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The Farce of Western Free Speech

You are not getting it here. Let us say, I am drawing a cartoon mocking the Holocaust, will the French kill me? I think not.
If you don't agree with someone, there are lot of civil ways to put your point forth, but killing is not one.

This is 2014 not 600 AD, Muslims have to change. They cannot live in 600 AD with stone age mentality.

What happened in France was a terrible incident. What are the limitations of Freedom of speech? There is a difference in between expressing your thoughts and being disrespectful to others faith. I am sure you wont like if anyone draw a picture of RAM and Sitta having good quality time.
P.S I don't support the numbskulls who did.

This is 2014 not 600 AD, Muslims have to change. They cannot live in 600 AD with stone age mentality
Why I need to be like you? I meant to say that you can't impose your thoughts on others right?
To be honest i see all this as a good thing. the fronts are clear, we are united against an enemy and it is spoken out that islam is incompatible with our culture. right wing parties were already on the rise all over europe. This events push it in the right direction. Also i never saw so many mohamed caricatures ever before. This cult has been finally exposed as what it is.
To be honest i see all this as a good thing. the fronts are clear, we are united against an enemy and it is spoken out that islam is incompatible with our culture. right wing parties were already on the rise all over europe. This events push it in the right direction. Also i never saw so many mohamed caricatures ever before. This cult has been finally exposed as what it is.[/QU

Get a life dude. Your history is not clean either. I am quite surprised that actual hypocrite looters of the world are labeling others?
Get a life dude. Your history is not clean either. I am quite surprised that actual hypocrite looters of the world are labeling others?

I dont want a clean history. I want a powerful history. Give me a reason why we should allow some cave dwellers to dictate into our lifestyle? The world is our playground and your countries are fee game. Get used to it. The west dominates the world like no other culture. I dont care about your people. I'm open about this. I dont use the morality and standards that i hold over my own people on yours. In my worldview it is us and them.
I dont want a clean history. I want a powerful history. Give me a reason why we should allow some cave dwellers to dictate into our lifestyle? The world is our playground and your countries are fee game. Get used to it. The west dominates the world like no other culture. I dont care about your people. I'm open about this. I dont use the morality and standards that i hold over my own people on yours. In my worldview it is us and them.

Yeah right ! As expected from a breed of a war mongers who is claiming himself as a civilized society. Sociology's books are filled with your great work. Nobody is asking you to change your life for somebody but it doesn't mean that you have right to poke your nose in others business. Don't expect others to adopt your life style. Who are you to impose you thoughts or rubbish logic on others?
Yeah right ! As expected from a breed of a war mongers who is claiming himself as a civilized society. Sociology's books are filled with your great work. Nobody is asking you to change your life for somebody but it doesn't mean that you have right to poke your nose in others business. Don't expect others to adopt your life style. Who are you to impose you thoughts or rubbish logic on others?

Who are you to dictate me what i can make fun about? Im catholic, your prophet is completly irrelevant for me. Give me a reason why it should not be ok to make fun about mohammed. Just one.
Who are you to dictate me what i can make fun about? Im catholic, your prophet is completly irrelevant for me. Give me a reason why it should not be ok to make fun about mohammed. Just one.
Give me a one reason why you should make fun of others faith? Your answer shows your immaturity. There is nothing wrong with raising the level of your ignorance. It will help you in understanding the world better.
Give me a one reason why you should make fun of others faith? Your answer shows your immaturity. There is nothing wrong with raising the level of your ignorance. It will help you in understanding the world better.

because it is not my faith. If i see laughable things like women in ninja dress, then i'm free to make fun about it. Thats european culture. You want force me to have a good opinion about your prophet?
Who are you to dictate me what i can make fun about

Who is dictating you????? Apparently, you have a bad habit of pointing others.

? Im catholic, your prophet is completly irrelevant for me.
That is your problem. There is a difference in between yours and my faith. Your religion tells you to disrespect others faith but my religion restricts me from engaging in such activity. I don't need to prove my point since you have demonstrated it quite well.
If you don't follow it , keep it to your opinion to yourself please don't publish in daily bugle

Not too much to ask from our EUROPEAN friend
because it is not my faith. If i see laughable things like women in ninja dress, then i'm free to make fun about it.
Still better than half butt naked bimbos eh?

You want force me to have a good opinion about your prophet?
All I needed from you was a bit respect. Nobody is forcing you. I never said it.
All I needed from you was a bit respect. Nobody is forcing you. I never said it.

respect must be earned and is not a free thing. So far nothing in the islamic world shows anything that i can respect.

let me ask you something, why am i not allowed to visit Mecca? And do you think we should create an equal policiy and ban muslims from visiting Rome?
What kind of objective analysis have you put forward?

We have shown that numerous European countries have laws restricting speech around specific subjects which they consider sensitive.

But I don't expect you to understand plain English. Best to move along...
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