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The Royal Moroccan Army is a quantum leap in armaments


According to a newspaper article
Le desk, which has precedents in publishing Moroccan military deals...

The Kingdom of Morocco is close to settling a deal to supply Israeli Merkava tanks

The newspaper did not specify in its headline the type of issuance that Morocco intends to contract for..

Another Israeli article talks about the $1.2 billion deal for 200 Mark3 tanks, updated with a new engine and 120 mm cannon. It seems that the deal is confirmed and will be publicly anounced soon..

The tank will also come with an active electronic protection package "Trophy" type and internally controlled automatic machine gun produced by Rafael Corporation..


Another Israeli article talks about the $1.2 billion deal for 200 Mark3 tanks, updated with a new engine and 120 mm cannon. It seems that the deal is confirmed and will be publicly anounced soon..

The tank will also come with an active electronic protection package "Trophy" type and internally controlled automatic machine gun produced by Rafael Corporation..

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is it good buy or not? 5 milion dollsr for tank for old tanks?
is it good buy or not? 5 milion dollsr for tank for old tanks?
I think it is a good price. For example, the T-90 cost about 5 millions and ofc the Merkava MK3 will be far more advanced technologically than T-90. So in theory a war against Algerian tanks, the Merkava MK3 will be the victor. So a good deal for Morocco.
Morocco receives from Israel the advanced "Barak MX" system


The Kingdom of Morocco has received the BARAK MX system for advanced Israeli medium and long-range air defense.

The Far Maroc Forum, which is close to the Royal Armed Forces, revealed on its official Facebook page that the Barak MX system has a long range of 35, 70 and 150 km, at an altitude of 20 to 30 km. These are unprecedented qualitative capabilities that will enhance the capabilities of the Moroccan army.

The unity of command assigned to this system, in the colors of the Royal Armed Forces, is clearly shown, according to the Forum, in an official publication dedicated to this system.


According to a report on the missiles on the official website of the Israeli Defense Industries Company, the family of “Barak” air defense missiles includes 5 types of missiles: “Barak-MX”, “Barak-Interceptor”, “Barak-ER” and “Barak-LR”. AD.”

Barak-MX: It can hit targets at a range of 35, 70 and 150 km at an altitude of 20 to 30 km.

“Barak-Interceptor”: an air defense system that has 3 types of defensive missiles, with a range of 35, 70 and 150 kilometers.

Barak-ER: surface-to-air defensive missiles with a range of more than 150 km and can drop air targets at an altitude of 30 km.

“Barak-LRAD”: The range is 70 km and it can drop air targets at an altitude of 20 km.

“Barak-MRAD”: The range is 35 km and it can shoot down air targets at an altitude of 20 km.

The missiles can be launched vertically in all atmospheres, and each platform has 8 missiles, and it can hit targets such as; Warplanes, cruise missiles, tactical ballistic missiles, drones, helicopters and guided bombs.

These missiles can also be used against enemy missile defenses and can be installed aboard naval units, land vehicles, or even fixed sites.

It is worth noting that since the resumption of diplomatic relations with Israel, the Kingdom of Morocco began to sign many memorandums of cooperation in the military field, as Israel pledged to transfer military technology to Morocco and provide it with the advantages of advanced weapons.

Israeli media reported that Morocco had obtained a license to manufacture ammunition for the Barak air defense system.
I think it is a good price. For example, the T-90 cost about 5 millions and ofc the Merkava MK3 will be far more advanced technologically than T-90. So in theory a war against Algerian tanks, the Merkava MK3 will be the victor. So a good deal for Morocco.
The deal is for modernized Merkava tanks.. so the price is pretty good..

They might get this equipment on top of the Trophy APS.. Since Morocco entered into military industrialization with Israel..The Merkava MK3 could be developed to a special standard for Morocco..As we have seen, SPY-X The Suicide drone was made with Moroccan participation..


But these tanks are very heavy..even heavier than the Abrams tanks..So the best guess is that Morocco will use them is defensive positions..

Merkava size compared to Abrams

Its specifications are excellent, equipped with LWS, and Trophy can be integrated into it, which is very strong..It has an intelligent fire management system named ELBIT"The Knight mkIII" is characterized by the automatic tracking of targets during the movement of the target and the tank at the same time. It is characterized by strong armament with a 120mm smoothbore cannon with a 60mm automatic mortar..Mk3 is superior to any other Tank in the area..

