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The End of Iraq (in a 3 way partition?)

Agreed, he may have destroyed Iraq but don't you think that Iraq was better under Saddam than now?

"Better under Saddam"
Depends if you talk about the 80s, 1990, post 1991 ( the sanctions ).

Now is a stage of rebuilding, like Germany rebuilding after WW2, should not compare that.
After all, the good times during Saddam as some people talk about were not built by Saddam, he destroyed those times which are now in the process of rebuilding.
Agreed, he may have destroyed Iraq but don't you think that Iraq was better under Saddam than now?

That's a big lie. Be honest please.
BBC News - Iran election: Cleric rules out women candidates

1) you have the logic of a door knob

Iraq is in its current shape b/c of Saddam and his actions. Right now being better or worse has exactly what bearing on anything? Saddam created this mess

2) The women were disqualified, but the Iranian constitution does allow women to run (as far as I remember). The women, just like the thousands of men that registered, weren't approved by the guardian council.
Agreed, he may have destroyed Iraq but don't you think that Iraq was better under Saddam than now?

That's a big lie. Be honest please.
BBC News - Iran election: Cleric rules out women candidates

During this era of Islamist rule Iranian women have had more opportunity in some areas and more restrictions in others. One of the striking features of the revolution was the large scale participation of women from traditional backgrounds in demonstrations leading up to the overthrow of the monarchy. The Iranian women who had gained confidence and higher education under Pahlavi era participated in demonstrations against Shah to topple monarchy. The culture of education for women was established by the time of revolution so that even after the revolution, large numbers of women entered the civil service and higher education,and in 1996 fourteen women were elected to the Islamic Consultative Assembly. In 2003, Iran's first woman judge in Pahlavi era, Shirin Ebadi, won Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in promoting human rights.

According to UNESCO world survey, at primary level of enrollment Iran has the highest female to male ratio in the world among sovereign nations, with a girl to boy ratio of 1.22 : 1.00. By 1999, Iran had 140 female publishers, enough to hold an exhibition of books and magazines published by women.As of 2005, 65% of Iran's university students and 43% of its salaried workers were women.and as of early 2007 nearly 70% of Iran's science and engineering students are women.

27.1% of the ministers in government are women (ranks 23rd out of 125 countries) and 3.4% are parliamentarians (140th out of 157 countries). In 2009 Fatemeh Bodaghi became Vice President for Legal Affairs and a top advisor to President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.Maryam Mojtahidzadeh who runs the women's ministry was also selected as an advisor to the president.

At least one observer (Robert D. Kaplan) has commented on the less traditional attitude of many women in Iran compared to other Muslim countries. "In Iran, you could point a camera at a woman ... and she would smile" in contrast to other more conservative places where women may mind this.

1) you have the logic of a door knob

Iraq is in its current shape b/c of Saddam and his actions. Right now being better or worse has exactly what bearing on anything? Saddam created this mess

2) The women were disqualified, but the Iranian constitution does allow women to run (as far as I remember). The women, just like the thousands of men that registered, weren't approved by the guardian council.

Who are you to answer this question???? I asked this question from the Iraqi person. You Iranians think that you own the whole Middle East.
Well, generally in Sri Lanka, people say that Islamic extremism gained huge popularity after Iranian revolution. That's what I wanted to point out. Iran holds responsibility for rise of Islamic extremism greatly.
This has nothing to do with Iran or Iranian revolution. Shias and Iranian are not sectarian. You wont find one Shia Imam issuing fatwas to kill any sect of Islam.

It's not possible when your dealing with braindead Wahhabis.


You right it is not possible when your dealing with braindead mut3atas.



HAHA Im Happy All Islamic Propechy Coming Into This era one by one.................

Thats all you wrote? Man show me your proof if your truthful!!
Political stability is the key factor for Iraq...Some might not agree with me but as the majority of Iraqi population is Shia, Prime Minister must be one of them, BUT, Iraqi people must find a solution where all the parties agree on a decent candidate who will not pursue sectarian agenda...As far as i know, there is bad blood between Sunnis-Kurds and Maliki...Once this problem is solved, i see no reason why Iraq cant become united and prosperous...Strong and united Iraq is beneficial not only for her people but also for her neighbors too...On the other hand, partition would be disaster for the region...It would effect us all
good news in that video

Well since all of us including myself is considered a "Wahabi" without even being affiliated with it just because we disagree with you 12ver cult worshippers. it wouldn't surprise me if you did want death on us Sunnies since we are "Nawasib" and killing us and taking our wealth will grant you 12 uncountable favors from your demi-gods including one of seeing your god Ali in the hereafter. Isn't that correct?

Is the Permissibility of Killing them (i.e. Sunnies), and taking over their Money

You have known that the Ashaab included (or mentioned) the Nasibii with that special meaning [we mentioned] in the chapters of Taharah and Najasah, and his ruling according to them is the same as the Kaffir Al-Harbi (one who fights or is at war with the believers) in most of the rulings; as for what we have mentioned of him of explanation then the ruling would be comprehensive as Al-Saduq (as) narrates in Al-‘Ilal …
I said to Abu ‘Abdillah [‘Alaihi Al Salam]: What do you say regarding killing the Nasibi(Sunnies)?

