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The End of Erdogan?

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Difficult situation for us Turks..If Erdogan looses that power struggle against Gulen Movement, then we are fooked..If Erdogan wins, then again we are fooked for at least 2 decades..But for the stability of the country, imho, Erdogan should stay in power at least until to the next general elections
There is only one way out, a stronger opposition where AKP cant do everything they want.
Hey brother, I respect your opinion...but could you explain to me why it would be better for the region?

By that time at-least the Turkish constitution would have been completed , Turkish-Kurdish peace deal finished and to a large extent the end result of the Syrian conflict .

The fall of Erdogan now might re-ignite the Kurdish-Turkish dispute as you know who would take over would probably be the nationalist kemalist parties and the region can not handle another conflict.

I hope AKP will find a more moderate candidate in 2015 parliament election and Erdogan step down with dignity . Not advisable for Erdogan to run for presidential elections in 2014 , he should Just complete his remaining period until 2015 as prime minister and that it.

Erdogan did a lot of good things no dought but its time for new younger generation from AKP to complete the journey .

There is only one way out, a stronger opposition where AKP cant do everything they want.

Erdogan should continue at least until 2015 election , after that he must leave and he has to forget about running in presidential elections.
By that time at-least the Turkish constitution would have been completed , Turkish-Kurdish peace deal finished and to a large extent the end result of the Syrian conflict .

The fall of Erdogan now might re-ignite the Kurdish-Turkish dispute as you know who would take over would probably be the nationalist kemalist parties and the region can not handle another conflict.

I hope AKP will find a more moderate candidate in 2015 parliament election and Erdogan step down with dignity . Not advisable for Erdogan to run for presidential elections in 2014 , he should Just complete his remaining period until 2015 as prime minister and that it.

Erdogan did a lot of good things no dought but its time for new younger generation from AKP to complete the journey .

Well I too hope the Kurds and the Turks come to a agreed upon deal. I hate to see kids of either side being killed.

What do you mean by a more moderate candidate? In what ways exactly?

I also don't believe Erdogan can influence the Syrian conflict unless the borders stay open and weapon smuggling is allowed.
Well I too hope the Kurds and the Turks come to a agreed upon deal. I hate to see kids of either side being killed.

What do you mean by a more moderate candidate? In what ways exactly?

I also don't believe Erdogan can influence the Syrian conflict unless the borders stay open and weapon smuggling is allowed.

No one is asking erdogan to take any action on Syria , only keeping the border open for humanitarian supplies and weapon smuggling that's all needed from his side , given that the most important battles now are in Damascus far away from Turkish borders.

The Islamists in Syria know how to survive without foreign support, only the FSA was damaged by west cutting the non-lethal Aid but on the otherhand Islamists in Syria have managed to create their internal sources of funds and have their own secret foreign donors in the gulf and other parts of the world.

For example now Islamists have managed to maintain , refine and sell oil products from Dier el zor oil fields , they have run social services to the people and run some small businesses to support their military activities, I could even say Islamists are generating more money than Assad central government .

Many fertile lands in Syria under Islamist control in the north and eastern ghouta have been reclaimed by them to grow essential food to meet people needs , they also now run their own ammunition factories in Aleppo and Damascus in addition to weapons they capture from Assad forces and what they receive from Saudi Arabia , gulf and the black market .

Listen to the latest interview with Al-nusra leader Joulani with al Jazeera , you will understand how they work .

Groups like Hamas , Alnusra and such Islamic groups know how to survive under the harshest conditions but the problem is with sadly secular groups like FSA that does not have ideological motive to adapt to hard life.

The Syrian civil war is a picnic for groups like Al-nusra , they have faced much harsher battles in other parts of the world.

Well I too hope the Kurds and the Turks come to a agreed upon deal. I hate to see kids of either side being killed.

What do you mean by a more moderate candidate? In what ways exactly?

I also don't believe Erdogan can influence the Syrian conflict unless the borders stay open and weapon smuggling is allowed.

by moderate I mean someone like Abbullah gul , or anyone who does not interfere with people personal lives . The problem Turkish society is not like Arab society , their culture and living style is closer to the west and they will not tolerate someone imposing restrictions on their personal lives .

You can apply this in Syria , Gaza , Egypt or Gulf but not in Turkey .
No one is asking erdogan to take any action on Syria , only keeping the border open for humanitarian supplies and weapon smuggling that's all needed from his side , given that the most important battles now are in Damascus far away from Turkish borders.

The Islamists in Syria know how to survive without foreign support, only the FSA was damaged by west cutting the non-lethal Aid but on the otherhand Islamists in Syria have managed to create their internal sources of funds and have their own secret foreign donors in the gulf and other parts of the world.

For example now Islamists have managed to maintain , refine and sell oil products from Dier el zor oil fields , they have run social services to the people and run some small businesses to support their military activities, I could even say Islamists are generating more money than Assad central government .

