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The End of Iraq (in a 3 way partition?)

Yep. Iran did well to execute the divide and rule plan of Americans.

The Yugoserbs should have known better than to try and ethnic cleanse a whole people. If they hadn't tried to kill all Bosnians then plan or no plan Yugoslavia would not have been broken up.

Why do you always name Anbar ? Anbar is seen as the Al Qaeda stronghold while there are other places that are worse then Anbar in terms of terrorism, cutting of Anbar will not stop any terrorism, it will increase terrorism.
Besides it is part of " Mesopotamia " the identity of Iraq, it also holds a large Phosphate reserve, fertile land near the Euphrates, large area of usefull land.

The terrorism is worse in areas like Diyala which is near Iran, its not all West.

How are things in Iraq currently?? :coffee:
The Yugoserbs should have known better than to try and ethnic cleanse a whole people. If they hadn't tried to kill all Bosnians then plan or no plan Yugoslavia would not have been broken up.

Sorry I can't talk about Yugoslavia anymore because the thread will go off-topic because of me.
How are things in Iraq currently?? :coffee:

(slow) improvement among construction/infrastructure, services, jobs, economy and so on, terrorism continues / political crisis from time to time due to the instability, compare it to the Lebanese parliament to a limited extend, democracy in Arab countries..
(slow) improvement among construction/infrastructure, services, jobs, economy and so on, terrorism continues / political crisis from time to time due to the instability, compare it to the Lebanese parliament to a limited extend, democracy in Arab countries..

Has sectarianism started to die down? Is the war in Syria making things worse, I would think it would.
@ the wahabi throwing up on the thread

you wahabis are responsible for your own actions, don't try to pass the buck like a coward. Saddam getting scared of the Iranian revolution was his own problem. You're literally saying that his invasion of iran was b/c he got scared of the Iranian revolution so he's not to blame!!!

If that's what you're saying than you wahabis are bigger fools than I thought

It's amazing how they are justifying their murderous acts, which amounts to Genocide. They'll come up with any excuse, that Shias deserve it, even though this genocide was happening before 1979.

Saddam had no right to invade Iran, if he was scared of a revolution, he could have easily put down his own people, there was simply no reason to invade Iran.

and Iran was NOT actively promoting anything in Iraq at the time, this was the time when Iran was in complete chaos . There was so much going on in Iran with different groups fighting each other , there was an ethnic civil war with the Kurdish Area and then Different political groups were bombing and killing each other in Tehran. No one was thinking of helping the Shias in Iraq for a revolution!
I am a Wahabbi? :what:

Yes you are.

You're defending saddam, you're saying that wahabis are justified in their actions b/c Iran had a revolution (which had nothing to do with you wahabis), and you're also lying without shame to further your goals.

The muslim brotherhood in Egypt created the Fadayine-Eslam group in Iran. The same group that later took control of Iran after the 78 revolution. Do some reserach wahabi.
Has sectarianism started to die down? Is the war in Syria making things worse, I would think it would.

Yes, it is decreasing because of the military/police improvements and new technology bringing better protection, only the Syrian war is making that uncertain, sometimes a rise in violence such as lately, even though they have built barriers on the entire Syrian border manned by forces.
Yep. Iran did well to execute the divide and rule plan of Americans.

Are you literally insane?

The serbs start a genocidal campaign against the bosnians, and you somehow manage to bring in Iran and USA into the discussion?

btw, saudis also helped the Bosnians.

How come you're talking about Iran only?

And you claim you're not a wahabi.

Why do you always name Anbar ? Anbar is seen as the Al Qaeda stronghold while there are other places that are worse then Anbar in terms of terrorism, cutting of Anbar will not stop any terrorism, it will increase terrorism.
Besides it is part of " Mesopotamia " the identity of Iraq, it also holds a large Phosphate reserve, fertile land near the Euphrates, large area of usefull land.

The terrorism is worse in areas like Diyala which is near Iran, its not all West.

Iraq, like AFG/Pakistan is a tribal society. The bedouins don't recognize borders. They will come and go and blow up as they please. You need a buffer zone. Right now you can't have a buffer zone b/c you can't close the borders in the tribal areas.

Lose the tumour, create a buffer zone and once the borders are secured, flush out the cancer from the rest of Iraq.

You can't start treatment on the cancer when the tumour is still present. This is the same story in AFG/Pakistan where militants just walk back and forth as they please.
Yes, it is decreasing because of the military/police improvements and new technology bringing better protection, only the Syrian war is making that uncertain, sometimes a rise in violence such as lately, even though they have built barriers on the entire Syrian border manned by forces.

Good to know man, breaking up Iraq will do the region no favors.
Yes you are.

You're defending saddam, you're saying that wahabis are justified in their actions b/c Iran had a revolution (which had nothing to do with you wahabis), and you're also lying without shame to further your goals.

The muslim brotherhood in Egypt created the Fadayine-Eslam group in Iran. The same group that later took control of Iran after the 78 revolution. Do some reserach wahabi.

Saddaam is a person I respect. He gave more freedom to women and the country was stable under his rule. Except for useless wars, he was quite a good leader. What did your grand master, Khomeni do? Systematically limited women to kitchen, destroyed Iranian economy, hijacked American embassy, promoted violence against America and many more!!
Iraq, like AFG/Pakistan is a tribal society. The bedouins don't recognize borders. They will come and go and blow up as they please. You need a buffer zone. Right now you can't have a buffer zone b/c you can't close the borders in the tribal areas.

Lose the tumour, create a buffer zone and once the borders are secured, flush out the cancer from the rest of Iraq.

You can't start treatment on the cancer when the tumour is still present. This is the same story in AFG/Pakistan where militants just walk back and forth as they please.

Tribalism can be controlled cause of it only being in Anbar, they will be forced to recognize borders, in the future they will be able to control it better.
Afghanistan is different, rough terrain and poor military/police that is not growing well.
Does Iran have a barrier on the Afghan border ? No idea how they keep them out on that rough terrain.
Bosnian mujahideen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran's role in Bosnia was very limited because at the time Iran was not powerful.

According to the Radio Free Europe research there are no precise statistics dealing with the number of foreign volunteers. In 2006, documents emerged detailing the presence up to 1,700 foreign Mujahideen, mainly from Arab nations. Hundreds were said to have been provided with Bosnian passports.
Saddaam is a person I respect. He gave more freedom to women and the country was stable under his rule. Except for useless wars, he was quite a good leader. What did your grand master, Khomeni do? Systematically limited women to kitchen, destroyed Iranian economy, hijacked American embassy, promoted violence against America and many more!!

that's it, you're insane.

saddam killed millions of his own people, but b/c he, according to you, gave freedom to women (how you came up with this conclusion I will never know), than he has your respect.

You're batshit crazy

And why are we talking about khomaini? He has what realtion to the discussion exactly?
Saddaam is a person I respect. He gave more freedom to women and the country was stable under his rule. Except for useless wars, he was quite a good leader. What did your grand master, Khomeni do? Systematically limited women to kitchen, destroyed Iranian economy, hijacked American embassy, promoted violence against America and many more!!

Under Saddam nothing was "Stable".

He started two wars one with Iran, another with Kuwait. There were numerous uprising , including Kurdish uprising. He killed thousands of his own people. and He "gave" no freedom to ANYONE. He destroyed Iraq's economy. People were living in poverty. All while Iraq had so much oil. He ran the country like Mafia gang.

and under "khomeni" Iran has the highest educated females. Iranian women are one of the most educated in the Middle East.
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