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The End of Iraq (in a 3 way partition?)

Genius your co-religionsit from Iran called us "Wahabies" on this thread it is a code name for Sunnies. Even I was called a "Wahabi" by you or I think some other kakastani on a previous thread. This is not the point. You already have fatwas by 12ver cult scholars calling on followers to kill "Wahabies"(Sunnies). So your fellow mut3ata irani girl who said 12ver cult worshipers don't issue killing fatwas is Taqiya and pure B.S.

This isn't the first time you tried to fling a Taqiya on us "Wahabies" (Sunnies).

Dunno who this co-guy would be.
Wahabbi is used as a codename for sunni by shias sometimes, just like you use codenames for them.
No not me, I never call people Wahabi or Majoosi.

So I tried to "fling" Taqiya on Sunnis.
How often do I take part in sunni-shia discussions ?????????
Dunno who this co-guy would be.
Wahabbi is used as a codename for sunni by shias sometimes, just like you use codenames for them.
No not me, I never call people Wahabi or Majoosi.

So I tried to "fling" Taqiya on Sunnis.
How often do I take part in sunni-shia discussions ?????????

habibi, you're talking to one of these


just leave it and save your sanity
I also think this is great , they don't contribute to anything except suicide bombings.

If this happens to Iraq, this will definitely mobilize the Shias in Saudi Arabia to separate from Saudi Arabia as well. KSA and western Iraq can join together , both without oil or any resources. Eventually they will collapse.

Iran, Shias in Iraq and Saudi Arabia will have the last laugh! We can have our civilization and prosper and progress without them, while they'll continue to kill each other.


:lol: Dude stop dreaming

Your mullahs' can barely afford to eat, let alone going to war. UAE Air Force along with Oman and Bahrain will make a very horrible nightmare for you, stop flexing your military muscles :lol:

This whole mess was started by Iran. Iranian revolution and mixing religion with politics are responsible for all this trouble.

The post-revolutions era to Iran became more like of a dream to resurrect the long dead Persia. But, I'm afraid that Iran keeps bleeding economically and humanly. Right after the revolution, they went to war that cost them 600k people, tough sanctions, and political upheaval.

They are hijacking the Islamic value to convince people that we should unite Islam and Muslims, while they covertly hide the objective within i.e. Persian supremacy.

This has nothing to do with Iran or Iranian revolution. Shias and Iranian are not sectarian. You wont find one Shia Imam issuing fatwas to kill any sect of Islam. I can give you 5 Saudi sheikhs issuing fatwas to kill Shias and how Shias are infidels, just this week.

1- High profile Iranian Shia clerics issues a fatwa of killing the Sunnis


2- Iraqi/Canadian Shia clerics issues a fatwa to kill the Sunnis


3- Shia scholars entices people to kill all Sunnis

Shia Scholars entice peopel to Kill Sunnis - YouTube

Playing the victims' card will no longer be helpful for them anymore.
The major player that loses out from this tragedy is turkey,a seperate kurdish state would be hotbed for cross border militant support for kurds in turkey.
:lol: Dude stop dreaming

Your mullahs' can barely afford to eat, let alone going to war. UAE Air Force along with Oman and Bahrain will make a very horrible nightmare for you, stop flexing your military muscles :lol:

C'mon, why do you Saudis and that one kurdi have to take a sh!t on every Iraq-related topic? You keep posting the same 4 or five videos to prove your case although many members have already replied to them on numerous occasions.

About the topic. Iraq as well as the entire region is going through a really bad time because of the increasing secterian nature of the Syrian conflict. What Iraq needs is patience, if Iraq could hold on for the next 5-8 years, the government and military will be stable and strong enough to handle any threats. However Alqaeda is trying as hard as it could to get the Shias to kill Sunnis. That way they start a civil war, and also get the Sunni population to support them. It will also give a reason Foriegn countries to support anti-government terrorist by since they would beconsidered "Sunnis" rather than alqaeda terrorists. The increasing attacks on Shia mosques and sunni mosques exposé alqaedas goals.

Alqaeda has a clear ideology when it comes to killing. "the goal justifies the means". They believe that it's ok to kill anyone, even to kill Sunnis and Shias in order to start a civil war, as long as the goal is reached. For that reason Alqaeda members or sympathizers do not deserve to live, but the problem is with the roots of the neo-Ummayid "Islam" which was started by Ibn tamiyah and spread by Mohammed Ibn abdulwahab (hence the name "Wahabi"). The majority of "Scholars" in Saudi Arabia are followers of that type of "Islam", they preach it and spread it. The other type of scholars are the kings slaves whom issue fatwas at the rulers wishes, especially in the gulf.
C'mon, why do you Saudis and that one kurdi have to take a sh!t on every Iraq-related topic? You keep posting the same 4 or five videos to prove your case although many members have already replied to them on numerous occasions.

About the topic. Iraq as well as the entire region is going through a really bad time because of the increasing secterian nature of the Syrian conflict. What Iraq needs is patience, if Iraq could hold on for the next 5-8 years, the government and military will be stable and strong enough to handle any threats. However Alqaeda is trying as hard as it could to get the Shias to kill Sunnis. That way they start a civil war, and also get the Sunni population to support them. It will also give a reason forforign countries to support anti-government terrorist by since they would beconsidered "Sunnis" rather than alqaeda terrorists.

