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The Ethnic Fault Line of Hinduism

waheed gul

Dec 2, 2011
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As per the religious scriptures around so many years back, the oldest religion of the planet developed big fault line in its character. Over the period of this fault line, there are many folds creating an imaginary line passing through the heart of India. Although the line is imaginary, it is too distinctive to ignore as with BJP government in India and somebody else. Brahman Hindus look to be in fair amount of trouble; by now, my reader must have understood I am talking about Dalits. The most distinctive feature of this ethnic divide of Hinduism is the biggest anomaly in between north and south India.

The Character of RAM and RAWAN
North India has been plundering south India since independence. Wealth of South India is the backbone of Indian economy. South India is economically comparable to world’s biggest economies but political Brahman elite of New Dehli never want South Indians in the mainstream of power politics. For clear picture of this long history of exploitation of south Indians, first you need to understand the psyche of Brahman Elite of New Dehli, Brahman Hindus considered as noble and high cast in Hindus society and simply they think they are born to rule. Murder of Brahman Hindu will be a very serious matter than the murder of low caste Hindus like Dalits. Dravidian people are majority papulation of south India, they are hard-working brave people but Brahman Hindus are sucking their wealth; starving them of water; and treating them like worst slaves.

According to Brahman Hinduism philosophy, “RAM” is a supreme GOD as symbol of “Good guys” and “RAWAN” another GOD as symbol of “bad guys”. Despite the fact that “RAWAN” is a hero of Dravidians, Brahman Hindus burn the statue of “RAWAN” in their festival celebration of Dussehra. According to Brahman version of Hinduism, “RAWAN” kidnapped the wife of “RAM” and took him to the “Lanka” currently known as “Sri Lanka”. After eight years of struggle and with the help of Monkey brigade of another god “Hanuman”, “RAM” made a Holy bridge which is known as “Rama’s Bridge” and invaded Lanka and defeated “RAWAN” and got back his wife whose name was “Sitaram”. Later “RAM” asked Sitaram for “Agnipareeksha” which means ‘prove your purity by walking through burning fire’. Sitaram successfully passed through the “Agnipareeksha” which also proved “RAWAN” did not touch her or raped her.

“RAWAN” never raped Sitaram but today, raping south Indian or Dalit women is considered as a religious duty by Barhama Hindus. That’s why 21 Dalit women get rape each week and New Delhi has earned the title of “Rape Capital” of the world. Brahman Hindus of New Delhi are the main resisters of any development on south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu (Rama’s Bridge) due to their religious grounds. According to them, any government project could harm Rama’s Bridge. They have already stopped the operations to dredge the channel of the ocean floor across the Palk Strait in 2005 with their heavy protests. Indeed, development of port on Rama’s Bridge can end up all miseries of south Indians but Bahaman Hindus never want Dravidians prosperous and independent.

Moreover, it is more matter of power than matter of religion. Today, millions of farmers and south Indian states are starving, protesting and fighting for water while on the other hand Brahman Hindus of North India are enjoying and bathing with the water and are in power corridors in New Delhi on the bones of Dravidians. If Dravidians get freedom, they have ability to make super economic power of Asia, which is unacceptable for New Delhi because they know very well that India is standing on the economy of south India. That is why they played a game and started funding “Tamil Tigers” terrorist movement in Sri Lanka in 1976 so that Dravidians freedom movement stuck in Sri Lanka and the dream of a separate country of Dravidians in south India vanished. By sponsoring Tamil Tigers terrorist movement, actually Brahman Hindus were pushing for the wish of independent “United States of south India” from south India to Sri Lanka.

Following the events of free Dravidian country in south India, you also need to remember that the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, invited the “Swami Rama” leader of free Dravidian country movement. In his Madras 1940 political public meeting, Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked “Swami Rama” to support Pakistan; and in return, “Swami Rama” demanded support for free Dravidian country which Muhammad Ali Jinnah happily accepted. Today, Dravidians are still expecting the support from Pakistan so that the promise made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah could be fulfilled. Brahman Hindus are exploiting south Indians not only economically, but also in many other ways. All nuclear power plants are being installed in south India so that any nuclear leakage or nuclear disease could only harm south Indians. And it is happening. Some of these hazards are: radioactive waste and pollution, polluting unborn children and upcoming generations of south Indians. All powers, benefits and social dignities for Bahamans and. Different diseases, black laws and exploitations make life miserable for south Indians. This is the only rule of sharing in India. Like Kashmir, south India is also craving world attention.
Source: http://www.thecjpost.com/2016/10/the-ethnic-fault-line-of-hinduism/
Did you just build the website?

