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The Palestinian UN bid for recognition of state

If Palestine becames a state and starts firing rockets at civilians Israel will be able to level it to the ground.

If Palestine becomes a state, it will stop firing rockets. They wouldn't have a reason to fire rockets anymore, would they?
If palestine gets recognition as an observer state which doesn't need US, they will be able to call UN PEACE KEEPING forces....
If Palestine becomes a state, it will stop firing rockets. They wouldn't have a reason to fire rockets anymore, would they?

lets hope so..i sure wish this bloodbath stops and palestine after becoming a country stops its terrorist ways.
lets hope so..i sure wish this bloodbath stops and palestine after becoming a country stops its terrorist ways.

Yes, I pray that this happens, but something in my heart tells me that it won't stop. There'll be two countries in the same region extremely hostile to each other, almost like a mini India-Pakistan of the Middle East :confused:
can someone summarizes why Palestine will not be allowed to become a member of UN? What is the problem if they become a member? Palestine is a Independent country, no doubt most of their territory is under occupation by Israel. But what's the problem with America which is going to block the bid of Palestine?. From many years, all american presidents have said they want to see the peace between Israel and palestine, but when Palestine wants to become a member of UN. America become paranoid. Is that mean, America and Israel only want theri version of Peace only?

I found the following from another website which best summarizes it. Basically it's a comment from a user which I am copy/pasting here.

Well, actual recognition, i.e. membership status in the UN, will not happen, as the US has promised to veto the application in the Security Council.
Instead, the Palestinians will probably opt to apply for an upgraded observer status in the General Assembly, from non-state observer through the PLO (which they gained in 1974) to state observer. They will most likely get this, but it will mean very little.
The only potential real outcome is that the International Criminal Court (ICC) has indicated that they might allow Palestine to become members there if their status is upgraded. And then they can theoretically accuse Israeli officials for the building of settlements on the West Bank.
This, in turn, will probably have very little effect, as Israel is not a member of the ICC and does not recognize its jurisdiction over Israeli citizens. It might, however, bar the accused Israelis from traveling to countries which do recognize the jurisdiction of the ICC, given that an international arrest order is issued from the ICC.

Then another user responded to above comments as below which also describes the situation further.

Given that all the settlers (about 500,000) and most of the military — serving and reserves (probably another 250,000 or so), the last part of what you say is not as trivial as you make it sound. Israel will become a country where a significant part of the population is theoretically indictable in the ICC.
I look forward to the day when they will all have to fill in forms when traveling, declaring that they have never participated in any war crimes or other transgressions of international law and refused entry or interrogated in every airport in the world.
The resulting limitations on their freedom of movement might give them some idea what all the Palestinians living under Israeli control (both in the OT and in Israel proper) have to go through almost every day of their life.
They must be held accountable for electing that Liebermaniac and his cronies. All of them.
If Palestine becomes a state, it will stop firing rockets. They wouldn't have a reason to fire rockets anymore, would they?
According to guys which fire rockets Israel does not have a right to exist at all. Not in 1967 borders not even if it shrinks to one street in Tel Aviv.

By the way, Palestine Liberation Organization weas founded in 1964 - three years before 1967 war. What they tried to liberate then?
According to guys which fire rockets Israel does not have a right to exist at all. Not in 1967 borders not even if it shrinks to one street in Tel Aviv.

Unfortunately this is the only solution Muslim countries will accept. They will never ever accept a Jewish state. Palestinians are just a tool.
Unfortunately this is the only solution Muslim countries will accept. They will never ever accept a Jewish state. Palestinians are just a tool.

Perhaps you will be kind enough to personally vacate your family's ancestral homes and donate Greater Mumbai as a home for Zionists. Better still, let them decide which part of India they want to claim as their God given home.

It's easy to be generous when someone else is paying the price for your 'feel good' moment.

---------- Post added at 11:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 PM ----------

Israel was created on Palestinian (on that time, it was colony) territory '40s.

It's hopeless. Most Israeli supporters haven't a clue about history and how Israel actually came into being.
Jews are a people who have their roots in Israel their holy places of worship like the temple mount are located there and no power on earth can make them leave or relocate.
Perhaps you will be kind enough to personally vacate your family's ancestral homes and donate Greater Mumbai as a home for Zionists. Better still, let them decide which part of India they want to claim as their God given home.

It's easy to be generous when someone else is paying the price for your 'feel good' moment.

My "ancestral" homes are in Germany and Scotland. That said, I don't remember Jews living in "Greater Mumbai" before Indians, buying all the "Greater Mumbai" before they decide to move in. Unlike "Palestine", Greater Mumbai never was an empty desert, very sparsely populated by people. There were Jews in Israel when word Arab was not even coined.

---------- Post added at 02:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:32 PM ----------

Israel was created on Palestinian (on that time, it was colony) territory '40s.

No such thing...Most of the so called ME countries were "created" after British left the area. Most have artificial boundaries. Besides, most of the land was purchased by Jews and "Palestinians" sold it happily.
You the Zionists occupied Palestine '44. Get education dude.
There was never any Palestinian state. We captured territories from Egypt and Jordan and created the Palestinian Authonomy there. :whistle:
Most of the Israeli public and so is the current government support the creation of an independent Palestinian state, so this is not the issue.

The first problem is that this state should be established at the end of the negotiation with Israel and not as an aggressive move to destabilise the region and break former understanding.

Second, the main problem of Israel with the Palestinians is their aspiration to eliminate Israel and create an Arab state on the entire territory of Israel. The code name of this plan called by the Palestinians 'the right of return' - millions of Palestinians refugee returning into the territory of Israel and consist a majority within the country.

Israel's main concern is that the creation of a Palestinian state without solving the right of return business will lead to greater pressure of the Palestinians on Israel by using their new sovereign capabilities.
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