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The Palestinian UN bid for recognition of state

The Palestinians can have a state of their own through negotiation and not in a unilateral action. Israel must guarantee that they will not use their country as a mean to hurt Israel (if we judge from their past behaviour).

Is there any end to you guys' Chutzpah!? To your propaganda? To your lies, distortions, extortion?
You call going into the UN 'unilateral'? Is it any more unilateral than the UN action that led to the creation of Israel?

BTW, don't repeat the lies like 'Palestinians' want to throw Israel to the sea. I can easily quote a bunch of Zionists and Likudnik who claim the whole land and who claim that the real Palestine is in Jordan--suggesting a soft-version of ethnic cleansing. Want us to start digging what the Israelis Likud' say about a 'Palestine'?

As for Obama, NEVER in the history of the Nobel Peace Prizes someone more unworthy has ever earned that. He could have made the right decision but the electoral politics is too much for him and his cowardly Democrats. I have a news for them: They will be still defeated if counting on the AIPAC was the desperate attempt to win the next elections.
You are obviously not familiar with the generous Israeli offers that were given to the Palestinians since 2000.

In spite their terrorism, their irresponsibility, their murderess, their hatred and hostility towards Israel and their declared ambition to destroy it, and in spite the overall military victory of 1967, Israel was ready to withdraw from most of the West Bank (and withdrew completely from Gaza) and recognise an independent Palestinian state.

If you expect us to commit collective suicide by accepting the notorious 'right of return', think again. You do not want us in your region, but we are here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. :agree:

Tell you what you return the land you have stolen, stop committing horrendous atrocities, bullying the world, stop arming your civilians and stop talking cr*p making out that you are innocent party in this dispute and then lets start talking about offers young man. Zionism consists of lowest form of human thieves and liars. BTW do you think by posting pieces of propaganda talk on here you can convince the world of your atrocities then you are sadly mistaken. :no:
1967 borders, Right to return, East Jerusalem, only way for peace no way other way and Yes ,Arabs are willing to make pain Concessions for it peace whatever you call it, We failed the Palestinians I pray they will forgive us one day because we failed them, need to make it up to them...
You are obviously not familiar with the generous Israeli offers that were given to the Palestinians since 2000.

In spite their terrorism, their irresponsibility, their murderess, their hatred and hostility towards Israel and their declared ambition to destroy it, and in spite the overall military victory of 1967, Israel was ready to withdraw from most of the West Bank (and withdrew completely from Gaza) and recognise an independent Palestinian state.

If you expect us to commit collective suicide by accepting the notorious 'right of return', think again. You do not want us in your region, but we are here to stay and there is nothing you can do about it. :agree:

I have come to realize that Israel won't go away. So does the Arabic governments with also a very "generous offer" that you did not even consider because of your arrogance.

Then we decided to see what the so called negotiations will lead. But like all other negotiations in history of Israel it will be fruitless Israel will not compromise not even one bit if it did the Israeli street especially the settlers will be outraged to no end so Israel pretty much is unable to withdraw from "Judea and Samaria". Judea and Samaria is even considered provinces in the Israeli map.

Your demands are pretty much to end Palestinian demands while inforcing a full occupation. In other words you want to make the occupation legal in the international arena.
In Urdu language we say 'Girti hui dewar ko eik dhakka aur do' (Let's give one final push to this crumbling wall).

Same thing for the International community, especially for the Islamic countries, led by Turkey and Egypt: Give Palestinians a viable state now or face the consequences. If the EU and Nato can act as a pack of wolves attacking and sparing selective dictators so should the rest of the international community bind together.

Time is on the side of the Palestinians. Obama is SO SCARED of losing whatever goodwill AIPAC is depriving America in the world that Obama does not even want the UNSC vote to come. TOO EMBARASSED TO EVEN VETO!!!
Is there any end to you guys' Chutzpah!? To your propaganda? To your lies, distortions, extortion?
You call going into the UN 'unilateral'? Is it any more unilateral than the UN action that led to the creation of Israel?

BTW, don't repeat the lies like 'Palestinians' want to throw Israel to the sea. I can easily quote a bunch of Zionists and Likudnik who claim the whole land and who claim that the real Palestine is in Jordan--suggesting a soft-version of ethnic cleansing. Want us to start digging what the Israelis Likud' say about a 'Palestine'?

As for Obama, NEVER in the history of the Nobel Peace Prizes someone more unworthy has ever earned that. He could have made the right decision but the electoral politics is too much for him and his cowardly Democrats. I have a news for them: They will be still defeated if counting on the AIPAC was the desperate attempt to win the next elections.

In resolution of 1947 was not a unilateral move as you mistakenly describe it, the UK turned to theUN to provide with a solution, it was not an Israeli move or a unilateral move at all!

The idea of some right wing politicians of annexing the West Bank remained in the sideline of the political system in Israel and it is far from enjoying substantial public support. Israel has Likud governments since 1977 and none of them annexed the West Bank or Gaza even with its full majority in parliament. The Likud was the party which decided to withdraw from Gaza in 2005!

As for the Palestinians, you can hardly find any public figure on their side that is against the so-called 'right of return', it is in the consensus on the Palestinians side and it is the main demand of the current Palestinian government.
In resolution of 1947 was not a unilateral move as you mistakenly describe it, the UK turned to theUN to provide with a solution, it was not an Israeli move or a unilateral move at all!

The idea of some right wing politicians of annexing the West Bank remained in the sideline of the political system in Israel and it is far from enjoying substantial public support. Israel has Likud governments since 1977 and none of them annexed the West Bank or Gaza even with its full majority in parliament. The Likud was the party which decided to withdraw from Gaza in 2005!

