The West voice for pro democracy in their countries but select dictators of their likings in the East. Its okay if they are Abdullah, Al Makhtum, Abdullah II, Mubarak and el Sisi. but its not okay if they are Khomeni and Asad.
If freedom of speech is really something the West values then by now:
- Allies like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Jordan would have become true democracies and not spreading hate speech against some sects.
- Including Turkey in E.U after making Cyprus and Greece members.
- Recognizing little Palestine territory as a state.
- Letting Egypt be governed by Muslim Brotherhood due to their election victory.
- Allowing Iraq and Afghanistan to solve their own issues through their own people without any dictations and presence of foreign troops.
- Providing justice for families who lost their innocent loved ones in Drone Strikes
- Not imposing sanctions on countries who wish to do business with Iran.
In all of this the fact of the matter is the West creates Boogeyman after Boogeyman and the media has become such a powerful tool that it can be judged as one of their pillars of foreign policy.