He replied: His blood is Halal (i.e. it is permissible to kill him), however I fear for you, so if you were able to collapse a wall on him or drown him in water so that there would be no witnesses against you, then do so.

So I asked: What about his Money (Wealth)?

He said: Take what you could …

Book: Anwar an-Nomaniyah.
Author: Ayatollat Nematullah Jazairi.

Political stability is the key factor for Iraq...Some might not agree with me but as the majority of Iraqi population is Shia, Prime Minister must be one of them, BUT, Iraqi people must find a solution where all the parties agree on a decent candidate who will not pursue sectarian agenda...As far as i know, there is bad blood between Sunnis-Kurds and Maliki...Once this problem is solved, i see no reason why Iraq cant become united and prosperous...Strong and united Iraq is beneficial not only for her people but also for her neighbors too...On the other hand, partition would be disaster for the region...It would effect us all

Iraq is already under Iranian control and influence. You have Shia Terrorist Scums from the Badr brigade as the freaking Transportation minister. This same guy was doing secterian cleansing of Sunni Muslim in Baghdad.
Well since all of us including myself is considered a "Wahabi" without even being affiliated with it just because we disagree with you 12ver cult worshippers. it wouldn't surprise me if you did want death on us Sunnies since we are "Nawasib" and killing us and taking our wealth will grant you 12 uncountable favors from your demi-gods including one of seeing your god Ali in the hereafter. Isn't that correct?

Is the Permissibility of Killing them (i.e. Sunnies), and taking over their Money

You have known that the Ashaab included (or mentioned) the Nasibii with that special meaning [we mentioned] in the chapters of Taharah and Najasah, and his ruling according to them is the same as the Kaffir Al-Harbi (one who fights or is at war with the believers) in most of the rulings; as for what we have mentioned of him of explanation then the ruling would be comprehensive as Al-Saduq (as) narrates in Al-‘Ilal …
I said to Abu ‘Abdillah [‘Alaihi Al Salam]: What do you say regarding killing the Nasibi(Sunnies)?

He replied: His blood is Halal (i.e. it is permissible to kill him), however I fear for you, so if you were able to collapse a wall on him or drown him in water so that there would be no witnesses against you, then do so.

So I asked: What about his Money (Wealth)?

He said: Take what you could …

Book: Anwar an-Nomaniyah.
Author: Ayatollat Nematullah Jazairi.

The guy in the vid talks about killing Wahabbis, the " ( Sunni ) " was added to it even though he did not say that.
@ 0:37 he does not say "SUNNI" he says "SELME / سلمي" which means PEACEFUL.

So if killing Wahabbis is what he wants then why not ? Wahabbis want to kill him, so kill each other and enjoy.

bano omayyah you reading bro

http://www.joinalqaeda.com/ gtfo
Well since all of us including myself is considered a "Wahabi" without even being affiliated with it just because we disagree with you 12ver cult worshippers. it wouldn't surprise me if you did want death on us Sunnies since we are "Nawasib" and killing us and taking our wealth will grant you 12 uncountable favors from your demi-gods including one of seeing your god Ali in the hereafter. Isn't that correct?

Is the Permissibility of Killing them (i.e. Sunnies), and taking over their Money

You have known that the Ashaab included (or mentioned) the Nasibii with that special meaning [we mentioned] in the chapters of Taharah and Najasah, and his ruling according to them is the same as the Kaffir Al-Harbi (one who fights or is at war with the believers) in most of the rulings; as for what we have mentioned of him of explanation then the ruling would be comprehensive as Al-Saduq (as) narrates in Al-‘Ilal …
I said to Abu ‘Abdillah [‘Alaihi Al Salam]: What do you say regarding killing the Nasibi(Sunnies)?

He replied: His blood is Halal (i.e. it is permissible to kill him), however I fear for you, so if you were able to collapse a wall on him or drown him in water so that there would be no witnesses against you, then do so.

So I asked: What about his Money (Wealth)?

He said: Take what you could …

Book: Anwar an-Nomaniyah.
Author: Ayatollat Nematullah Jazairi.

Iraq is already under Iranian control and influence. You have Shia Terrorist Scums from the Badr brigade as the freaking Transportation minister. This same guy was doing secterian cleansing of Sunni Muslim in Baghdad.

well said mate
The guy in the vid talks about killing Wahabbis, the " ( Sunni ) " was added to it even though he did not say that.
@ 0:37 he does not say "SUNNI" he says "SELME / سلمي" which means PEACEFUL.

So if killing Wahabbis is what he wants then why not ? Wahabbis want to kill him, so kill each other and enjoy.

bano omayyah you reading bro

Genius your co-religionsit from Iran called us "Wahabies" on this thread it is a code name for Sunnies. Even I was called a "Wahabi" by you or I think some other kakastani on a previous thread. This is not the point. You already have fatwas by 12ver cult scholars calling on followers to kill "Wahabies"(Sunnies). So your fellow mut3ata irani girl who said 12ver cult worshipers don't issue killing fatwas is Taqiya and pure B.S.

This isn't the first time you tried to fling a Taqiya on us "Wahabies" (Sunnies).
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