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The Farce of Western Free Speech

typical useless arguments. Read on the veggie libel laws. Read on hate speech. Read on banning Iranian Tv networks in US. Read the article that started on this post. Then come back i will come back later i am leaving for now.
Your kvetching on the Holocaust denial laws did not felled on deaf ears because deaf implies inability. Rather, the Europeans heard such criticisms clearly and they ignored you. For all your kvetching, you guys failed to show a single instance in the laws of the countries that have such laws, that elevate Jews over their citizens in any way. That is the crux of your kvetching: That the Jews are protected and favored.

Every country have laws that are contrary to their professed high principles and I showed the US is no different. Do YOU approved of the American laws regarding 'Affirmative Actions'...???

U.S. Department of Labor - Find It By Topic - Hiring - Affirmative

The laws under AA are unfair against members of the majority white citizens in many circumstances, from education to employment. But Americans as a whole conceded to living with these laws because they felt it was necessary to correct a great historical immorality. Never mind if you approve of the laws or not. Do you accept that the motivations behind Affirmative Action laws are reasonable ? Same for the Australians laws regarding the Aboriginals ? Laws favoring one group over another exists based upon individual countries' history and motivations.

But the bad part for the Muslims' kvetching over the Holocaust denial laws is that no one is favored. The laws are actually punitive in that the violators are punished. The Germans are strict enough that anyone who uses Nazi symbols, even when those symbols are used to fight against neo-Nazis, are punished. That is the extent how Germans feels about Nazism and the Holocaust.

If you approve of even one part of American laws that favored one group over another to correct a historical wrong, then you have just deflated the entire Muslims' argument that it is hypocritical for some European countries to have Holocaust denial laws. For us in the West, it is hard to take the Muslims' kvetching about the Holocaust denial laws as hypocritical when your own countries are much worse in terms of laws favoring groups and oppression of others.

Why would anyone want to deny halocaust I don't understand. Yeah people should be allowed to deny it as they can deny World Wars or gravity or the chair they are sitting on etc... But why would anyone want to deny it? I'd understand if people argue about numbers being exaggerated but denying such a well documented tragedy?..
There are more evidences for the Holocaust than there are for god.

Why is it so important for you guys anyway?
Because of Israel. Jews living in the ME under their own governance is a thorn in the Muslims' sides. The Holocaust's reduction in the scale of human atrocity is a necessary component in the process of denying Israel's legitimate right to exist as a political entity.
It doesn't matter what you think , and no one seeks your approval

Correction : Europe consumes the resouces of Muslim world , Europe itself produces , "HOT AIR" and all the resources come from China and Muslim world and Africa

:buba_phone: France ello .... stop with that nonese sense .....go back to what you used to do drawing naked women and calling it art

All those candles are contributing to global gas warming

come back when you send your first space shuttle into orbit or develop something revolutionary.
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