As for the Palestinians, you can hardly find any public figure on their side that is against the so-called 'right of return', it is in the consensus on the Palestinians side and it is the main demand of the current Palestinian government.

Would you mind enlightening me of how the Palestinians were kicked out of their homes??
I have come to realize that Israel won't go away. So does the Arabic governments with also a very "generous offer" that you did not even consider because of your arrogance.

Then we decided to see what the so called negotiations will lead. But like all other negotiations in history of Israel it will be fruitless Israel will not compromise not even one bit if it did the Israeli street especially the settlers will be outraged to no end so Israel pretty much is unable to withdraw from "Judea and Samaria". Judea and Samaria is even considered provinces in the Israeli map.

Your demands are pretty much to end Palestinian demands while inforcing a full occupation. In other words you want to make the occupation legal in the international arena.

You are very much mistaken. Israel showed pragmatism and was ready to withdraw from territories for achieving some kind of normalisation with its Arab neighbours (the Oslo accord, the Peace treaty with Egypt, etc.). Israel conducted the disengagement from Gaza although fierce objection of the right wing parties and the settlers who were completely evacuated.

Again, Israel is ready to accept an independent Palestinian state on most of the West Bank and on all of Gaza, what more do you want?
You are very much mistaken. Israel showed pragmatism and was ready to withdraw from territories for achieving some kind of normalisation with its Arab neighbours (the Oslo accord, the Peace treaty with Egypt, etc.). Israel conducted the disengagement from Gaza although fierce objection of the right wing parties and the settlers who were completely evacuated.

Again, Israel is ready to accept an independent Palestinian state on most of the West Bank and on all of Gaza, what more do you want?

Most of west bank??? Retaining control of area B and C is not most of the west bank and giving a land already you shouldn't be in is not "generous" it's like the mafia saying we are generous we did not kill you today.

They want an "independent state" which part of "independent" don't you understand?
The fact is that the it was the UN which decided the Partition Plan and led to the creation of Israel. It was world body which decided that. And it is a world body again which should decide it. This blah, blah about Pals being 'unilateral' sounds straight out of the Israeli propaganda line to convince the world.
And you also claim that Pals want to throw Israel to the sea. Well, I still say Hamas should change its Charter. But I would very much like the world to know the Israeli Likud and their allies' policies about the Palestinians. Why is there is no discussion of those? And what about the Arab Peace Offer of 2002? That offer even hint that a compromise on the refugees.
And about 'annexation', well, don't fool us: Israelis have for decades established 'facts on the ground' before they would come to a state of either outright annexation or a Bantustan.

Sounds like Isrealis are so hateful that either expulsions or Bantustans are the only options left.
Would you mind enlightening me of how the Palestinians were kicked out of their homes??

If you mean to the 1947-48 conflict, then most of the Palestinians either fled because of the battles or were ordered to leave by their own leaders. Some of them (the most famous case occurred in the town of Lud) were forced to leave by the Israeli forces.

However, most of the Palestinians who decided to stay in their homes are still living there until today and consist 20% of the Israeli population. All the Jews who lived in the West Bank and Gaza were forced to leave by the Arab armed forces and millions of Jews fled from Arab countries to Israel because of the hatred and harassments they suffered after Israel was created.
Most of west bank??? Retaining control of area B and C is not most of the west bank and giving a land already you shouldn't be in is not "generous" it's like the mafia saying we are generous we did not kill you today.

They want an "independent state" which part of "independent" don't you understand?

Also, can you believe that recently--within past few days--the negotiations between Pal and the Israeli broke down in the last ditch attempt because Netanyahu did not want to accept in the language 'comparable' quality of land in the swap.

So steal all the good, arable land and swap that with some worthless Negev part? Very nice.
If you mean to the 1947-48 conflict, then most of the Palestinians either fled because of the battles or were ordered to leave by their own leaders. Some of them (the most famous case occurred in the town of Lud) were forced to leave by the Israeli forces.

However, most of the Palestinians who decided to stay in their homes are still living there until today and consist 20% of the Israeli population. All the Jews who lived in the West Bank and Gaza were forced to leave by the Arab armed forces and millions of Jews fled from Arab countries to Israel because of the hatred and harassments they suffered after Israel was created.

Some more lies.
Why would millions of Arabs leave their ancestral homes because some bedouin leaders 'asked' them to do so? May be the advancing Zionists had something do with that?

And if Jews are doing their aliyah from the North Pole to Israel now why would they want to live in the Arab world, especially after the locals were provoked, in the 40's? Jews migrated willingly. It is all part of the decades old plan. Otherwise, there are still 30,000 Jews who live peacefully in the 'evil' Iran to this day.
Most of west bank??? Retaining control of area B and C is not most of the west bank and giving a land already you shouldn't be in is not "generous" it's like the mafia saying we are generous we did not kill you today.

They want an "independent state" which part of "independent" don't you understand?

Remember how this land was occupied by Israel - after its Arab neighbours threatened to destroy it, so Israel stroke first, thank god.

There was never any Palestinian state in the West Bank or in Gaza. The Arabs controlled this territories until 1967, why they did not establish a Palestinian state when they had the chance?!

Israel is ready to withdraw from more than 90% of the West Bank for the sake of your precious Palestinian state, although it is the same territory that was used to launch a military attack against it prior to 1967 and leave Israel only a very narrow strip in the centre of the country (around 20km wide)!

What more do you want?
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