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The End of Iraq (in a 3 way partition?)

Saddaam is a person I respect. He gave more freedom to women and the country was stable under his rule. Except for useless wars, he was quite a good leader. What did your grand master, Khomeni do? Systematically limited women to kitchen, destroyed Iranian economy, hijacked American embassy, promoted violence against America and many more!!

Your mistaken, Saddam came to power in 1979 and started a war just a year later.
The freedom and equality for women was already there since Abdul Karim Qasim came to power in 1958, he introduced that not Saddam.
that's it, you're insane.

saddam killed millions of his own people, but b/c he, according to you, gave freedom to women (how you came up with this conclusion I will never know), than he has your respect.

You're batshit crazy

And why are we talking about khomaini? He has what realtion to the discussion exactly?

Saddam killed his own people? that's how you look at it. We see the same thing in Iran. I really don't like to talk about "killing his own people" because how each person looks at different issues depends on the environment that person lives in and propaganda he's being fed.

Your mistaken, Saddam came to power in 1979 and started a war just a year later.
The freedom and equality for women was already there since Abdul Karim Qasim came to power in 1958, he introduced that not Saddam.

At least he maintained it. I have an Iraqi friend. She's Shiite. She likes Saddam.
Tribalism can be controlled cause of it only being in Anbar, they will be forced to recognize borders, in the future they will be able to control it better.
Afghanistan is different, rough terrain and poor military/police that is not growing well.
Does Iran have a barrier on the Afghan border ? No idea how they keep them out on that rough terrain.

Iran doesn't have the same problem as what we're talking about. There are no tribal relations across the borders like there are in Iraq/Kuwait, Iraq/saudi, Iraq/Syria, Afg/Pakistan.

Tribalism was abolished in the 1920's in Iran and also Iranian borders have more or less been the same for eons. Again, in Iraq's case, you can't draw a border between two families that live in two different countries that came about in the 20th century, specially when tribalism is still part of the society.

Controlling these regions is next to impossible. The best solution is to have a buffer zone. That can either come about by cutting off some land and throwing it away so you can create a proper border behind it (which can actually be controlled) or do what NK/SK are doing.

Other than that there's nothing else that can be done. Foreign terrorists will come in and out as they please and tribal families in Iraq itself will help them in any way they can.
Saddam killed his own people? that's how you look at it. We see the same thing in Iran. I really don't like to talk about "killing his own people" because how each person looks at different issues depends on the environment that person lives in and propaganda he's being fed.

At least he maintained it. I have an Iraqi friend. She's Shiite. She likes Saddam.

1958 till 1979 is a long time, it was maintained all along by other people and parties at power, so its nothing special.
He might have maintained the equality between women, but he fkd up the economy, society and started wars.
Nothing good came out of it, no prosperity, the war on Iran costed more then 500 billion USD for both countries, imagine what could Iraq and Iran have done with that money for their countries ?
we need to stop talking to this goshne from sri lanka

he's way out there in his own world. Waste of time talking to an individual that thinks a dictator that killed MILLIONS should be respected.

Either he's a wahabi terrorist or a delusional lost person.

Saddam killed thousands of Shia muslims in 1990's and killed and gassed Kurds all over Iraq.

how do you see the same thing in Iran? Iran has never killed thousands of Iranian or gassed our own people. You are very misinformed of Iran and our government. Saddam ran Iraq like Mafia gang.
I highly doubt it.

Well go and do some research. Since the word go you have been talking out of your useless wahabi behind.

Iranian women outnumber Iranian men in universities in every province of the country.


what does saddam have to do with that jack arse khomaini?
Well go and do some research. Since the word go you have been talking out of your useless wahabi behind.

Iranian women outnumber Iranian men in universities in every province of the country.


what does saddam have to do with that jack arse khomaini?

Really???? Then why can't a woman run for the presidency???


Saddam killed thousands of Shia muslims in 1990's and killed and gassed Kurds all over Iraq.

how do you see the same thing in Iran? Iran has never killed thousands of Iranian or gassed our own people. You are very misinformed of Iran and our government. Saddam ran Iraq like Mafia gang.

I also have a Shia Iraqi friend. She's a die hard supporter of Saddam. If Saddam persecuted Shias like that, then why would she talk good about Saddam?
Just a few example of Saddams crimes against Humanity.

1974 -- Dawa Killings
Five leaders of the Shiite Islamic Dawa Party were sentenced to death and killed as Saddam consolidated his power. In 2004, those murders were among many charges announced against Saddam. The U.S. State Department estimates thousands of Saddam's political rivals were killed.

1980 -- Fayli Deportations and Killings
Thousands of Kurds of the Fayli sect were persecuted. Some were expelled to Iran, others killed. Saddam thought of them as Iranian, and therefore as enemies. Fayli women were often imprisoned or put into camps.

