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The Chosen People?

One more foolish thread, were people think that God choses between different tribes, if he ever does that then he is no God.
I think he believes all are his children and a person becomes a chosen one because of his words, deeds and actions and not because he had a forefather named Jacob, or Isacc or Ishemal.
And the answer is?
Money money and money!! The jewish lobby spends hundreds of millions ibn support funds and their media and banking is almost entirely controlled by the jewish Americans.They therefore have strangle hold over the politicians and utilize it to their maximal advantage. To top it all off the far right Christians who hold influence over most of the Americans firmly believe that till the Jewish state is not formed The messiah will not return. So they force their people into supporting Israel. The other compounding factor has been the sheer incompetence of the muslim Ummah in general and the Arabs in particular that they have not seen the rules by which the game is played and lag so far behind that there is no hope left for them now.
I think Moses
No! prophet Yaqoub is also known as Israel.
There is a book which is available for free download if you care to read it. it is called the stories of the prophet by ibn e Katheer.Just google it and download it.It is good reading and provides you with information about all the prophets.
From Adam till Abraham history is common amongst all.
Ibrahim's sons include Ismael and Jacob ( Yaqub).
Jews draw their lines from Yaqub, where as Muslims from Ismael.

Ibrahim(AS) had 2 sons ____Ismael(AS) and Ishaq(AS). Ishaq(AS) son was Yaqoub(AS)
One more foolish thread, were people think that God choses between different tribes, if he ever does that then he is no God.
I think he believes all are his children and a person becomes a chosen one because of his words, deeds and actions and not because he had a forefather named Jacob, or Isacc or Ishemal.
Nothing foolish . They were chosen because they chose to follow his commands . They digressed and they were punished as well! But eventually God chose to install the Muslim Ummah as their successor and as we have digressed we are being punished.
You need to understand that with this elevation comes responsibility to not only practice Allah's deen but to propagate it. If you Follow Allah's SWT's directions you will achieve salvation but if you dont you will be punished. the door remains open for anyone who chooses to follow Allah in the chosen religion of the time, so no one gets this right by birth. Of all the nations of Allah no one has been punshed more than the jews!!!
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