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The Plight Of Indian Dalits Continues

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Then again, there was news the other day, a Dalit man had his hands chopped off for not paying back his credit....plight of man. ??
There was a case of chiristian professor's hands chopped off by the muslim youths in kerala on the order of illegal vigilant shariat courts .now how should one define it?plight of a man,plight of a christian?victim of islamists ?victimization of christian?victimization of professor?victimization of christian professor?...etc etc.
Crime remains same trivialities doesnt change it nor the various trivialities will increase or decrease the the punishment rendered to the offender.
dude same thing goes with any part of the world , no matter how high you caste is no one dare to fight with a jat in delhi or hariyana , simple because they are powerful, its all about power buddy, , , nothing to do with caste.
Kindly read about decision making of a criminal and Criminology. Even serial killers who are born with certain characteristic became one due to environment.
we are all humans ultimately, not hindu christian or muslims. after we die we dont know where the I will go. lifeless body will be consumed by 1 of the elements. that time it doesnt matter if you are high caste or low, hindu or muslim.
of course, the ones that are still living will make a big issue of the lifeless mass of flesh. but thats another story.
For umpteenth time you are comparing Apples with oranges for sake of argument.

The question is not the crime rape or molestation but the reason of picking this way to oppress the lower caste people.

The reason behind that girl's molestation was the sick minds of people and their views about the girls who go to bar and drink alcohol should be considered character less and should receive punishment. Molestation was the punishment they gave.

Try to filter Reason of Crime---and----Crime itself. Reasoning and decision making comes first then the crime.

Hope you do understand how mind works ?
So you mean to say people behind dalit girl's rape were of not of sick mind.even if you look it as oppression of lower caste by higher caste then why do you get jumpy when i see it as oppression of women by men.Later being the correct way to describe the rape crime irrespective of caste/creed /sect/weaker/powerful.

In men dominated society men tend to think themselves as powerful hence lord over women and oppress the weak women.Given the power of gun to womenfolk same men will easily hide back into their holes.
Add Criminal Psychology to my suggestion if you really want to know more.
like in pakistan which rapes hindu girls by abducting them, india also has rape problems. but unlike pakistan where even the supreme court does not do anything to the abducters and the society congratulates the criminals, indian public berate and convict the offenders and provide justice to the victim.
pakistan has institutionalised majority oppresssion. india has not done that , therein lies the civilzational difference.

Like in India, we don't force any caste of person to eat human excrement and drink urine....having problems sticking to the topic.

islam chops of hands of thieves. islam has institutionalised this kind of behavioiur. whereas india has not. only certain indvuduals behave like this. therein lies the civilizational difference.

I condemn this act and the perpetrators should be brought to justice.

however if the same thing happened in pak to hindu girl, every forum member here would be saying its a non issue and actually would term the girl a slut.

Now you are dragging religion into, that's a very sensitive subject, do you want to go down this way. ???
Kindly read about decision making of a criminal and Criminology. Even serial killers who are born with certain characteristic became one due to environment.

well , no book says decision making have anything to do with caste mindset , its all about power you or your lovedones have. a poor person from high caste will never go and try to show his caste sup. to a powerful dalit.
Winddy, I suggest you keep these volatile points away, will result in more trolling and attack on religion.
Add Criminal Psychology to my suggestion if you really want to know more.
Why should i add criminal Psychology?i dont consider rapist/molesters/paedophile as criminals i consider them as demon and for demon there is only one punishment ie death.Even Ravan was killed for kidnapping sita.and kauravas were killed for molesting draupadi.same way every rapist/molester has to be killed on the spot.
Like in India, we don't force any caste of person to eat human excrement and drink urine....having problems sticking to the topic.

Now you are dragging religion into, that's a very sensitive subject, do you want to go down this way. ???
you just force them to convert to your religion. thats even worse than forcing to drink or eat.

you drag caste, i drag religion.. what s the differnce?

Why should i add criminal Psychology?i dont consider rapist/molesters/paedophile as criminals i consider them as demon and for demon there is only one punishment ie death.Even Ravan was killed for kidnapping sita.and kauravas were killed for molesting draupadi.same way every rapist/molester has to be killed on the spot.

cmon killing is not the solution. instruct him and tell him what he did was wrong. then feed him biryani and set him free. of course castrate him before that please.
So you mean to say people behind dalit girl's rape were of not of sick mind.even if you look it as oppression of lower caste by higher caste then why do you get jumpy when i see it as oppression of women by men.Later being the correct way to describe the rape crime irrespective of caste/creed /sect/weaker/powerful.

In men dominated society men tend to think themselves as powerful hence lord over women and oppress the weak women.Given the power of gun to womenfolk same men will easily hide back into their holes.
I think you are completely mis-reading the posts, where the hell did I say those criminals were not sick minded. I always get jumpy about women being oppressed by men, I openly bash husband that beats their wives, eve tease girls on buses, trains etc. dowry related crimes, acid attacks etc.

The subject of discussion is not the crime, if you want to discuss the crime open other thread. Actually you got jumpy when you read the word Rape and brought your idea of AK-47 and gunning down the men. Taking law in own hands always ends up in self-destruction where as making stricter laws, severe punishment, Victim support program, Victim protection and enabling of law effectively is always the solution.

This is about the Caste as a reason of these type of heinous crimes.
rape is a problem in SA because of repressive islamic and victorian culture. we should bring back old hindu ways where sex was not taboo and women were not objects and men and women could easily satisfy themselves.
thats the root cause.
Why should i add criminal Psychology?i dont consider rapist/molesters/paedophile as criminals i consider them as demon and for demon there is only one punishment ie death.Even Ravan was killed for kidnapping sita.and kauravas were killed for molesting draupadi.same way every rapist/molester has to be killed on the spot.
To remove the crime, you need to explore the reasons of the crime.

Terrorists are demons too but don't we read, observe and find the reasons behind them becoming terrorist. But may be your idea is kill one terrorist while not working against the reasons, no wonder some other person will become terrorist. There is no shortage of sick minded, uneducated, gullible, unemployed people to become a criminal.

Yeah, kill me if I reject a girl who is madly in love with me and file fake charges against me as rapist even if I am innocent. Turns out I was innocent, I would like to know the reaction when my mother and sister ask you why did they shoot me ? Why did they didn't go for fair trial ?
What about these two women ?

Hang me if I am culprit but release me and arrest that girl and give her severe punishment for filing fake charges.

The problem behind no severe law against such criminals are blind feminists which demands on the spot killing. If they would have gone a better way, there would be life imprisonment or death penalty for rapists.
rape is a problem in SA because of repressive islamic and victorian culture. we should bring back old hindu ways where sex was not taboo and women were not objects and men and women could easily satisfy themselves.
thats the root cause.
Great...blame it on Islamic culture, well buddy don't you know crime stats in Hindu majority India, Christian majority West.

Don't bring religion into this. Grow up kiddo.
you just force them to convert to your religion. thats even worse than forcing to drink or eat.

you drag caste, i drag religion.. what s the differnce?

Would love to see what would you chose if placed in such circumstances. !!
Dalit girl was mentioned by the source not my initiative.

rape is a problem in SA because of repressive islamic and victorian culture. we should bring back old hindu ways where sex was not taboo and women were not objects and men and women could easily satisfy themselves.
thats the root cause.

Delhi....capital of majority Hindu India, ....often described rape capital of the world....have the locals lost their own cultural values or they just ape others.!!
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