As per the religious scriptures around so many years back, the oldest religion of the planet developed big fault line in its character. Over the period of this fault line, there are many folds creating an imaginary line passing through the heart of India. Although the line is imaginary, it is too distinctive to ignore as with BJP government in India and somebody else. Brahman Hindus look to be in fair amount of trouble; by now, my reader must have understood I am talking about Dalits. The most distinctive feature of this ethnic divide of Hinduism is the biggest anomaly in between north and south India.

The Character of RAM and RAWAN
North India has been plundering south India since independence. Wealth of South India is the backbone of Indian economy. South India is economically comparable to world’s biggest economies but political Brahman elite of New Dehli never want South Indians in the mainstream of power politics. For clear picture of this long history of exploitation of south Indians, first you need to understand the psyche of Brahman Elite of New Dehli, Brahman Hindus considered as noble and high cast in Hindus society and simply they think they are born to rule. Murder of Brahman Hindu will be a very serious matter than the murder of low caste Hindus like Dalits. Dravidian people are majority papulation of south India, they are hard-working brave people but Brahman Hindus are sucking their wealth; starving them of water; and treating them like worst slaves.

According to Brahman Hinduism philosophy, “RAM” is a supreme GOD as symbol of “Good guys” and “RAWAN” another GOD as symbol of “bad guys”. Despite the fact that “RAWAN” is a hero of Dravidians, Brahman Hindus burn the statue of “RAWAN” in their festival celebration of Dussehra. According to Brahman version of Hinduism, “RAWAN” kidnapped the wife of “RAM” and took him to the “Lanka” currently known as “Sri Lanka”. After eight years of struggle and with the help of Monkey brigade of another god “Hanuman”, “RAM” made a Holy bridge which is known as “Rama’s Bridge” and invaded Lanka and defeated “RAWAN” and got back his wife whose name was “Sitaram”. Later “RAM” asked Sitaram for “Agnipareeksha” which means ‘prove your purity by walking through burning fire’. Sitaram successfully passed through the “Agnipareeksha” which also proved “RAWAN” did not touch her or raped her.

“RAWAN” never raped Sitaram but today, raping south Indian or Dalit women is considered as a religious duty by Barhama Hindus. That’s why 21 Dalit women get rape each week and New Delhi has earned the title of “Rape Capital” of the world. Brahman Hindus of New Delhi are the main resisters of any development on south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu (Rama’s Bridge) due to their religious grounds. According to them, any government project could harm Rama’s Bridge. They have already stopped the operations to dredge the channel of the ocean floor across the Palk Strait in 2005 with their heavy protests. Indeed, development of port on Rama’s Bridge can end up all miseries of south Indians but Bahaman Hindus never want Dravidians prosperous and independent.

Moreover, it is more matter of power than matter of religion. Today, millions of farmers and south Indian states are starving, protesting and fighting for water while on the other hand Brahman Hindus of North India are enjoying and bathing with the water and are in power corridors in New Delhi on the bones of Dravidians. If Dravidians get freedom, they have ability to make super economic power of Asia, which is unacceptable for New Delhi because they know very well that India is standing on the economy of south India. That is why they played a game and started funding “Tamil Tigers” terrorist movement in Sri Lanka in 1976 so that Dravidians freedom movement stuck in Sri Lanka and the dream of a separate country of Dravidians in south India vanished. By sponsoring Tamil Tigers terrorist movement, actually Brahman Hindus were pushing for the wish of independent “United States of south India” from south India to Sri Lanka.

Following the events of free Dravidian country in south India, you also need to remember that the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, invited the “Swami Rama” leader of free Dravidian country movement. In his Madras 1940 political public meeting, Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked “Swami Rama” to support Pakistan; and in return, “Swami Rama” demanded support for free Dravidian country which Muhammad Ali Jinnah happily accepted. Today, Dravidians are still expecting the support from Pakistan so that the promise made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah could be fulfilled. Brahman Hindus are exploiting south Indians not only economically, but also in many other ways. All nuclear power plants are being installed in south India so that any nuclear leakage or nuclear disease could only harm south Indians. And it is happening. Some of these hazards are: radioactive waste and pollution, polluting unborn children and upcoming generations of south Indians. All powers, benefits and social dignities for Bahamans and. Different diseases, black laws and exploitations make life miserable for south Indians. This is the only rule of sharing in India. Like Kashmir, south India is also craving world attention.
Source: http://www.thecjpost.com/2016/10/the-ethnic-fault-line-of-hinduism/
“Rama’s Bridge” and invaded Lanka and defeated “RAWAN” and got back his wife whose name was “Sitaram”
Name is Sita...Get the facts right before quoting any other religious subject. It can result in blasphemy....

