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The Farce of Western Free Speech

muslims brought the bill in UN that said NO religion in any form should be insulted. It is not only Islam we believe no one should insult what other believe in.

That is your believe~ others do not. The essence of freedom of speech is the realization that everyone has its own view no matter how "bigotted" their views are. You should realize that nobody could conform to everyone's view. There will always be conflicting voices.

So what is the solution? The solution is for everyone to respect each others right to express their view and get over it. As long as it does not translate into violence and hatred, they're protected. That is the essence of freedom of speech.
the day the freedom of expression extends to cartoons denying the holocaust being allowed in France then come and talk to me.

The day ANY Islamic nation achives only the HALF of the freedom of expression that France offers to its citizens, then come and talk about it.

Why would anyone want to deny halocaust I don't understand. Yeah people should be allowed to deny it as they can deny World Wars or gravity or the chair they are sitting on etc... But why would anyone want to deny it? I'd understand if people argue about numbers being exaggerated but denying such a well documented tragedy?..

Why is it so important for you guys anyway? Why are you setting it as a condition for freedom of speech?

Come on bro, I know you are better than that.
You obviously have good intentions and always speak with civility, but you must take a more realistic view of the real world.
i believe what you put into this world you get out of it. If the real world is a place where people fight for the right to insult others for fun then the world needs to fight for those who are insulted also. Freedom is not a blanket term for insulting others.
The solution is for everyone to respect each others right to express their view and get over it.
The solution is for everyone to respect each other. :) much simpler and much more peaceful.... Instead of building hate or at least indifference you will find love and respect. To beat extremism guns will work in the short term but for long term you need to show love and care. The children should grow up seeing a loving caring world and not one where the weak has no rights and there is no respect for the fellow human.
No I have no problems with it. If I say something which hurts Christians, it is not obligatory for me to say something which hurts Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs also.

Just think you cannot publish Cartoons of Momahed in KSA, Pakistan. Right.

Maybe agreed they cannot publish antisemitism as its against laws. But there are several other countless publications which make fun of jews and publish antisemitism articles. So world is full of people writing about each other. It is not fair to point to this magazine and say they don't publish this or that.

Everyone is free to publish what they want, and no one can be forced to publish what they do not want. You are free to publish as much anti jews articles as you like. But will you publish Mohamed Cartoons if Jews complain??

I and others have already pointed out the hypocrisy of the French law.
The issue is not what Charlie Hebdo published or didn't, it is what it cannot public by French law.

There is no point me repeating it over and over, since you refuse to read this point already written.
The day ANY Islamic nation achives only the HALF of the freedom of expression that France offers to its citizens, then come and talk about it.
read the article please first what does it say, and check the facts for yourself. Then tell me the level of freedom of speech and where and why is it curbed.
I and others have already pointed out the hypocrisy of the French law.
The issue is not what Charlie Hebdo published or didn't, it is what it cannot public by French law.

There is no point me repeating it over and over, since you refuse to read this point already written.

I also accept that the French Law does not allow the magazine to publish some of the things.

But I have no problems with it. Their country their rules apply here. Similar to how you cannot publish Mohamed cartoons in KSA, Pakistan.
i believe what you put into this world you get out of it. If the real world is a place where people fight for the right to insult others for fun then the world needs to fight for those who are insulted also. Freedom is not a blanket term for insulting others.

YES, pls write to the forum admin that his insulting other's religious beliefs will backfire :)

However, let me tell you from my side, nobody will kill him. He's safe, except from his own people :)
YES, pls write to the forum admin that his insulting other's religious beliefs will backfire :)
that is the point i am trying to make if i respect you and your belief you will respect me. I have already asked mods to lock a few threads where this religious fighting was going on. This forum is to learn from one another. It is our choice whether we fight or learn to respect. Neither religion allows insulting others, n i apologize for what they have said. It is forbidden in our religion to insult any other religion.
read the article please first what does it say, and check the facts for yourself. Then tell me the level of freedom of speech and where and why is it curbed.

I wouldn't waste my time reading anything shared by that person.