The tank was built to penetrate the earthen barriers, trenches, and all the barricades in which the infantry is entrenched, then open security holes to engage the rest of the enemy's military equipment..

The expected numbers +200
368 Abrams + 200 Merkava = overwhelming advantage


With Lahat missiles that can destroy targets 8 km away.. And it may reach up to 13 km if it is launched from certain heights


Also the tank is capable of carrying out bombing using a mortar launcher Built into it..

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Just imagine:
with a 105 gun
And above them Apache and MQ9 reaper
Behind them are Himars and Kaiser
And behind all of them Laura with 500 km
And on top of all this, Viper with jsow, Dalilah, and Harm
Without forgetting the hordes of light vehicles armed with anti-tank weapons and much more..
And of course, all this is under the protection of the Patriot and the Barrack MX.



Seemingly..Morocco has some very good reasons for this rapid pace of arming itself with modern weapons:

- A $25 billion gas pipeline project that will provide Europe with 30% of its needs must be protected.

- The port of Tangiers, with an investment and economic value exceeding 60 billion dollars, secures 80% of Moroccan exports, and must be protected.

- The port of Nador, with future investments worth tens of billions of dollars, must be protected and secured.

- Solar and wind energy stations are distributed over most of the national territory with billions of dollars and future investments that will provide the United Kingdom with 7% of its electricity needs,

- Future Chinese investments in the field of electric batteries worth tens of billions of dollars.

- Other foreign investments that must be protected and secured.

- Future discoveries of gas and oil must be protected.

- Water dams near the border

- Investments in express trains, bridges, and much more infrastructure,

All of this must be protected and secured

Worth mentioning also ..the ports of Dakhla and Casablanca and the land roads in Mauritania and southern Morocco that need to be secured in the event of a deterioration in the situation abroad, without talking about the huge investments in phosphates and green hydrogen..

Without showing the ability to secure and protect these investments, Morocco will not be able to secure its future, and hence will not be able to give assurances to foreign investors to come to the country.

What Morocco is doing is the strict minimum; Morocco's geographical location and the pioneering role it aspires to play requires and necessitates more investment in raising its military capabilities..


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The appearance of the SpyX suicide drone, produced by the Israeli company BlueBird, which in turn is affiliated with IAI, in Morocco

The drone has a range of 50 km
Staying for 1.5 hours
Warhead: 2.5 kg
Maximum weight: 10 kg
launch across the rail

Mass production of SpyX Suicide drone has begun in Morocco..Along with other Reconnaissance drones..And soon it will be joined by the Harup and the Harpy drones..After the completion of the construction of the factory ..

Morocco is in serious negotiations to acquire the advanced Turkish “Akinji” UCAV


Morocco is currently negotiating with Turkey to acquire Akinji combat UCAV, according to reliable sources, le Collimateur.ma.

This step comes in the wake of Morocco's success in acquiring Bayraktar TB2 aircraft, which supported its ability to participate effectively in battlefields.

On the other hand, these UCAV allow Morocco to diversify its military strategies. It can be used to carry out air-to-ground and air-to-air missions, reducing pressure on conventional combat aircraft.

These UCAV can also be equipped with home-made air-to-air missiles, which enhances their ability to counter air threats.

It is noteworthy that the "Akinji" UCAV entered service in 2021, and is currently owned by a few armies, including the armies of Azerbaijan, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.

A congressional delegation is on a visit to Morocco to discuss the military partnership


Members of Congress highlighted, on this occasion, the distinction of the historical friendship and cooperation between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco, which are reinforced by a strategic military partnership based on an important legal arsenal, especially the road map for cooperation in the field of defense 2020-2030, which was signed in October 2020, on the occasion of the visit of the Minister American defense of Morocco.

The communication added that members of the US Congress affirmed that military cooperation relations have been strengthening thanks to the work of the Defense Advisory Committee, and the exchange of visits between senior officials of the two countries, praising the important role played by the Kingdom, under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, in the service of peace and stability in the Middle East. Africa, the Mediterranean Basin and the Middle East.

For his part, Mr. Lodiye referred to the tripartite declaration signed between Morocco, the United States of America and Israel in December 2020 before His Majesty King Mohammed VI, recalling also the decision of the United States of America to recognize the full sovereignty of the Kingdom over its Sahara.

The minister also noted the decisions taken by the US Congress and the Senate regarding the US defense budget (the National Defense Approval Act), which concern the military cooperation of the United States of America with the Kingdom, reaffirming the importance of bilateral military cooperation through the exchange of experiences and expertise represented, in particular, in Conducting the multilateral military exercise (African Lion) on a regular basis, which enhances the interoperability of the two countries' forces.