I totally agree with you. Al Qaeda is trying really hard to ignite a sectarian war in Iraq. That's why Shias and Sunnis should be wise. After all, Al Qaeda also kills lots of Sunnis. They've killed thousands of Sunni seculars this year.

But we do and have the right to kill everyone of those Extremist Sunnis that come to Syria. In the long run it will be good for Shias in the region, we will be majority, while the Sunni extremist community will lose all their young and able bodied males.Their ciety will collapse from within.

Just this week Syrian Arab army killed 6,000 foreigner fighters. This is a lot of young Sunni extremists dying. It's an entire village, their society will not withhold.

I think Iraqi,Irani Syrian army should hatch up a plan to lure these extremist into Syria and then finish them off there.

After thatSunni and Shias can live side by side in peace.

No, be proud of your country, religion and ethnic group should not matter. If every single religion or ethnic group wanted its own country in majority areas it would be hell all over the world.

That is why religious governments/ constitutions fail as they only represent one group instead of representing everyone making it hard for everyone to feel included.
C'mon, why do you Saudis and that one kurdi have to take a sh!t on every Iraq-related topic? You keep posting the same 4 or five videos to prove your case although many members have already replied to them on numerous occasions.

Nobody has ever replied to the videos except yourself once. The point I was trying to make is when IraniGirl stated that she could give us 5 names of Saudi religious figures who encourage people to kill the Shias.

The majority of "Scholars" in Saudi Arabia are followers of that type of "Islam", they preach it and spread it. The other type of scholars are the kings slaves whom issue fatwas at the rulers wishes, especially in the gulf.

So, you are judging the whole Saudi Scholars by a few group of unrecognized fanatics who promote to kill anyone who oppose them? :no: you can't be serious.
This has nothing to do with Iran or Iranian revolution. Shias and Iranian are not sectarian. You wont find one Shia Imam issuing fatwas to kill any sect of Islam. I can give you 5 Saudi sheikhs issuing fatwas to kill Shias and how Shias are infidels, just this week.

It's not possible when your dealing with braindead Wahhabis.

When we will keep on finding differences between whabis/sunni/shia.. We will be broken one by one. First we should act together to have Muslim rule. No country is purely Islamic. All arab countries enjoy having US policies as they allow them to have freedom.
The major player that loses out from this tragedy is turkey,a seperate kurdish state would be hotbed for cross border militant support for kurds in turkey.

The only possibility of emerging a new Kurdish state depends of Turkey's decisions. As for now KRG depends heavily on Turkey for it's oil exports, Turkey's exports to KRG and protection from central government. Without the backup from Turkey they will be a isolated state and drown it their own unsold oil.
your claims that Sunnis are violent is a farce, they have to defend themselves from the Shiite extremist and fascist regime, Iraq has not been the apartheid state according to Shiites claims, had it been so, then the Iraqi army would not have employed them, they would not have been permitted to live in the same areas as Sunnis etc, Al Anbar does not constitute Iraq. The territories of Mesopotamia encompass Iraq from Nineveh to Babylon and Ur. The British did not hand over rule to the Shiites because of the Shiite fundamental outlook and religious fanatic practices, Shiism is a culture, its shifting into becoming a separate faith in the 21st century, I believe that a peaceful partition is the best solution for Iraq.
your claims that Sunnis are violent is a farce, they have to defend themselves from the Shiite extremist and fascist regime, Iraq has not been the apartheid state according to Shiites claims, had it been so, then the Iraqi army would not have employed them, they would not have been permitted to live in the same areas as Sunnis etc, Al Anbar does not constitute Iraq. The territories of Mesopotamia encompass Iraq from Nineveh to Babylon and Ur. The British did not hand over rule to the Shiites because of the Shiite fundamental outlook and religious fanatic practices, Shiism is a culture, its shifting into becoming a separate faith in the 21st century, I believe that a peaceful partition is the best solution for Iraq.

Salam and welcome to the forum buddy.

I do agree with you but the last part of your post. Maybe the Sunnis should topple the current government and get a grip over the country once more. What do you say?
That’s a Turk I made angry yesterday, Arabian, he/she ain’t Iraqi save the effort.
@iranigirl2 and your knowledge seems to spring from the teachings of your ayatollahs, Shiites are fanatic, even the ones who appear moderate are fanatic, the essence of your cult, teachings reflect that deep hate, naturally you would be regarded as heretics and apostates, but never were you persecuted as you are now persecuting Non Shiites, Sunnis, Sabeans, Christians and the rest, compare Iran with Iraq under saddam where shiites held positions in government opposed to Iran which does not grant such rights to Non Shiites. I don't think Shiites created Wahhabism but Shiites have enough militias which dictate hate and violence against Non Shiites, regarded by the moderate and even atheist Shiite as a fulfillment of a prophecy.

Shia view of Sunnis

The Perils Of Religious Persecution In Iran - Forbes

khalid622: The Persecution of Sunnis in Iran and Who Would They Vote for?
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