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The Economist: If India ordered a murder in Canada, there must be consequences

India should eliminate a couple of more terrorists in the west and see what they have to do about it.

The West thinks that India is like Pakistan; against which the statements like “we will bomb you to Stone Age” can be used, and hundreds of drone strikes can be conducted on Indian citizens. They are in for a surprise.

actually india is more of coward than Nepal... PAF's swift retort sorted you people out.
Influential ≠ large vote bank

1 Million to 1.2 Million are the estimates number of Sikhs, Punjabi Indians (Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus) are even more. Influential politics of Sikhs leads to a larger vote bank from non-Sikhs.
Afghanistan to secure our strategic interests
If a bomb blast every second day was successful securing of national interests, then the definition of being successful would need to be re-written.
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India supapowaa 2020
Paksiatn received more than 14 times per capita aid compared to India. That was till a few years back. Today, India doesn’t take any dole and takes only loans.

All that aid (dole) received by your homeland has gone down the drain, as visible by the state of your economy.
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India should eliminate a couple of more terrorists in the west and see what they have to do about it.

The West thinks that India is like Pakistan; against which the statements like “we will bomb you to Stone Age” can be used, and hundreds of drone strikes can be conducted on Indian citizens. They are in for a surprise.
This is what The West thinks of Indians:

Mr. Kissinger sweepingly explained: “They are superb flatterers, Mr. President. They are masters at flattery. They are masters at subtle flattery. That’s how they survived 600 years. They suck up — their great skill is to suck up to people in key positions.”

How did you retaliate against this? You claimed Pakistan was behind it
They did a mujra at the border and retreated to their cantonments just like they did in 2001

There will be no consequences for this particular death. Even if you believe the stories in the Canadian press, Canada does not have any evidence. It only has " intelligence" . Any concrete intelligence that Canada has can probably not be placed before a court without comprising the sources and methods and foreign governments that shared the intelligence with Canada.

The US, UK and Australia are only interested in the matter to the extent of wanting to ensure that something like this doesn't happen on their territory. As long as they get that assurance from India, they will not do anything other than pay lip service to rule of law and rules based international order.
The CIA and ISI will have a field day in India
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If a bomb blast every second day was successful securing of national interests, then the definition of being successful would need to be re-written
Terrorism was far worse during the now surrendered pro-Indian regime's rule in Afghanistan. But I don't expect a pseudointellectual such as yourself to understand.
Terrorism was far worse during the now surrendered pro-Indian regime's rule in Afghanistan.
Are you all happy with Talibans showing two fingers and questioning Durand line? Bomb blasts everyday and raiding of border posts by TTP and BLA with Taliban backing?
If you all are happy with this then we are also happy for you.
Paksiatn received more than 14 times per capita aid compared to India. That was till a few years back. Today, India doesn’t take any dole and takes only loans.

All that aid (dole) received by your homeland has gone down the drain, as visible by the state of your economy.

It's takes plenty of aid, it now accepts it in a different way
It's takes plenty of aid, it now accepts it in a different way
Completely incorrect.

Only loans. And there is no other way.
Why do you think we should take an advice from someone who welcomed US drone strikes to kill own citizens ?

Are you comparing me with Pakistani soldout generals? You son of a whore. I oppose the Pakistani generals and your American friends. Everyone knows my position on the Pakistani generals and the hypocritical Americans.
Indians have loud mounths and are dumb.
Westerners don't like this. It undermines their puritan conceit. So it's very good for India's fiery temperament style. Unpredictability is good too. This is why Westerners hate Wolf Warrior diplomacy in China. They want you to commit to their form, which is a presumption of control. Once you submit to being quiet and mewlish as they want, they then believe you are under their control.
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