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The countries that are in range of Iranian ballistic missiles

our old politicians are bunch of idiots ...

- self imposed restriction of potential counter range
- self imposed restriction of nuclear weapon
How? They are worried of Irans expansion not and the ranges of their missiles not their quantities.

This forum really needs to have an IQ test before letting people in. Seriously, are you camel jockeys this retarded? No wonder your nations are being used like pawns by nations like Iran. I mean if you're this dumb, it's no surprise.
Looooool your delusions.

How? They are worried of Irans expansion not and the ranges of their missiles not their quantities.
They are DEFINITELY worried about Iran's missiles and quantities. You forget US under Trump wants the JCPOA revised to include Iran's missiles? uh oo..
Launch one at Israel and you can say goodbye to Tehran.
Not really. Iran is more than capable of fighting Israel although I'm not sure whether they can destroy Israel. Israel is a nuclear state and the most developed country in the middle east. Iran will have tough time fighting Israel.
Not really. Iran is more than capable of fighting Israel although I'm not sure whether they can destroy Israel. Israel is a nuclear state and the most developed country in the middle east. Iran will have tough time fighting Israel.

Iran and Israel will never fight. But if they did, all Iran needs to do is target the Israelis power plants and water plants and Israel is finished. This is according to the Israelis themselves. Of course, Israelis can use their nukes. This is why the two nations will never directly fight. I guarantee there are multiple back channel between the two nations to escalate any potential small skirmish between Iranian proxies and Israel.
I don't think you want most of your major cities destroyed from nukes. Israeli cities have the ability and are ensured to rebuild from American and European Jews. I can't say the same about Iran's cities after the beat down and mass civilian casualties than you will be facing. To say it simply, your warheads can't compare with Israel's.
did u ever heard that nukes are for not using them?? if israel nukes us it means we can use whatever we please as warhead filling.
Ballistic missilies are of 5 types. Short range, medium range, intermediate range, long range and intercontinental ballistic missiles. Shahab 3 and Soumar are Long range missiles.
no at best medium range but khoramshahr in reality is intermediate range but we used heavier warhead to make it medium range. and all of the missile short of 1000km is short range.
By the way soumar is not ballistic
Iran doesn't need to land a missile in the US. The centre of power is Israel, the US is simply the Alsation doing Israel's work.

How about missiles based in Lebanon with Hizbullah?
Iran can kill or destroy isreal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, until unless iran able to hit USA nothing will change ,,, and hitting isreal mean forcing EU into war against iran ……. keep that in mind
Iran can kill or destroy isreal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, until unless iran able to hit USA nothing will change ,,, and hitting isreal mean forcing EU into war against iran ……. keep that in mind

No. Israel controls the US, attacking Israel will affect US policy and decision making.

As for the EU coming into a war for Isarel? You've got me lost there. Why?
our old politicians are bunch of idiots ...

- self imposed restriction of potential counter range
- self imposed restriction of nuclear weapon

If Iran's Oil industry continues being sanctioned then there is absolutely no reason not to go full force towards nuke production.

And the only way not going nuclear makes sense at this point is if Iran has plans to mass produce Missiles far beyond our current production rate to compensate and starts producing the Khorramshahr Missiles equipped with highly accurate MIRV at a rates as high as 1000 a year + Emad, Sejil-2, Fatteh-110, Fatteh-313, Zolfaghar, Dezful, Qiam, Saegheh UCAV & Simorgh UCAV all at a rate of 1000 per year with yearly exercises where we test 5-10 of each on mocked targets to make a point.

In terms of missiles we may not need anything beyond 3000km due to our targeting capabilities but we do need wide diameter boosters capable of carrying a large number of payloads within that range that would be considered as ICBM's anyways and most importantly need wide diameter boosters for our SLV's because today countries can go to SpaceX pay them $100 Million to deliver a multi ton com sat in GEO orbit and if we are not allowed to do that then why the hell should we not produce missiles and boosters they consider to be ICBM's!
va aghar jangh vaghttter then besmellah
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