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The Farce of Western Free Speech

Anjem Choudhray has not been jailed either. The lax enforcement of the laws works both ways.
well oh that is so great... someone most muslims think is an extremist and should not be allowed to speak. "I will not be silenced, says defiant leader of outlawed Islam group". The Times. p. 33. Mr Choudary said: 'We've been a part of British culture, really. People are aware about our rallies, our demonstrations, our conferences. The fact that that presence, in terms of the title, will no longer be there, that's saddened a lot of people.' It is a notion that is scoffed at by mainstream Muslim groups, who say Mr Choudary does not speak for their community at all. A spokesman for the MCB said: 'We are very perturbed that a tiny minority is being extended such publicity.'

times magazine i hope that is good enough for you. The law enforcement is broken do not pick one point of mine. Your laws are made to please a few and offend a billion. Do not act like you do not understand that. Why are not the mainstream Muslim scholars covered who have condemned this. Utter bs your freedom of speech and your laws. GO troll some place where people do not have knowledge scoot
What vested interests? What laws? If you're talking about holocaust denial that is legal in Britain.
The lax enforcement of the laws works both ways. The police do little about people like Anjem Choudary spreading their bile.

Just go to Speaker's Corner any day and hear what is said for yourself. :D
What vested interests? What laws? If you're talking about holocaust denial that is legal in Britain.
it is not legal to call for the death of muslims in the uk tell me when you start jailing for that
The funny thing is he can get away with these posts because PDF is on a western server.....
The funny thing is he can get away with these posts because PDF is on a western server.....
oh yes that is so funny a server lets one speak his mind oh great west -.- i heard that nsa does not listen into everything rights of privacy :)

I am sure that the irony is lost on these clueless fools. :D
clueless fools are not those who let their government listen to every call and claim to have freedoms :)
neither are they blind enough
Now that is an answer in itself! :D
oh oh and the answer it is criminal offence to deny the holocaust in France :) you can only say you are guilty or insane you can not plead your case freedom YAY
Now that is an answer in itself! :D
This is me 95% of the time while i'm on PDF:

you forgot to notice it is banned to deny it in the country where freedom of speech is so loved. You can say killallmuslims and get away with it but you can NOT deny the holocaust but yes freedoms :)
Who told you that it is banned? god......

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