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The Coming China-India Conflict: Is War Inevitable?

I don't think South Tibet will return to China.

But for attitude and sentiment, any Chinese government (now CCP) cannot discard the claim now.

However, we don't see China will fight with India for South Tibet.

But if the World malicious powers still support Tibet / Xinjiang / Taiwan independence exist, China will not discard the claim on any territory dispute! (Tibet / Xinjiang / Taiwan problem are mainly caused by foreign powers' invasion of China sonce 1842.)

If the guys or groups want to support Tibetan and Uyghur freedom, please don't stimulate Chinese nationalism first!

Your advocation for Tibet / Xinjiang independence will trigger more and more anti-CCP Chinese citizen turn to CCP side!
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That is well said, although in truth it isn't the West that is the main culprit. There was plently of killing, looting, and mutual destruction before the Anglo Saxons paddled across the pond.

Let's not forget that the so-called "West" itself was a slaughterhouse until not that long ago ...

But one point that has dawned on me over the last two years (prompted ironically, or not much, by Mumbai 26/11) that peace along China's Western border depends as much on China vis-a-vis India as on India vis-a-vis Pakistan ...

Peace in the neighbourhood will likely remain a three-way affair well into the forseeable future. Perhaps until such time as a "pan-Green" military alliance takes real charge of certain historical landscape ... I will not elaborate on this further.

I remember a while ago some blogger on Sina.com mentioning matter-of-factly that the PRC will be in a war if India attacks Pakistan (along the line of Cold Start or what not).

Comments were boiterous as per usual after any "strategic" articles. But not one person challeges this view.

That's telling.

Competitions among nations are not bad - they stimulate growth and ensure accountability. But no nations should want their neighbourhood to be the Balkans.

Look how happy "they" must feel when the three go to war - first there goes the "Islamic bomb" - either through destruction or "consumption", and then there goes greenhouse emission and "strategic challenges" over the next two centuries with the reduction/renewed dependency of hundreds of millions ...

Don't be surprised "they" declare the day when war breaks out an international holiday!


indeed. a pragmatic strategic viewpoint.

the west was a slaughterhouse, but eventually they learned teaming up to be a big gang, instead of fighting internally, would bring them the best benefits, and they started looting the rest of the world. russia was left out, and we all know what happened what happened then.

any war between india, china and pakistan would just result in all 3 of us being weakened.

as long as we respect our mutual bottom lines, there will be peace. tibet is 100% a part of china, we will not lose it, ever.
India want good relation with china but they should do all the steps requried for safety

war will not help any nation

but the truth is no one can avoid war it will be happen

someday Chinese and Indian force will be in ground face to face
I think no sensible person would like war between india and china, problem is if pakistan goes nuclear on india then it wont remain a two sum game, secondly America is failing and tremendous pressure is being brought on India to become Americas rent boy.The corrupt prime minister of India might give in to that pressure if shown green dollars .That is again nightmarish scenario.I hope indian citizens remain ever vigilant against the hegemonistic mindset of US so that such a thing doesnt come to pass.Another leverage that US has on India is that children of Indian elites mostly reside in US including our prime ministers children.This puts more pressure on corrupt politicians and beaurocrats of India.
May be China needs to send in few bombers on patrol to indian border

Well since flamebaiting and trolling come naturally to u and civilized discussions is not your forte, I guess u should be replied properly to understand.Chinas bombers if sent would go on a suicide one way one mission.IAF will blow them out and since it never occurs to u china mainland is 2000 kms away from indias border.By the time they mobilize enough troops they would be facing hellfire and looking for their nuclear option within 2-3 days.India and china could conceivably have only hot wars lugging nuclear and TN bombs at each other.I guess both countries are mature enough but u have problem understanding logistics and distances.
With in the chinese borders , its completely fine for china to have missions of its bombers in its own flying zone , why do you think China is attacking India.

It would be ideal if all parties can understand war will not solve anything

But I noticed that Indian military has a sense of over confidence at times, that has been the main issue with the Military in India they get few toys and they start giving these outlandish comments and speeches , angering all countries in region ...

So it is an issue - I mean who openly warns their neighbours of doctrine of 2 prone attack strategy ? That is out an out declaration to other nations that you will both be attacked , so even if there was no tension now tension is created ?

That is like inviting 2 countries against you from start ? what kind of diplomacy is that ...

So may be China has to fly its bombers around just to remind the military people who give out these speeches that military options are not ideal way to solve problems
Is there a clear demarcation between china and India on borders.Sending bombers will invite India to send its own bombers and so on and so forth.Absolute nonsense at best and escalitory at worst.The indian army general said that India is ready to fight two front war. U consider it hostle.I consider it giving reassuance to Indian people.Why is that u Mr azadpakistan so hell bent on creating mischief. It is is a problem between India and china and we will solve this problem in a mature manner not in your terrorist manner.
US is going down in flames and reins of the global economy will pass to east primarily to china and then India, both countries have worked hard to regain their previous positions and would like a peaceful transition but it seems US and its agents like yours are hell bent on creating mischief.This time ur stratigies will not work , its a one trick pony after all and everybody understands that.
YES..........DIVIDE AND RULE..........that policy seems to exist even today, and guess who wins if India and China go to War................
There is no war happening, until and unless there is WWIII on the cards and both India and China join opposite camps.
My suggestion is for china and India to work together to resist hegemonistic US pressure.This is a very crucial moment in history and both china and India have to grasp it.It is their destiny.
I think no sensible person would like war between india and china, problem is if pakistan goes nuclear on india then it wont remain a two sum game, secondly America is failing and tremendous pressure is being brought on India to become Americas rent boy.The corrupt prime minister of India might give in to that pressure if shown green dollars .That is again nightmarish scenario.I hope indian citizens remain ever vigilant against the hegemonistic mindset of US so that such a thing doesnt come to pass.Another leverage that US has on India is that children of Indian elites mostly reside in US including our prime ministers children.This puts more pressure on corrupt politicians and beaurocrats of India.

i understand bro, seems like people everywhere are trapped by corruption. china recently passed a law that prevents any official with family outside the country from being a leader of the party or state commitee at any level of government, because that problem was so serious. corruption is a huge leverage on both of our countries.

although i don't get how mr. singh is corrupt himself?
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