Many fertile lands in Syria under Islamist control in the north and eastern ghouta have been reclaimed by them to grow essential food to meet people needs , they also now run their own ammunition factories in Aleppo and Damascus in addition to weapons they capture from Assad forces and what they receive from Saudi Arabia , gulf and the black market .

Listen to the latest interview with Al-nusra leader Joulani with al Jazeera , you will understand how they work .

Groups like Hamas , Alnusra and such Islamic groups know how to survive under the harshest conditions but the problem is with sadly secular groups like FSA that does not have ideological motive to adapt to hard life.

The Syrian civil war is a picnic for groups like Al-nusra , they have faced much harsher battles in other parts of the world.

You're thinking the same thing I was thinking but you put it in words like no other person has. This post is very informative for people to understand how these groups survive. Great post.

Although I thought you were against turkey allowing weapon supplies to go to Syria? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone.

I also thought you were against these groups. Anyways, great points made. :tup:
Jews put all these bribe money into ministers's sons houses, right ?

@BaybarsHan @Oublious @xxxKULxxx

Why you guys don't comment about all the bribe instead of defending Erdogan ?

What i found most appaling is the direct involevement of the goverment in the justice system by sacking police officers as revenge.This is a big "NO NO" in a democratic state.

It may be a power struggle but it's like they're mad that the police actually did its job.
What i found most appaling is the direct involevement of the goverment in the justice system by sacking police officers as revenge.This is a big "NO NO" in a democratic state.

It may be a power struggle but it's like they're mad that the police actually did its job.

it's their wet dream, some banana republic which they can rule as they want. as erdogoon once said "democracy is a train for me. i can dump it whenever i please".
You're thinking the same thing I was thinking but you put it in words like no other person has. This post is very informative for people to understand how these groups survive. Great post.

Although I thought you were against turkey allowing weapon supplies to go to Syria? Maybe I'm confusing you with someone.

I also thought you were against these groups. Anyways, great points made. :tup:

I am against their ideology but at the same time I am a realist , the only faction that was capable to be united , well organized and firm against Assad were the Islamists whether Islamic Front or Al-Nusra.

Secular Sunnis in Syria have failed miserably in creating a functioning resistance Army or political grouping to counter Assad and gain influence on the ground , now most Syrians are supporting these Islamist groups and most of their members are Syrian .

Most Islamists groups have united under Islamic Front branch which has close ties with Alnusra , now Saudi Arabia is supporting this front with money and weapons but the main aim of all this is to topple Assad. A form of agreement has been reached between both sides where by Saudi Arabia empowers islamists in Syria and in return they wount target Saudi Arabia.

Egypt is a completely different story , the country does not have shia or any of the Persian oriented sects in the first place , in addition liberal sunnis have been running the country there since 150 years on the other-hand MB have been a headache for the Gulf in past 2 decades through attempt to destabilize our countries this is why we turned against them in Egypt.

If the MB did not interfere in our internal affairs we would have not stood against them in Egypt , anyway the Syrian Islamic movement is not dominated by the MB so they will not create problems for us if they rule Syria.

You know Saudi Arabia sheltered and supported the MB during Nasser and Sadat times , they only turned against them when MB started destabilizing Saudi Arabia .

I did not like Erdogan support for MB in Egypt , Syria is a completely different issue.
Difficult situation for us Turks..If Erdogan looses that power struggle against Gulen Movement, then we are fooked..If Erdogan wins, then again we are fooked for at least 2 decades..But for the stability of the country, imho, Erdogan should stay in power at least until to the next general elections

Well said.

@Solomon2 you do know that the recent arrests are the handy work of much more extremist Islamist group.


So Erdo if goes away thanks to the recent action by the followers of Gulen,

things will be worse for Israel thanks to Gulen.

We are not talking about replacing Erdo with more moderate group.

It is going to be worse if the recent events are any indication.

I was astonished to see that Gulen currently resides in USA.

Is that true.

If it is then USA is allowing yet another religious fundoo to operate from its soil. How odd?

Well said.

@Solomon2 you do know that the recent arrests are the handy work of much more extremist Islamist group.


So Erdo if goes away thanks to the recent action by the followers of Gulen,

things will be worse for Israel thanks to Gulen.

We are not talking about replacing Erdo with more moderate group.

It is going to be worse if the recent events are any indication.

care to elaborate on this part? thanks.
it's their wet dream, some banana republic which they can rule as they want. as erdogoon once said "democracy is a train for me. i can dump it whenever i please".

I guess there's no need for further investigations.
From what i'm reading(as an outsider) Erdogan has resolved the inquiry: it's the hand of foreign spies seeking to "touch turkish independence" .:closed:

As we suspected all along,most likely:"the jews did it" :yes4:
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