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The Middle East blanketed in Snow

Well, you should move to Siberia, Canada, Scandinavia or Greenland if you want cold and grey weather most of the year! Cold weather is horrible. All the clothes you have to wear. It is a mess.

Perfect climate. How many hours of sunshine is there in Colombo on average each year? I mean it can get annoying if it is cloudy or rainy most of the year. Otherwise that temperature combined with sunshine is absolutely perfect. If there are beaches nearby then that is even better!

What? I think you suffer from a syndrom called "getting used to British weather". Know a few others.:lol: :)
I would differently move if I get a chance. As for the clothes, I don't find it as a problem at all. Freezing temperature is worth all the trouble.

In Colombo we don't actually prefer sunshine unless in mornings. It's actually better if it rains or cloudy because it decreases the pain created by temperature. Colombo is a coastal city. So the beach is always there. That's one thing I love about Colombo. Me and cousins used to swim and play in the beach in holidays. I miss those times :(
As for statistics, this website might be helpful -Weather and Climate: Colombo, Sri Lanka, average monthly , Rainfall (millimeter), Sunshine, Temperatures (celsius), Sunshine, Humidity, Water Temperature, Wind Speed

Agree with you, but I would love it more if it gets even colder. :D
I would differently move if I get a chance. As for the clothes, I don't find it as a problem at all. Freezing temperature is worth all the trouble.

In Colombo we don't actually prefer sunshine unless in mornings. It's actually better if it rains or cloudy because it decreases the pain created by temperature. Colombo is a coastal city. So the beach is always there. That's one thing I love about Colombo. Me and cousins used to swim and play in the beach in holidays. I miss those times :(
As for statistics, this website might be helpful -Weather and Climate: Colombo, Sri Lanka, average monthly , Rainfall (millimeter), Sunshine, Temperatures (celsius), Sunshine, Humidity, Water Temperature, Wind Speed

Agree with you, but I would love it more if it gets even colder. :D

You serious?:D Well, maybe that is just me. Even here in cold Copenhagen I usually wear shorts inside, LOL. I really can't stand having much winter clothes on. When I go out I look like a bear with 100 layers of clothes. I hear from my Saudi Arabian friends who study in Canada and elsewhere that the temperatures here in Copenhagen are not really cold at all or cold compared to those they experience. I guess cold weather is not something I cope with well.

Well, is that not a bit depressing? I mean if it rains and is cloudy all the time? The sun gives you energy and happiness. It really does.

Yes, I know that the beaches are great in Sri Lanka. You can swim in some indoor swimming pool in the UK instead, LOL.

Thanks for the statistics.

LOL. South Asians always stroke me as people who could hardly withstand temperatures below 15 degrees celcius. I guess that I was wrong.:D
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100 years.......I am thinking whether it is a sign of that "Person" to soon "Emerge" in the Moslem World. We also have many death Mount to be active once again in Indonesia.........Syria war has been predicted in a Bible and Hadist......Prepare Moslem Brothers........
The humidity is high yes. Makes the summers really sticky and unbearable :( And nights are colder but not as much difference. I guess it gets really cold at night in KSA because of how sand behaves? The state of Rajasthan in India has a desert like climate the nights there become colder. It also has the most tourists as well. If you ever visit India do not miss it!

Thank you for the reply. Some areas, especially the subtropical/tropical areas of KSA have a high humidity as well. So do some of the coastal regions.

Well, most of the desert regions of KSA are hilly/mountanious and rocky. Some are even volcanic. The only real sand desert is the Rub' al-Khali in the south of the country where practically nobody lives, LOL. Aside from Bedouins. Once that area of KSA had very old cultures/civilizations. Modern day archaeology has confirmed that at least.

The interior of the country is dominated by a region called Najd, which means "highland" in Arabic. Here the temperatures at night can often be low, especially during winter. The Northern regions, dominated by hilly/rocky landscapes or the An Nafud desert are the coldest and each year those regions receive snowfall. Not big quantities but still snow as seen in the photos I posted in this thread.

I have heard a bit about Rajasthan. I saw a program once with Gordon Ramsay where he met some former ruler of Rajasthan who took him to the desert to prepare some good food.:D

Here it was:

Thank you for the reply. Some areas, especially the subtropical/tropical areas of KSA have a high humidity as well. So do some of the coastal regions.

Well, most of the desert regions of KSA are hilly/mountanious and rocky. Some are even volcanic. The only real sand desert is the Rub' al-Khali in the south of the country where practically nobody lives, LOL. Aside from Bedouins. Once that area of KSA had very old cultures/civilizations. Modern day archaeology has confirmed that at least.

The interior of the country is dominated by a region called Najd, which means "highland" in Arabic. Here the temperatures at night can often be low, especially during winter. The Northern regions, dominated by hilly/rocky landscapes or the An Nafud desert are the coldest and each year those regions receive snowfall. Not big quantities but still snow as seen in the photos I posted in this thread.

