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One of Dismal Denise's complete fabrications. There is no such post by me, nowhere. Only in the fevered imagination of this groupie.

Nice to see that she now resorts to fairy tales to get herself heard. And to get herself a negative rating for posting unfounded slander.

LOL. Do we have a case of senile dementia on hand or is it a case of compulsive lying? Well, I will let it Shearer's fans to sort it out. Either way it is pitiable.

I have voted in every election for which I have been eligible as a voter since 1968, so how does the question of not participating arise? Have you been a voter in your turn?

In 2014, I might vote in west Bengal, in UP, or in Karnataka. Obviously I will vote according to the choice of candidates available on the ballot at that time at the place of voting.

Don't you think it slightly bone-headed to assume that these are the choices available in three locations in future, one and a half years later?

Incidentally, I was offered a ticket (in jest) for 2014. Presumably it was in jest, as it is difficult to fathom anything in common between the mass organisation that did the offering and my own liberal democratic views,, except for our shared antipathy to majoritarianism..

Not unless they reject violence, accept the rule of law and agree on constitutional rule. Maybe not the present constitution, but an amended one.

I agree with you about the general tenor of your remarks, and also believe that we cannot trump each other by pointing that either side was older in infamy than the other.

Second, there has been frequent mention about Indian consulates in Afghanistan. The number is misquoted, some fanciful accounts counting as many as fifteen. In fact, I suspect, far from having anything other than personal scepticism about the role and nature of Indian diplomatic representations in Afghanistan, you may not even have an idea of the number and location of these consulates! Seriously, for your own sake, not for public display, can you list the consulates? Do you think, considering their location, that we are over-represented? Would you, as a hypothetical leader of the overseas representation of India, have had less?

Think cow-belt wrestler?[/quote]

Wow !! Samajwadi? Must have been really impressed with you if they are planning to import from Bengal? Or maybe you impressed Akhilesh Yadav with your kannada.:lol:
LOL. Do we have a case of senile dementia on hand or is it a case of compulsive lying? Well, I will let it Shearer's fans to sort it out. Either way it is pitiable.


That confirms it. You must be nuts to take this seriously.

Stop trying to shift and becoming my groupie. Get a life.
Why is it become a thread about someone's personal life?? Not all here is a Modi Bhakt.. But it doesn't mean that some one is supporting congress.. If you cannot counter his argument then so be it.. Why branding him as any party's follower??
Why is it become a thread about someone's personal life?? Not all here is a Modi Bhakt.. But it doesn't mean that some one is supporting congress.. If you cannot counter his argument then so be it.. Why branding him as any party's follower??

This is obviously a loser who has nothing better to do with her life. She failed a long time ago to put forward anything convincing, so this is her response: to hang on to my coattails and try to dig out even small bits that seem inconsistent. Now even jokes are deathly serious for her. Poor thing! What a way to spend her day!
This is obviously a loser who has nothing better to do with her life. She failed a long time ago to put forward anything convincing, so this is her response: to hang on to my coattails and try to dig out even small bits that seem inconsistent. Now even jokes are deathly serious for her. Poor thing! What a way to spend her day!

Its just ridiculous that these guys wanted everyone to blindly follow a person.. Just because Kerala and Bengal didnt vote for BJP, we all become pussies and sickulars..Just because we criticize a leader we become traitors.. Instead of attacking personally, they never bothered to counter the arguments..

That confirms it. You must be nuts to take this seriously.

Stop trying to shift and becoming my groupie. Get a life.

Why should I take it seriously? People identify you for what you are and you seem to go all ape shit crazy over it, so I was just asking anonymous to ignore your outrage and not be apologetic about placing you correctly in the rabid loony leftist spectrum.

Becoming your groupie? LOL. If it were up to me, Gulags in Siberia would be where you would be spending the rest of your life.
Why should I take it seriously? People identify you for what you are and you seem to go all ape shit crazy over it, so I was just asking anonymous to ignore your outrage and not be apologetic about placing you correctly in the rabid loony leftist spectrum.

Becoming your groupie? LOL. If it were up to me, Gulags in Siberia would be where you would be spending the rest of your life.

Ah, a crypto-Communist.

Not an ashram in Hrishikesh, but Gulags in Siberia.

What do we call that, a Freudian slip? Like so many other gaffes by this kook?
Its just ridiculous that these guys wanted everyone to blindly follow a person.. Just because Kerala and Bengal didnt vote for BJP, we all become pussies and sickulars..Just because we criticize a leader we become traitors.. Instead of attacking personally, they never bothered to counter the arguments..

