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The Great purge within Pakistan and Pakistan Army by Bajwa and Co

Foreign fighters(AQ, Chechens, Uzbeks) started coming into FATA from Afghanistan in 2002. When PA entered FATA and demanded they hand over the foreign fighters, the local tribesmen weren’t having it and the beef started. This is actually how the TTP came into being.

Pashtun tribesmen culture or Pashtunwali doesn’t allow them to hand over someone in their sanctuary even if it is a bharti rapist...

Anyways, they refused, and PA told them Americans are going to be pissed. Local tribesmen said we don’t give a ****.

This carried on for few years till the Americans carried out air strikes and the local tribesmen set their targets on PA because they didn’t get involved in the beef.

Tribesmen thought PA were gonna be on some ride or die shit, but PA didn’t oblige.

That sums it up in simple terms.
Makes sense.
This Singalian is on some severe narcotics.
Doctrination and brainwashing is a bad thing bro, our country is r@ped by these Wardi wale Gunde but he (I think) took perks from Army all his life, so he won't betray the institution that feeds him and his family, Constitution/Awaam civil Supremacy jaye bhaar mai, hum tu DHA mai 400 Gaz ke makaan mai rehte hai Jahan bijli pani gas free hai aur 24/7 security bhi.
What were they bombing then?
Whoever Amreeka bahadur told them to bomb...madressas, wedding parties, civilians, ambulances, double tapping to get the civilian rescuers...

To this day, of all the thousands of deaths from drones in FATA, 10K by some estimates, only a handful (less than 10) were known terrorists.
1. Troops =/ innocent civilians. Faujis sign up for their job, civilians don't most of their situation is out of control.
True, tragedies of a conflict
2. Drug production was in Afghanistan, Pakistan gov officials were complicit in border smuggling in Afghanistan and Iran.
3. Kidnapping money made its bank mostly in Karachi. PPP and MQM were in on this too.
This was happening for decades so that's not what braught changes to fata

American invasion and insurgents escaping from that war resulted in killings of local leaders, zero law and order leading to troops showing up in FATA to control the foreign fighter inflow, 2003, 2004 before TTP troops were dying in the dozens

TTP became big after laal masjid and drone strikes but this was not in isolation - this is the point
Yes because FATA was designed to be that way, it was an autonomous region which was agreed upon in 1947.
Highly Doubt anyone to this day would want to change FATA autonomy if it wasn't for security threats
You can argue about the security risks, however as noted in the TCM series the failure and complicity of the Pakistan Army to prevent civillian casualties will always leave holes and pockets of hatred. This is why there has been an insurgency in Balochistan for the past 70 years and the insurgency in Waziristan doesn't seem to end.
can understand army going in and doing operation as necessary and will continue to do so
but drones were wrong move made by a politically week dictator trying to survive, will be a checkered spot

80% of our problem is lack of true democracy
"We will teach our children to take revenge"
Americans or Musharraf for signing such a deal
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Wonder where is army? Arent there any sincere officers who think of the country first? If army general can do a coup against a popular leader like Imran, why cant some generals do a coup against the army chief?

This army chief has done so much damage to the army reputation. There are reports he still wants an extension.
Wonder where is army? Arent there any sincere officers who think of the country first? If army general can do a coup against a popular leader like Imran, why cant some generals do a coup against the army chief?

This army chief has done so much damage to the army reputation. There are reports he still wants an extension.
No love lost here for Bajwa but what you are suggesting is mutiny within the army. A very dangerous road to go down so think before you make such suggestions.
i believe drone strikes gave millions of dollars to establishment … imran put a full stop to it.. even obl was money making event..
The only way forward for Pakistan is:
Establishment must work under civilian government.

Do what public elected representative (shura elected PM) tells you to do.

There cannot be 2 Khalifas at same time.

That's it.

Pakistan is hanging by a thread. The sooner sense prevails, the better it is
No love lost here for Bajwa but what you are suggesting is mutiny within the army. A very dangerous road to go down so think before you make such suggestions.

Thank you for the advice. But its all good if army attempts to kill Pakistan's most popular leader. The misery is for Pakistanis only.

Wish it had not come to this. But this army leadership is killing the army. It is creating such a huge distrust between nation and army that it will take generations to bridge, if at all. No army is strong without public support. This mistrust is bigger danger than mutiny.

Sir with all due respect, you are an epic idiot and a moron..

On another note, this purge is most likely prior to nationwide crackdown, making sure only loyalist are in the army and they can take their commands without questioning
Haha aur kuch?
Pakistan should be divided in 2 states : one PakAwamLand , and one for PakArmyLand !

Army leadership would be happy and then will not get involved in politics affair.
Pakistan should be divided in 2 states : one PakAwamLand , and one for PakArmyLand !

Army leadership would be happy and then will not get involved in politics affair.

All PTI can think of is dividing the Army and dividing the Country.
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