The communication concluded that at the conclusion of this meeting, the two sides praised the dynamism of this cooperation, expressing the common will to explore new opportunities for cooperation, especially in the fields of cyber defense, space and the defense industry.

The Moroccan Royal Armed Forces began to receive the Merkava tanks.

The Moroccan Merkava is the MK3:

It will undergo a comprehensive upgrade that includes almost everything..The MK3 will be completely restored and upgraded with the Mk4 engine installed In the Moroccan version! ( Tank movement will become 2 times stronger) and it is very likely to be equipped with the Trophy APS..

The numbers will be important..


Moroccan main battle tanks

Second row
VT-1A MBT-2000
T-72B/BK is a local development
T-72M Czech development



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The appearance of the Australian Bushmaster tanker in Morocco


For the first time, Morocco is preparing to acquire intelligent anti-ship coastal defense systems

This will be the first time in Morocco's history that the country has a coastal defense equipped with anti-ship missiles. The Moroccan army plans to acquire a coastal defense system capable of protecting its exclusive economic zone (EEZ), the most valuable option having a range of 300 km.

Morocco has a coastline extending along two seafronts with a total length of about 3,500 kilometers, of which more than 500 are in the Mediterranean Sea and about 3,000 along the Atlantic Ocean.

Israeli-made coastal defense systems appear to be the army's best choice among the options studied, which included Chinese and Turkish factory systems. In fact, the Artillery Command had already made the necessary changes to create a coastal defense unit. It will be ready to start training once it chooses the right system that meets its specific requirements and needs.

Rafael's Sea Breaker and IAI's Blue Spear



Among the Israeli options evaluated were the Sea Breaker systems from Rafael and the Blue Spear from IAI (Israel Aerospace Industries) in cooperation with ST Engineering in Singapore. These two fifth-generation missiles are among the most advanced missiles for attacking naval and coastal targets, with a range of about 300 kilometers.

Of these two systems, Sea Breaker could be the preferred choice for Morocco. This missile is distinguished by its ability to carry out precise attacks against naval and land targets, using infrared technology and artificial intelligence to detect and target targets. This capability could be crucial to strengthening maritime sovereignty and improving coastal defences, especially in maritime environments such as the Mediterranean.

In addition, the system is based on Rafael's SPYDER mobile launchers, which have already sparked Morocco's interest in strengthening its medium-range air defense, making it suitable for the joint integration of coastal defense and air defense forces.

The Chinese-made CM-302 (YJ-12B) system has been on the Moroccan Army's radar for several years. It uses a supersonic missile, unlike Israeli systems whose speed does not exceed Mach 1. The Chinese missile can reach a speed of Mach 3, and can maintain hypersonic speeds throughout its path. In addition, they fly low to avoid detection by radar, making detection and interception difficult.


However, Algeria’s acquisition of this system in 2022 may affect Morocco’s decision and may exclude it from the list of possible options.

As for the Barbaros system, affiliated with the Turkish company ROKETSAN, it uses ATMACA and Cakir missiles. It can fire 4 ATMACA missiles or 6 Cakir missiles from the Barbaros coastal defense system battery. The ATMACA missile has a range of 220 km, while the Cakir missile has a range of 150 km. Both missiles have multiple guidance modes, including active radar guidance RF, infrared guidance IIR, or hybrid guidance that combines active radar and infrared (IIR+RF). Both missiles have high subsonic speed and have network data link capabilities.


Morocco currently relies on its naval and air fleet to ensure the security of its coasts. However, with the introduction of coastal defence, the country will be able to control its territorial waters, exclusive economic zones and other coastal areas. By enhancing its surveillance and targeting capabilities at sea and establishing an Access and Denial Area (A2/AD), it will also be able to close sea lanes and deny access to its coastal areas to conduct amphibious operations on its territory.


Algerian Al-Khabar newspaper published an article in which it stated that the UAE handed over military aircraft and intelligence equipment to Morocco that are being used on the border strip.

The newspaper close to the Algerian Army Chief of Staff, Saeed Chengriha, said, “The UAE has gone far in its military support for Morocco, through its officials acknowledging the granting of 68 advanced Mirage 2000-9 military aircraft, along with spare parts and ammunition supplies, as free support for the Moroccan arms race.”


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