Pakistan need to rise as a nation, no gun, brain or heart can stand against a united nation.
Bottom line:
Violating sovereignty of Pakistan & murdering soldiers of coalition partners …. Reflects, no respect for the Pakistani nation, human life, Islam, ethics, mutual agreements & international laws.
The evil of 26-11-2011 is not an independent incident... There were lot of small incidents, which were being adding upto the point, where traitors of Pakistan had no choice but to give in…. or leave.
While the hate towards Pakistan, can be seen overflowing by the forces present in Afghan region.
I strongly believe the trumped NATO report will be prepared in same way as Iraq's WMD report was prepared or Pakistani nukes being stolen by TTP… etc. etc etc
Yet, the report is not out but counter maneuvers had been already began… and report will be nothing but usual bickering of non relevant stuff…. which I will not mention… because the idea of launching such discussions or blogs is brain storming, which helps prepare the said report to immaculate quality…… catering, arguments for all queries floating, out there…. buildup, understanding on how deep Pakistanis see and how much the controlled media can hide the truth…… who is up for sale… etc… etc..
Considering US-Pakistan official / unofficial relations history.... a lot can be said.. but Pakistan holding back its transit aid was long overdue…. while retaliating with… anti-Pakistan bickering… is unfair.
Pakistan has all the rights to send the bill of its motor ways to NATO because 90% of the load on Pakistani motorways is of Afghan transit aid, therefore 90% of construction charges shall be paid upfront.
Last but not least… wonder, why US president never like to meet his counterpart in Pakistan?