1983 -- Barzani Abductions
After the Iraqi-based Kurdistan Democratic Party allied with Iran during the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam sought to punish the clan and its leader, Massoud Barzani. More than 5,000 males, some as young as 10, disappeared. Decades later the remains of 512 Barzani men were discovered in a mass grave. They were reinterred in 2005. A letter that shows Saddam's direct involvement in the crimes was discovered in Baghdad.

1988 -- Al-Anfal Campaign
From February to September 1988, Saddam conducted what has been called a genocidal campaign against the Kurdish population. Gen. Ali Hassan al-Majid, or "Chemical Ali," Saddam's cousin, carried out the Al-Anfal operation using chemical weapons. Human Rights Watch estimates between 50,000 and 100,000 died. Kurdish officials and some international human rights groups put the number killed as high as 182,000. Saddam was on trial for the Anfal campaign at the time of his execution. Six defendants remain in the Al-Anfal case, including "Chemical Ali," who is facing charges of genocide.

1988 -- Halabja Gassing
During the Anfal campaign, "Chemical Ali" ordered an attack against civilians in the town of Halabja. Iraqi forces dropped bombs containing mustard and nerve gases. An estimated 5,000 men, women and children died in a single day. Many more died from long-term medical problems, and birth defects are still common in the area.

1990s -- Marsh Arabs Devastated

Saddam attacked the Shiite "Marsh Arabs" by destroying their land. Once a significant wetland, the marshes in southern Iraq were devastated by a government drainage plan that left behind a wasteland. In 1991, 250,000 Marsh Arabs lived in the region. Now 90 percent of the area is in ruins and only an estimated 20,000 people remain. Tens of thousands live in refugee camps in Iran. Efforts are now underway to restore the marshes. Human Rights Watch calls the campaign against the Marsh Arabs a crime against humanity and other rights activists call it genocide. There are claims chemical weapons also were used.

1990 -- Invasion of Kuwait

In August of 1990, Saddam ordered the Iraqi military, the fourth largest military in the world at the time, to invade Kuwait, leading to the 1991 Gulf War. Iraqi soldiers are accused of torturing and executing hundreds of Kuwaitis, as well as taking hostages and looting. More than 700 oil wells were set on fire and pipelines opened, spilling oil into the Gulf.

1991 -- Kurdish and Shiite Rebellions

After heeding President George H.W. Bush's call to rebel against Saddam, Shiites and Kurds were crushed by immense Iraqi military force. Saddam turned his military against the people as part of his widespread crackdown after the war. The rebels thought they would have the backing of the U.S. military. Thousands have been discovered in mass graves.

1999 -- Al-Sadr Assassination

Ayatollah Muhammed al-Sadr, father of prominent Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, and two of his sons were assassinated in 1999. Al-Sadr was a well-liked Shiite leader, and his death spawned Shiite uprisings in Baghdad. As he had previously, Saddam cracked down on the rebellion and hundreds were killed.
Really???? Then why can't a woman run for the presidency???

I have no f'ing idea why! I'm not a muslim so I'm not part of your world and I don't understand half the things you muslims do.

And what does Iran having more females in universities than man, and women not being able to run for presidency have ANYTHING TO DO WITH each other?

What is wrong with you? Everything you say is retarded. What's your point here? Saddam was a good man b/c khomaini was bad? What kind of a fudged up logic is that?

You need to sit down and think about what you're trying to say and formulate a logical arguement.
I have no f'ing idea why! I'm not a muslim so I'm not part of your world and I don't understand half the things you muslims do.

And what does Iran having more females in universities than man, and women not being able to run for presidency have ANYTHING TO DO WITH each other?

What is wrong with you? Everything you say is retarded. What's your point here? Saddam was a good man b/c khomaini was bad? What kind of a fudged up logic is that?

You need to sit down and think about what you're trying to say and formulate a logical arguement.

I am not a Muslim. I never said Saddam was good. This thread is going off topic. I said Iranian revolution triggered religious extremism that you see today.
I also have a Shia Iraqi friend. She's a die hard supporter of Saddam. If Saddam persecuted Shias like that, then why would she talk good about Saddam?

Because shes uninformed about how he used a strong economy and an industrializing nation for his imperialist fantasy pulling millions to death, she needs some history lessons.
So, what is your point? what does this have anything to do with the discussion.

Iranian constitution allows women to run for governmental posts and even as presidents if they quality. we have many active women in the government.
Because shes uninformed about how he used a strong economy and an industrializing nation for his imperialist fantasy pulling millions to death, she needs some history lessons.

Agreed, he may have destroyed Iraq but don't you think that Iraq was better under Saddam than now?

So, what is your point? what does this have anything to do with the discussion.

Iranian constitution allows women to run for governmental posts and even as presidents if they quality. we have many active women in the government.

That's a big lie. Be honest please.
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