's war in Vietnam: a short ... - Larry H. Addington - Google Books

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...korea-against-provaction-7.html#ixzz20tTpK0Ep
gambit said:
Look at the South Koreans and the Japanese. Look at how they came to Viet Nam to invest and almost left because of the failures of the communists in every way.
South Koreans: No right to enrich uranium, can't unify with the North, it means half of Korean is living under the hell of Kim's family

Japanese: No right to enrich uranium, too, can't protect herself against China's nuke threat.

VN: Have clear right to enrich uranium, can make nuke warhead secretly, can protect herself against china's nuke threat, can dig lots of Gold from Laos-Cam etc...

So , who is better and can stand on its own feet here ??
Looks like a map depicting monkey habitats in southern China.

When Han monkeys run aroand Huanhe river, area there was land of Viet.
Don't forget that many chinese words came from others, the word "river" in chinese Jiang came from Viet's language.

loanwords in Old Chinese, possibly from the peoples of the lower Yangtze basin known to ancient Chinese as the Yue. For example, the early Chinese name *kroŋ (江 jiāng) for the Yangtze was later extended to a general word for "river" in south China. Norman and Mei suggest that the word is cognate with Vietnamese sông (from *krong) and Mon kruŋ "river".[29]

Old Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And I see you are not tire from lying for the communists. You have no proper understanding of why China was in northern Viet Nam in the first place: It was a necessity of war.

Each area under Imperial Japan control must make an official turn over of power to an Allied Powers agent and in Indochina that agent was China. If that deal between Chiang Kai-shek and France was so good for France, there would have been no need for the Ho-Sainteny Agreement. Chiang Kai-shek was under the understanding that France was going to be returning to Indochina as a colonial power, but as custodian of northern Viet Nam at that time, he had the leverage over France when it comes to France's territory in China. He did not care whether France succeeded or not. As long as he can get what he want for China, he was willing to block France's access to Indochina.

On the other hand, Ho knew that if France were to return to Viet Nam as colonial master and if he resisted, there were no guarantees that anyone would come to his aid in his resistance. The Viet Minh would be facing France and non-communist nationalists in northern Viet Nam who have refuge in southern Viet Nam which was under British control. The Ho-Sainteny Agreement was at the same time as when China withdrew -- Mar 1046.

Ho wanted a communist Viet Nam but look around you and see how communism failed our birth country. Look at the South Koreans and the Japanese. Look at how they came to Viet Nam to invest and almost left because of the failures of the communists in every way. Stop trying to save face for a failure.
I see that those anti-communists like you never stop lying and lying and lying over and over again. yeah, Ho invited the French back to Indochina so he had to face the French, yeah, go tell those Vietnamese at ttvnol forum and see if your logic persuade them or not, I warn you most of them are very anti-current Viet government

And stop your bullshiet about the Korean and Japanese investment in Viet Nam, they invest in Viet Nam to leech our low wage labourers, not to make Viet Nam into an industrial country. Both the Japanese and Korean refuse to transfer even one bit of technology to Viet Nam so we can manufacture ship, car, airplane, electronic, power turbine blah blah blah so stop acting like they are angels coming to Viet Nam for a rescue.

Look at SK Telecom of South Korea investment in Viet Nam and I'm glad they left due to failure for trying to take over our telecom market. I can see your disappointment when a foreigner like them fail in Viet Nam but for us patriots, that's a joy as we do not want anyone to take over our market.

Communism does not fail Viet Nam buddy, its just that the Korean and Japanese are lucky enough to receive massive technology transfer from the U.S and Europe. If communism is the problem, why the Phillipines and the rest of the "democractic" ASEAN are still in the middle-income trap and not like G7 who can MANFACTURE almost everything? Here is the answer: they do not receive technology transfer from the U.S and Europe like Korea and Japan did.

Communism is just a terrible excuse ..................
why the Phillipines and the rest of the "democractic" ASEAN are still in the middle-income trap and not like G7 who can MANFACTURE almost everything? Here is the answer: they do not receive technology transfer from the U.S and Europe like Korea and Japan did.
Tech transfer is useless without the personnel to receive and digest it.

A sad reality is that Southeast Asian nations with the exception of Singapore do not value education very much. It is the quality of human capital that makes and breaks a nation, and this is why China cannot catch up to Korea and Japan in high-end high value industries because of low quality of China's human capital. Chinese companies do not invest in their employee's development.
Tech transfer is useless without the personnel to receive and digest it.

A sad reality is that Southeast Asian nations with the exception of Singapore do not value education very much. It is the quality of human capital that makes and breaks a nation, and this is why China cannot catch up to Korea and Japan in high-end high value industries because of low quality of China's human capital. Chinese companies do not invest in their employee's development.
Nice way to downplay tech transfer play the most crucial role to your country industrializing process.

If tech transfer is "useless", why do Korean and Japanese are so afraid to transfer technologies to their neighbours?
Nice way to downplay tech transfer play the most crucial role to your country industrializing process.

If tech transfer is "useless", why do Korean and Japanese are so afraid to transfer technologies to their neighbours?
I think problem between SK-JP-VN will soon be resolve bcz we need each other in countering China now.

btw: we were US's enemy, so it's hard for SK-JP to transfer technologies to VN bcz US will sanction their economy, when we have better ralationship with US, then we will receive lots of high-technologies from SK-JP-EU soon
When Han monkeys run aroand Huanhe river, area there was land of Viet.
Don't forget that many chinese words came from others, the word "river" in chinese Jiang came from Viet's language.

Old Chinese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you dumb?

Yue in Ancient China is not Viet. You guys are seriously deluded if you think Yue is Vietnam. You guys are misreading Chinese characters and mistakingly translating it into history.

The Vietnam of today descends from Lac Viet (駱越). Merely one of the tribes on the southern end, and has barely anything to do with what the Chinese call Yue (越国).

Van Lang is also mythical, and the land isn't corroborated by any other sources. I mean... Some viets claims it exist from ~2700 B.C..... Really?

Anyhow, enough history lesson. There can be no "Vietnam Solution" because there is no problem with the majority of Vietnam. The only disputes we have are limited to islands. China has no interest in the Vietnamese mainland today. None whatsoever.
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