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The Chosen People?


Apr 24, 2007
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The Chosen People?

Posted by Michael Cohen

Over at Foreign Policy, I have a new piece up on the toxic manner in which Republican presidential candidates have been talking about the Middle East recently - with unquestioned support for Israel and harsh even racist epithets for the Palestinians:

At times during Saturday, Dec. 10's Republican presidential debate, it was hard to figure out whether the GOP aspirants were running for president of the United States or prime minister of Israel. With the notable exception of Ron Paul, each of the major GOP candidates practically fell over themselves to express solidarity with a country that, in their narrative, appears to not only be the most important U.S. ally in the world, but a country that simply can do no wrong.

. . . But this is basically par for the course in GOP debates: Any enemy of Israel is an enemy of the United States, and any threat to Israel is a supremely magnified threat to the United States . . . There was a great deal of controversy in Washington last week about the way that some foreign-policy commentators describe the U.S. relationship to Israel -- with some intimating in the pages ofPolitico that those who don't walk in lock step with the current Israeli government are either anti-Israeli or "borderline anti-Semitic."

This is an old game in U.S. foreign-policy debates -- and one that was on full display Saturday night. But perhaps the greater area of inquiry would be to look at how Americans have reached a point in their political discourse where the behavior of Israel can go virtually unquestioned and the national characteristics of the Palestinian people can be described in the most odious -- and borderline racist -- terms imaginable without it raising even a hint of controversy.
But perhaps the greater area of inquiry would be to look at how Americans have reached a point in their political discourse where the behavior of Israel can go virtually unquestioned and the national characteristics of the Palestinian people can be described in the most odious -- and borderline racist -- terms imaginable without it raising even a hint of controversy.

And the answer is?
According to the old testament in the Bible, the Israelis are God's chosen people.....
According to the old testament in the Bible, the Israelis are God's chosen people.....

and hence forth the discrimination starts.

all abrahamic religions agree on children of Israel being the chosen people TILL they disobeyed after which they were damned till eternity.

Read up on this, it is interesting.
and hence forth the discrimination starts.

all abrahamic religions agree on children of Israel being the chosen people TILL they disobeyed after which they were damned till eternity.

Read up on this, it is interesting.

Isn't Israel Prophet Jacob?
Okay, I am confused. Is Israel a land or a person? :blink:

From Adam till Abraham history is common amongst all.
Ibrahim's sons include Ismael and Jacob ( Yaqub).
Jews draw their lines from Yaqub, where as Muslims from Ismael.
From Adam till Abraham history is common amongst all.
Ibrahim's sons include Ismael and Jacob ( Yaqub).
Jews draw their lines from Yaqub, where as Muslims from Ismael.

Then this means muslims and jews r brothers.....
They are so superior, that it is forbidden for non-Jews to mix with the Jews otherwise Jewish blood will be polluted and their sacred and holy genes corrupted.

"Chinese workers at a company in Israel have been forced to agree not to have sex with or marry Israelis as a condition of getting a job.According to a contact they are required to sign, male workers may not have any contact with Israeli women - including prostitutes, a police spokesman, Rafi Yaffe, said. "
Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract | World news | The Guardian

All hail the chosen ones :D Thy shall not pollute nor corrupt their holy blood.
Then this means muslims and jews r brothers.....

That is correct depending on which way you look at it.

We are bound to treat every one as equal human and offer the best of behavior.
We are bound to offer friendship unless threatened explicitly.

From a religious point of view strictly I would prefer not to be called "brother"
Children of Israel WERE the chosen people and God gave them many many gifts; gave them love more than others.
But the children of Israel always rebelled and always brought shame to themselves.
Okay, I am confused. Is Israel a land or a person? :blink:

The EL at the end translates to the ilaah in Arabic. IsraEl means 3abdullaah i.e. faithful slave of God.

It is our nabii ya3quub AS's alias.

Israel is a pretty common Muslim name.

The current country is named after the older kingdom of Israel, the twin of the two factions of that land, the other being Judea.
Then this means muslims and jews r brothers.....

In its current and final version (or iteration as I like to call it), Islam is open to all peoples. So not many Muslims may be related to the Jews. The Arabs however, and those with mixed Arab heritage are very much the blood cousins of Jews.

In the religious framework, all Muslims are cousins to the Jews. The latter bear the religion closest to us. And yes, they and the Christians do have a special status within Islam. They're not called non-Muslims but people-of-the-book. So if you call this discrimination, its theological not racial:)
I think Moses
NO....Israel was "Lakab" (nick name) of Prophet Jacob (Yakoob)...

Jacob had 12 sons... so the 12 tribes of children-of-israel (Bani-Israel)...

One son was Yusuf, who was thrown into well by other 11 sons...

آتي هے چاه ؍ يوسف سے سدا دوست يهاں تهوڑے هيں اور بها،ى بهت

One clarification of what being a chosen means... It just means that God sent favours to those ppl more than anyone else, like relief from Phiraoon, then Man-o-Salva, so on,,,, It does NOT mean that they were superior to rest of the world...

Now, due to lengthening of topic i won't but I can PROVE from bible & other material that MAJORITY of children-of-israel (COI) i.e. the chosen, ppl converted to ISLAM... & were mostly from the-lost-tribes of COI...

Not only that, i can prove from bible that ONLY those who converted to ISLAM were promised the God's promise... (God promised COI that those of them who'll stay righteous will be given the PROMISED land & will keep the status of "chosen" while those of COI who disobeyed will stay homeless, like the current jews are & have been in past.)

& what is the promised land...???? Bible says area between river Euphrates & Nile... (Darya-e-neel & Darya-e-Faraat)...(That's what israel is dreaming to confiscate, thus their American slaves indulged into all these wars, to weaken those who could possibly resist future israeli endeavors.)

Who owns majority of this land...??? MUSLIMS.... The chosen-ppl... who kept God's promise...
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