RAWAN” never raped Sitaram but today, raping south Indian or Dalit women is considered as a religious duty by Barhama Hindus

Proof? Show me any text(genuine) where it is said that raping south indian women is duty of Brahmin hindus? Rather it was the duty of muslim invaders to rape the natives and push their semen into the womb to have creatures which are currently populating most of non-arabic lands but following arab religion.

That’s why 21 Dalit women get rape each week a

Moreover, it is more matter of power than matter of religion. Today, millions of farmers and south Indian states are starving, protesting and fighting for water while on the other hand Brahman Hindus of North India are enjoying and bathing with the water and are in power corridors in New Delhi on the bones of Dravidians
How is independence going to solve their water problem? Does Independence generates more water or it will please the rain god to pour more water from heaven? If this is the case, I suggest you break Pakistan as pakistan is under sever water problem. We will help in experimenting with Baluchistan, Sindhistan, Karachi etc..You will get your water problem solve by breaking away from egoistic pubjabi pakistan just like Bangladesh did. See after spliting they got almost the same amount of investment as whole Pakistan is getting under CPEC plus another investment from US and India. They have solved their land problems, water problems etc.and now can concentrate on the development.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked “Swami Rama” to support Pakistan; and in return, “Swami Rama” demanded support for free Dravidian country which Muhammad Ali Jinnah happily accepted.
So Jinnah was kicking his own two nation theory!!!

All nuclear power plants are being installed in south India so that any nuclear leakage or nuclear disease could only harm south Indians

Another genuios remarks....Here is the list of powerplants in india...and they are in north as well.
North Indians are keeping South Indians out of power? Hm....let's see. 21% of civil service cadre is from the southern states. But since the 2000s, there is a marked change, because percentage of admittance of South Indians has gone up to 26% of intake.

The cadre is comparatively lower for a simple reason. Government administrative job is not seen as valuable among South Indians as among North Indians. Also, the average age of intake for the civil services is above 28. By this age, most South Indians would have established careers in their chose fields. South is more geared towards engineering and medicine. Like my father told me when I was around 12, "So we are going to Brilliant and enrolling you for the Foundation course of JEE". ISRO and DRDO are filled with South Indians.

For the rest of the religious stuff, blasphemy, I tell you.
Ha ha ha this is utter stupidity, it's like a person like me can criticize the Islam fault line! Better love and know your religion before poke your ugly nose into other religions.

Ravanan = Rawan? LOL

Ravan is a God of South Indian or Dravidian? Who told you this crap? It's like telling Mohammed is the god for pakistan and alla is god of Arabs. Did you accept this?

Mods stop this kinds of mentally ill people to discuss on this kind of subjects.
I don't mean any offense..... just want to seek clarification............... I have read a historical account that narrates that worshiping of idols in India was introduced by some Persian? Initially it started as a ritual of paying tribute to dead of one’s family and then it got to where it is now? Is it true?

As per the religious scriptures around so many years back, the oldest religion of the planet developed big fault line in its character. Over the period of this fault line, there are many folds creating an imaginary line passing through the heart of India. Although the line is imaginary, it is too distinctive to ignore as with BJP government in India and somebody else. Brahman Hindus look to be in fair amount of trouble; by now, my reader must have understood I am talking about Dalits. The most distinctive feature of this ethnic divide of Hinduism is the biggest anomaly in between north and south India.

The Character of RAM and RAWAN
North India has been plundering south India since independence. Wealth of South India is the backbone of Indian economy. South India is economically comparable to world’s biggest economies but political Brahman elite of New Dehli never want South Indians in the mainstream of power politics. For clear picture of this long history of exploitation of south Indians, first you need to understand the psyche of Brahman Elite of New Dehli, Brahman Hindus considered as noble and high cast in Hindus society and simply they think they are born to rule. Murder of Brahman Hindu will be a very serious matter than the murder of low caste Hindus like Dalits. Dravidian people are majority papulation of south India, they are hard-working brave people but Brahman Hindus are sucking their wealth; starving them of water; and treating them like worst slaves.