You are searching too hard and the only thing you come up with is holocaust. It alone tells alot about their level of feedom.
that is the point i am trying to make if i respect you and your belief you will respect me. I have already asked mods to lock a few threads where this religious fighting was going on. This forum is to learn from one another. It is our choice whether we fight or learn to respect. Neither religion allows insulting others, n i apologize for what they have said. It is forbidden in our religion to insult any other religion.

Yaar lets keep it about humans and not about what religions allow us to do. If we operate at a human level we can all speak the same language. When you say ''me religion does not allow me to insult someone else's religion'' then it opens up not only a religious debate, but also a historical one.

For example, no muslim scholar has come forward and said ''this is not allowed is our religion, lets return this mosque built on what's essentially ''Mecca'' for Hindus.'' Why? Nobody else knows your religion as well as you?

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to the defenders and apologists of usa government...

go guide the "occupy wall street" movement in usa and call for a peaceful socialist system to become the usa government... do this and you will see the full force of western democracy.

plus do this in all the puppet nations of usa government.

until then, there should be no more debate on this.
Ever hear of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Some people find happiness in capitalism others find it in socialism, then there is pursuit of happiness because not every can find or get happiness but they can pursue it. Personal ideologies can not be put above our Government Ideology from the Constitutional and Declaration of Independence.

Enforcing one's personal ideology onto another is a Big FAT NO!!
The West voice for pro democracy in their countries but select dictators of their likings in the East. Its okay if they are Abdullah, Al Makhtum, Abdullah II, Mubarak and el Sisi. but its not okay if they are Khomeni and Asad.

If freedom of speech is really something the West values then by now:

- Allies like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan would have become true democracies and not spreading hate speech against some sects.
- Including Turkey in E.U after making Cyprus and Greece members.
- Recognizing little Palestine territory as a state.
- Letting Egypt be governed by Muslim Brotherhood due to their election victory.
- Allowing Iraq and Afghanistan to solve their own issues through their own people without any dictations and presence of foreign troops.
- Providing justice for families who lost their innocent loved ones in Drone Strikes
- Not imposing sanctions on countries who wish to do business with Iran.

In all of this the fact of the matter is the West creates Boogeyman after Boogeyman and the media has become such a powerful tool that it can be judged as one of their pillars of foreign policy.
that is the point i am trying to make if i respect you and your belief you will respect me. I have already asked mods to lock a few threads where this religious fighting was going on. This forum is to learn from one another. It is our choice whether we fight or learn to respect. Neither religion allows insulting others, n i apologize for what they have said. It is forbidden in our religion to insult any other religion.

Your decency has nothing to do with religion, that is the only way you can find decent people in other religions. Let's not go into all this stuff about religions not allowing for insulting the religions of others etc.....all that is pure humbug. If one claims exalted space for ones own religion while dismissing all others as false, there is grounds to ban such books as being insulting of the faith/religion of others. That could be the argument if you claimed one god or many or indeed like Buddhists, Jains & parts of Hinduism do- you claim that there is no god, you are in conflict with other religions saying different things. History is witness to the carnage that religious differences & the contempt for the religion of others have caused to inflict, a decent human being does not need the cover of religion to be decent.

The key here is to move on as human beings, not just as blind followers of religions.
The West voice for pro democracy in their countries but select dictators of their likings in the East. Its okay if they are Abdullah, Al Makhtum, Abdullah II, Mubarak and el Sisi. but its not okay if they are Khomeni and Asad.

If freedom of speech is really something the West values then by now:

- Allies like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan would have become true democracies and not spreading hate speech against some sects.
- Including Turkey in E.U after making Cyprus and Greece members.
- Recognizing little Palestine territory as a state.
- Letting Egypt be governed by Muslim Brotherhood due to their election victory.
- Allowing Iraq and Afghanistan to solve their own issues through their own people without any dictations and presence of foreign troops.
- Providing justice for families who lost their innocent loved ones in Drone Strikes
- Not imposing sanctions on countries who wish to do business with Iran.

In all of this the fact of the matter is the West creates Boogeyman after Boogeyman and the media has become such a powerful tool that it can be judged as one of their pillars of foreign policy.
The West shouldn't select another countries government, we should lead by example not enforcement.
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