I have heard a bit about Rajasthan. I saw a program once with Gordon Ramsay where he met some former ruler of Rajasthan who took him to the desert to prepare some good food.:D

Nice Info brother.....How about Jeddah...it is near Sea isnt it ?....does it almost have warm kind of weather all the year......I have been to Makkah...Madinah...and Jeddah as well.....in about Mei I visited your country....Jeddah at that time has a climate looks like Jakarta.....Actually I still have many family as Arab citizen either.....West Sumatrans people for long time traveled to Saudi for trade and learning religion......I heart that in old days.....Makkah Imam is actually A West Sumatra person...isnt it ?
Nice Info brother.....How about Jeddah...it is near Sea isnt it ?....does it almost have warm kind of weather all the year......I have been to Makkah...Madinah...and Jeddah as well.....in about Mei I visited your country....Jeddah at that time has a climate looks like Jakarta.....Actually I still have many family as Arab citizen either.....West Sumatrans people for long time traveled to Saudi for trade and learning religion......I heart that in old days.....Makkah Imam is actually A West Sumatra person...isnt it ?

You are very welcome brother.

Yes, Jeddah is located next to the beautiful Red Sea. It is an ancient port city that has been famous for trade for an eternity almost.

Madinah is located 600 meters above sea level and lies near volcanic areas. The weather is hot. Makkah is even hotter. Among the most hot places. It is warm all year around in those two cities. Although it gets cold during winter in Madinah at night and the temperatures are not as high there. The climate is milder compared to Makkah which is probably the warmest city in KSA.

Yes, there are millions of Indonesians of Arab ancestry or partial Arab ancestry. Likewise we have many Saudi Arabians of Indonesian origins in Hijaz especially. You are correct. There has been an ancient trade with the Arabian Peninsula and Indonesia (South East Asia in general too).

Well, there have been clerics of Indonesian background in Hijaz. Indonesians are very respected people and we really like Indonesia.

You can see more of Saudi Arabia in this thread below:

Saudi Arabia in Pictures | Page 45
You are very welcome brother.

Yes, there are millions of Indonesians of Arab ancestry or partial Arab ancestry. Likewise we have many Saudi Arabians of Indonesian origins in Hijaz especially. You are correct. There has been an ancient trade with the Arabian Peninsula and Indonesia (South East Asia in general too).

Well, there have been clerics of Indonesian background in Hijaz. Indonesians are very respected people and we really like Indonesia.

You can see more of Saudi Arabia in this thread below:

Saudi Arabia in Pictures | Page 45

Yes...I think it is true...according to China history....there are Arab village in West Sumatra even during 200 years after Hijriah. If you visited West Sumatra beautiful place...there is Bukit tinggi town there...the tribal name of Bukit Tinggi people are called "Qurai"...I wonder whether it is actually coming from the Tribal of Arab called "Quraish" that has link to our beloved prophet. Usually Sumatra and Betawi (Local Jakarta) people has an Arab roots, (we usually has a similar eyes colour like Saudi people which is dark brown) because their town are a trading route between Middle East, Pakistan, India...into China. We also have China roots as well....particularly people from Palembang (Sumatra Province)...and Sunda (live in Java but not considered as Javanese)...they looks like Chinese....but Moslems for long long time.
Thank you for the reply. Some areas, especially the subtropical/tropical areas of KSA have a high humidity as well. So do some of the coastal regions.

Well, most of the desert regions of KSA are hilly/mountanious and rocky. Some are even volcanic. The only real sand desert is the Rub' al-Khali in the south of the country where practically nobody lives, LOL. Aside from Bedouins. Once that area of KSA had very old cultures/civilizations. Modern day archaeology has confirmed that at least.

The interior of the country is dominated by a region called Najd, which means "highland" in Arabic. Here the temperatures at night can often be low, especially during winter. The Northern regions, dominated by hilly/rocky landscapes or the An Nafud desert are the coldest and each year those regions receive snowfall. Not big quantities but still snow as seen in the photos I posted in this thread.

I have heard a bit about Rajasthan. I saw a program once with Gordon Ramsay where he met some former ruler of Rajasthan who took him to the desert to prepare some good food.:D

Here it was:

haha I remember watching that one :D But trust me that is just once in a blue moon kind of cooking. Common households do not cook food like that :D Man you seem like one nice arab I have met on the internet. Usually all I see on internet is videos of Arabs beating the crap out of south Asians and people posting all kinds of racist stuff about them.
haha I remember watching that one :D But trust me that is just once in a blue moon kind of cooking. Common households do not cook food like that :D Man you seem like one nice arab I have met on the internet. Usually all I see on internet is videos of Arabs beating the crap out of south Asians and people posting all kinds of racist stuff about them.

Yes, I am aware of that. It says in the video that this is a very old method of cooking. Yes, households probably cook on gas today, am I right? Definitely not out in the wild.

LOL, are you serious? There are nearly 500 million of us Arabs in the world. The are 30-40 million of us in just Latin America. 3.5 million in the USA. Millions more in Europe. Don't be a fool and generalize a few bad apples that are a minority. KSA for example has 5 million South Asians and there are no problems 99% of the time. I have never seen any Arabs post racist stuff about South Asians. Maybe only the uneducated ones or people trolling as Arabs to give us a bad name. Or when replying to provocations.

Anyway let us stick to the thread.:D






And the pig and his piglets play with snow:

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