According to Brahman Hinduism philosophy, “RAM” is a supreme GOD as symbol of “Good guys” and “RAWAN” another GOD as symbol of “bad guys”. Despite the fact that “RAWAN” is a hero of Dravidians, Brahman Hindus burn the statue of “RAWAN” in their festival celebration of Dussehra. According to Brahman version of Hinduism, “RAWAN” kidnapped the wife of “RAM” and took him to the “Lanka” currently known as “Sri Lanka”. After eight years of struggle and with the help of Monkey brigade of another god “Hanuman”, “RAM” made a Holy bridge which is known as “Rama’s Bridge” and invaded Lanka and defeated “RAWAN” and got back his wife whose name was “Sitaram”. Later “RAM” asked Sitaram for “Agnipareeksha” which means ‘prove your purity by walking through burning fire’. Sitaram successfully passed through the “Agnipareeksha” which also proved “RAWAN” did not touch her or raped her.

“RAWAN” never raped Sitaram but today, raping south Indian or Dalit women is considered as a religious duty by Barhama Hindus. That’s why 21 Dalit women get rape each week and New Delhi has earned the title of “Rape Capital” of the world. Brahman Hindus of New Delhi are the main resisters of any development on south-eastern coast of Tamil Nadu (Rama’s Bridge) due to their religious grounds. According to them, any government project could harm Rama’s Bridge. They have already stopped the operations to dredge the channel of the ocean floor across the Palk Strait in 2005 with their heavy protests. Indeed, development of port on Rama’s Bridge can end up all miseries of south Indians but Bahaman Hindus never want Dravidians prosperous and independent.

Moreover, it is more matter of power than matter of religion. Today, millions of farmers and south Indian states are starving, protesting and fighting for water while on the other hand Brahman Hindus of North India are enjoying and bathing with the water and are in power corridors in New Delhi on the bones of Dravidians. If Dravidians get freedom, they have ability to make super economic power of Asia, which is unacceptable for New Delhi because they know very well that India is standing on the economy of south India. That is why they played a game and started funding “Tamil Tigers” terrorist movement in Sri Lanka in 1976 so that Dravidians freedom movement stuck in Sri Lanka and the dream of a separate country of Dravidians in south India vanished. By sponsoring Tamil Tigers terrorist movement, actually Brahman Hindus were pushing for the wish of independent “United States of south India” from south India to Sri Lanka.

Following the events of free Dravidian country in south India, you also need to remember that the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, invited the “Swami Rama” leader of free Dravidian country movement. In his Madras 1940 political public meeting, Muhammad Ali Jinnah asked “Swami Rama” to support Pakistan; and in return, “Swami Rama” demanded support for free Dravidian country which Muhammad Ali Jinnah happily accepted. Today, Dravidians are still expecting the support from Pakistan so that the promise made by Muhammad Ali Jinnah could be fulfilled. Brahman Hindus are exploiting south Indians not only economically, but also in many other ways. All nuclear power plants are being installed in south India so that any nuclear leakage or nuclear disease could only harm south Indians. And it is happening. Some of these hazards are: radioactive waste and pollution, polluting unborn children and upcoming generations of south Indians. All powers, benefits and social dignities for Bahamans and. Different diseases, black laws and exploitations make life miserable for south Indians. This is the only rule of sharing in India. Like Kashmir, south India is also craving world attention.
Source: http://www.thecjpost.com/2016/10/the-ethnic-fault-line-of-hinduism/
I Stopped reading when I read the term "Elite Brahmins of Delhi" and "Brahmin Hindus"
Author doesn't know distribution of Brahmins in the country
I don't mean any offense..... just want to seek clarification............... I have read a historical account that narrates that worshiping of idols in India was introduced by some Persian? Initially it started as a ritual of paying tribute to dead of one’s family and then it got to where it is now? Is it true?
Care to share the historical account? No offense.

This article I tried very hard for some facts which i can understand but bless me am happy I dint find.
Cant even spell Ravaan? What was it Rwanda? The author assumes all of North India as Evil Bahamians and all of south as Poor Dalits Lol u would never understand the complexity of the diverse India
lol, "brahman" vs dalit and dravidians, a secessionist south waiting for Pakistan to come good on jinnah's promise wut ? (not even talking about the absurd religious scripture bit)

poor content aside, it is also written extremely poorly.

wonder how @Joe Shearer grades this.
lol, "brahman" vs dalit and dravidians, a secessionist south waiting for Pakistan to come good on jinnah's promise wut ? (not even talking about the absurd religious scripture bit)

poor content aside, it is also written extremely poorly.

wonder how @Joe Shearer grades this.


Next time you tag me on shit like this, I'll trace you past your anonymity and beat your stupid head in. You just ruined my morning.
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