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The End of Iraq (in a 3 way partition?)

Who is responsible for this possible split, Iraqis themselves, Americans or other Arab countries?
Actually, Saddam started with systematically persecuting Shias and barring them from influential positions in the country.

He did that after being alarmed by Iranian revolution. Don't try to change history. Islamic revolution of Iran triggered all religious extremist activities that you see today.

This has nothing to do with Iran or Iranian revolution. Shias and Iranian are not sectarian. You wont find one Shia Imam issuing fatwas to kill any sect of Islam. I can give you 5 Saudi sheikhs issuing fatwas to kill Shias and how Shias are infidels, just this week.

It's not possible when your dealing with braindead Wahhabis.

Shias are not sectarian now but they were sectarian before. It's you who invented Islamic brotherhood, this brotherhood and that brotherhood in the name of religion for your own benefit. Now your own plan is backfired on you. Remember Yugoslavia war? You supported extremists openly. At that time, you didn't have any Wahabbi or Shia problem. When your own people are being killed by circumstances created by your own people, only now you remembered humanity all of a sudden.
The Division of Iraq into Three Parts

The people of Iraq will be divided into three groups. One part will join the looters. One part will leave their families behind and flee. One part will fight and be killed. Prepare yourselves for doomsday when you see this. (Fera Idu Fevaidi'l Fiqr Fi'l Imam al-Mahdi al-Muntadhar)

According to the information provided in this hadith, one part of the people will join the “looters.” Major acts of looting, taking advantage of the authority vacuum, were indeed experienced in Iraq. The hadith also relates how another part of the people will prefer to flee at once, unable even to consider the families they leave behind. Newspaper reports on this subject are noteworthy. A third part of the people, we are told, will join in the fighting and be killed. During the Iraq War, some people did join in the clashes in various regions and lost their lives.
He did that after being alarmed by Iranian revolution. Don't try to change history. Islamic revolution of Iran triggered all religious extremist activities that you see today.

Shias are not sectarian now but they were sectarian before. It's you who invented Islamic brotherhood, this brotherhood and that brotherhood in the name of religion for your own benefit. Now your own plan is backfired on you. Remember Yugoslavia war? You supported extremists openly. At that time, you didn't have any Wahabbi or Shia problem. When your own people are being killed by circumstances created by your own people, only now you remembered humanity all of a sudden.

Shias created Wahhabi extremism? LOL. That's a new one I haven't heard before.

Shias have always been prosecuted in the Islamic history.

When Saudi Arabia was formed as a country in the early 1900's , thousands of Shias were slaughtered by the Wahhabis and many fled to Iran. Iranian revolution happened in 1979. How can you even put these two events together?

When Iraq was formed as a county, again the Majority Shias were prosecuted! This was way before 1979.

I think your knowledge of the Middle East is incredibly limited.

Iran never send "extremists" Shias or Wahhabis to Yoguslovia. Iran send humanitarian help and soldiers. None of these soldiers went there to enforce Sharia or kill infidels. compare this to Wahhabi fighters from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

and for the record, Shias have NEVER been sectarian in Islamic history which goes back 1400 years.

Again, your statement shows your limited knowledge about the Middle East.

Make the faith strong. First all are Muslim rather than sunni or shia. That must be understood.

No offence mate, but I would love to see this line of reasoning in front of LEJ in Quetta. By the time they would be done with him, he would have more nuts n bolts in him than a train wreck!!!
Shias created Wahhabi extremism? LOL. That's a new one I haven't heard before.

Shias have always been prosecuted in the Islamic history.

When Saudi Arabia was formed as a country in the early 1900's , thousands of Shias were slaughtered by the Wahhabis and many fled to Iran. Iranian revolution happened in 1979. How can you even put these two events together?

When Iraq was formed as a county, again the Majority Shias were prosecuted! This was way before 1979.

I think your knowledge of the Middle East is incredibly limited.

Iran never send "extremists" Shias or Wahhabis to Yoguslovia. Iran send humanitarian help and soldiers. None of these soldiers went there to enforce Sharia or kill infidels. compare this to Wahhabi fighters from Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries.

and for the record, Shias have NEVER been sectarian in Islamic history which goes back 1400 years.