What countering arguments? Do you have an argument left which has not been countered? For 12 years the likes of you hounded that man. For 67 years, the likes of you called people who did not support your "idea of India" as fascists and communal, and now you want decency?
Its just ridiculous that these guys wanted everyone to blindly follow a person.. Just because Kerala and Bengal didnt vote for BJP, we all become pussies and sickulars..Just because we criticize a leader we become traitors.. Instead of attacking personally, they never bothered to counter the arguments..

Bother to counter the arguments?

They can't.

What countering arguments? Do you have an argument left which has not been countered? For 12 years the likes of you hounded that man. For 67 years, the likes of you called people who did not support your "idea of India" as fascists and communal, and now you want decency?

No, not at all; nobody expects something from you that you are incapable of.

How about logic? How about rationality in argument? How about contributing something other than rants? Look at your posts. Which of them adds value? Just one tirade after another. What use are you? other than to add background sound to a Sadhvi Rithambra harangue?
Ah, a crypto-Communist.

Not an ashram in Hrishikesh, but Gulags in Siberia.

What do we call that, a Freudian slip? Like so many other gaffes by this kook?

I am just being a Hindutva person. As per Hindu philosophy, we do try to identify good in everything. So even the commies had some merit to them, they knew where to send traitors to.
I am just being a Hindutva person. As per Hindu philosophy, we do try to identify good in everything. So even the commies had some merit to them, they knew where to send traitors to.

No doubt your pleasant manners, your civil way of identifying good in everything, your detection of merit in the Commies is what got you four negative ratings.

Or was it your well-balanced arguments?
How about logic? How about rationality in argument? How about contributing something other than rants? Look at your posts. Which of them adds value? Just one tirade after another. What use are you? other than to add background sound to a Sadhvi Rithambra harangue?

Rationality with you? Are you capable of rational arguments or of intellectual honesty. For all these years I have seen you bite dust in argument after argument. Have you changed? A whole lot of Indians have followed these arguments and learnt a lot meanwhile. The only guy who has never learnt anything is you. You remain here peddling the same lies, the same distorted corrosive views of the Indian society, the same corrupt human being.

My posts have been mostly a correction of the distorted poisonous view of India that likes of you have been propagating. Of what value it is, time will tell.

No doubt your pleasant manners, your civil way of identifying good in everything, your detection of merit in the Commies is what got you four negative ratings.

Or was it your well-balanced arguments?

LOL. All of those 4 were given by a butthurt Joe Shearer.
Rationality with you? Are you capable of rational arguments or of intellectual honesty. For all these years I have seen you bite dust in argument after argument. Have you changed? A whole lot of Indians have followed these arguments and learnt a lot meanwhile. The only guy who has never learnt anything is you. You remain here peddling the same lies, the same distorted corrosive views of the Indian society, the same corrupt human being.

So far, it does seem to be a general conclusion that I am capable of rational arguments and of intellectual honesty. Naturally, those capable of neither would not agree. Guess where that puts you?

My posts have been mostly a correction of the distorted poisonous view of India that likes of you have been propagating. Of what value it is, time will tell.

Oh, dear, we have a lonely and misunderstood prophetess, a Cassandra come again.

LOL. All of those 4 were given by a butthurt Joe Shearer.

Right. And guess where the next four will come from?
So far, it does seem to be a general conclusion that I am capable of rational arguments and of intellectual honesty. Naturally, those capable of neither would not agree. Guess where that puts you?

I doubt it Shearer. Considering the number of people who got banned for calling you a Bengali Intellectual (an abuse as everyone knows by now). The only ones sympathetic to you are the ones who have leftist orientation like you or the Pakistanis, your natural allies.

Right. And guess where the next four will come from?

Next 4, next 10, do they have any meaning except that they managed to piss you off? How can that be bad?
What countering arguments? Do you have an argument left which has not been countered? For 12 years the likes of you hounded that man. For 67 years, the likes of you called people who did not support your "idea of India" as fascists and communal, and now you want decency?

Lolz, what kind of moronic arguments are you spewing here?? My idea of India is secular, liberal, strong and united.. Whats your idea of India??..People like you are blaming everything on religious minorities and broad minded people.. Yes, there are plenty of arguments which was not countered rather shifting the attack on personal level and we dont expect any decency from you guys because it is asking too much.. Rational behavior is not your cup of tea!!

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