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The End of Erdogan?

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And i would say he maybe wins elections again but he will definitely loose voters after the scandals of last couple days.

I dont get it, how does arresting the corrupt in his govt make him loose votes, it should be the opposite
%99 of the Turkish people will not accept Sharia.

%99 of the Turkish people are muslims.

Both of those numbers are wrong actually. Many surveys have been made on the subject and they suggest that between 8-12% of people want Sharia in Turkey.

As for the second one, it isn't true either. 99% of the Turkish people are not Muslim, though they might have Islam marked on the back of their IDs and they don't bother erasing it for obvious reasons. There are hundreds of thousands of people like that. The question we should ask is, why the heck do we have a religion slot on our papers...
Both of those numbers are wrong actually. Many surveys have been made on the subject and they suggest that between 8-12% of people want Sharia in Turkey.

As for the second one, it isn't true either. 99% of the Turkish people are not Muslim, though they might have Islam marked on the back of their IDs and they don't bother erasing it for obvious reasons. There are hundreds of thousands of people like that. The question we should ask is, why the heck do we have a religion slot on our papers...
cuz its awesome, and its our identity?
Both of those numbers are wrong actually. Many surveys have been made on the subject and they suggest that between 8-12% of people want Sharia in Turkey.

Well, i don't believe in these surveys anyway.

One survey suggests %12 wants sharia.

Haber : ABD'den Türkiye'de şeriat anketi haberi

Another one suggests %72....

Haber : Şeriat isteyenlerin oranı haberi

Both of BS, in my opinion.

As for the second one, it isn't true either. 99% of the Turkish people are not Muslim, though they might have Islam marked on the back of their IDs and they don't bother erasing it for obvious reasons. There are hundreds of thousands of people like that. The question we should ask is, why the heck do we have a religion slot on our papers...

How many of them are muslim than ?


Welcome back to forum. As you can see things changed a bit. :)
Well, i don't believe in these surveys anyway.

One survey suggests %12 wants sharia.

Haber : ABD'den Türkiye'de şeriat anketi haberi

Another one suggests %72....

Haber : Şeriat isteyenlerin oranı haberi

Both of BS, in my opinion.

How many of them are muslim than ?


Welcome back to forum. As you can see things changed a bit. :)

you're forgetting about Milli Görüş. they always wanted sharia in turkey. those were the people who murdered Mustafa Fehmi Kubilay, those were the people invited by Necmettin Erbakan to Prime Minister's office which sparked February 28 events. i hope you don't think they come to terms with secular Turkey. now we see them as AKP. they only changed their outer shell, inside they're still the same.

edit: IMHO, there's 8-10 % base voters for this idea.
you're forgetting about Milli Görüş. they always wanted sharia in turkey. those were the people who murdered Mustafa Fehmi Kubilay, those were the people invited by Necmettin Erbakan to Prime Minister's office which sparked February 28 events. i hope you don't think they come to terms with secular Turkey. now we see them as AKP. they only changed their outer shell, inside they're still the same.

edit: IMHO, there's 8-10 % base voters for this idea.

I don't think so. I still don't believe actually anyone (maybe a very percentage ) wants sharia.

Like Muammer Ince says at 16:34 "There is no sharia threat in Turkey, their god is money."

I don't think so. I still don't believe actually anyone (maybe a very percentage ) wants sharia.

Like Muammer Ince says at 16:34 "There is no sharia threat in Turkey, their god is money."

yes, theirs is money. and don't forget that under sharia, you'd rule people much more easily (thus, you'd be able to steal in greater sums). no one to ask questions. whenever you ask question, you can be neutralised by simple PR campaign i.e. "x is non-believer, he's kafir" and you'd be finished before starting.

and by the way, İnce's last speech about graft probe was amazing!
I dont think there is a sharia thread in Turkey, our socieity wouldnt allow someone meddling into their private life.

Sharia would also mean end of our Relation with EU and West, but akp needs good Relation with West more than ever since they have many new enemys.
I dont think there is a sharia thread in Turkey, our socieity wouldnt allow someone meddling into their private life.

Sharia would also mean end of our Relation with EU and West, but akp needs good Relation with West more than ever since they have many new enemys.

i'm not claiming that it's an imminent threat, but in my view it may happen in 5-10 years. since they came to office in 2003 they slowly, bit by bit changing people's mindsets. that's actually gülen's tactic. he was able to infiltrate judiciary and police not in one abrubt move, but achieved it over the years. same is happening now to general public. they especially target youth. nowadays in high school books you may come across creepy sentences like "a 15 year old girl must sit home and wait to be married instead of going to school" or "all children must fight for islam". they exploit social engineering to its last bit. some retard who calls himself religious scholar speaks on state tv and says "pregnant women musn't go out. that'll show others she has sexual life". erdogoon comes and says "have at least three children", "two drunkards founded this state", "there can't be mixed sex houses", he called fallen soldiers "kelle" and nothing happened. you, the whole nation tolerated all these defamations. even in this forum i see some turkish people saying "akp made our economy strong", (though what akp did was it tripled turkey's external debts, from 126 billion in 2002 to 340 billion $ in 2013, while private sector's external debt increased from 46 billion to 230 billion $ during the same period which means turkish ecomony solely relies on external fueling. i wonder when this bubble will explode), wthout even thinking that akp murdered 7 people during gezi protests and not a single person got arrested. these people put their economic well-being above human lives and these people'll let sharia happen. so, when time will come, you'll just accept sharia. this way or another.

edit: sorry, i didn't understand. what new enemies?
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