Again, your statement shows your limited knowledge about the Middle East.


I said Iran supported Wahabbis in Yugoslavia without any shame not Iran created Wahabism but revolution inspired other states to mix religion with politics.

How Iranian intelligence trained Bosnian terrorists | The XX Committee

THE WORLD - What's Iran Doing In Bosnia, Anyway? - NYTimes.com
I think its better that Iraqis only decide what to do with the country instead of our neighbours.

You gave up that luxury in 1980 ;)

Today, Iraq's business is also everybody else's business. What happens in Iraq has a direct effect on the neighbors. Anbar is like a useless tumour anyway, cut it off and stop the cancer. Let them do what they want in their little desert.
I said Iran supported Wahabbis in Yugoslavia without any shame not Iran created Wahabism but revolution inspired other states to mix religion with politics.

How Iranian intelligence trained Bosnian terrorists | The XX Committee

THE WORLD - What's Iran Doing In Bosnia, Anyway? - NYTimes.com

You said "your own people are being killed because of circumstances you created".

Shia killings and genocide goes way back.

1979 is insignificant in the slaughter of Shias. It was not the start of anything. In a lot of ways it stopped the killings, before that in the early 1900's, there was ethnic cleansing and mass genocide especially in Saudi Arabia and also with the Hazaras in Afghanistan. In what is known as China, the Sunni muslims had Shia slaves, and committed genocide and horrible acts of violence against the Shias. Same thing in India, where Sunni Muslims confiscated lands from Shias and drove them out of their land.

and Like I said Iran send people to help Bosnians, other countries send thousands of fighters as well. Iran didn't send extremist to impose any law or kill and commit terrorism.

BTW, Iran was not the first country to mix religion and politics together.

Anyway, you want to look at it, we live in 21st century and act of barbarism like killing someone solely based on their religion is JUST WRONG.
@ the wahabi throwing up on the thread

you wahabis are responsible for your own actions, don't try to pass the buck like a coward. Saddam getting scared of the Iranian revolution was his own problem. You're literally saying that his invasion of iran was b/c he got scared of the Iranian revolution so he's not to blame!!!

If that's what you're saying than you wahabis are bigger fools than I thought
You said "your own people are being killed because of circumstances you created".

Shia killings and genocide goes way back,1979 is insignificant in the slaughter of Shias. It was not the start of anything.

and Like I said Iran send people to help, other countries send thousands of fighters as well. Iran didn't send extremist to impose any law or kill and commit terrorism.

That's because you are the first country to apply religion in politics. That inspired a lot extremist groups to create Sharia states. Iran send people to help??? hahahahahaha
You gave up that luxury in 1980 ;)

Today, Iraq's business is also everybody else's business. What happens in Iraq has a direct effect on the neighbors. Anbar is like a useless tumour anyway, cut it off and stop the cancer. Let them do what they want in their little desert.

Why do you always name Anbar ? Anbar is seen as the Al Qaeda stronghold while there are other places that are worse then Anbar in terms of terrorism, cutting of Anbar will not stop any terrorism, it will increase terrorism.
Besides it is part of " Mesopotamia " the identity of Iraq, it also holds a large Phosphate reserve, fertile land near the Euphrates, large area of usefull land.

The terrorism is worse in areas like Diyala which is near Iran, its not all West.
@ the wahabi throwing up on the thread

you wahabis are responsible for your own actions, don't try to pass the buck like a coward. Saddam getting scared of the Iranian revolution was his own problem. You're literally saying that his invasion of iran was b/c he got scared of the Iranian revolution so he's not to blame!!!

If that's what you're saying than you wahabis are bigger fools than I thought

I am a Wahabbi? :what:
That's because you are the first country to apply religion in politics. That inspired a lot extremist groups to create Sharia states. Iran send people to help??? hahahahahaha

It is well known that they did, there are Bosnian members on this forum who not only can attest to this but have actually fought against the Yugoslav serbs themselves.
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