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The Blue Print for Disintegration of Bangladesh.

Banglar Bir

Mar 19, 2006
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The Blue Print for Disintegration of Bangladesh.
বাংলাদেশ ভেঙ্গে ফেলার নীল নকশা...!!!
In these days news feeds for the Muslims in Bangladesh the news was not supposed to be this!!! However, let the country and our religion go to hell, even during this month of Holy Ramadan we should keep ourselves be pre occupied with these haram games.
আজকে বাংলাদেশের মুসলমানের নিউজ ফিডে ঘুরার কথা ছিলো এই খবর!!! অথচ দেশ, ধর্ম গুল্লায় যাক এই রোজা রমাদ্বানের দিনেও হারাম খেলাধুলায় মত্ত থাকতে হবে।

The situation prevailing in the then Syrian Nation was quite similar. They were engrossed in such luxury and acts of Haram , that when in the year 2013, the renowned Syrian in other words and the world's largest Hackers group Syrian Electronic Army America and Israel jointly hacked Pentagon's Web site and released vital information about the destruction of Syria, no one during that time paid any heed and kept on indulging in these Haram acts. During just two years later, the outcome is well known to all.
একিই অবস্থা ছিলো সিরিয়ান জাতির, তারাও এমন বিলাসিতা আর হারামে মত্ত ছিলো যে ২০১৩ সালে যখন সিরিয়া তথা বিশ্বের অন্যতম হ্যকার গ্রুপ সিরিয়ান ইলেকট্রনিক আর্মি আমেরিকা আর ইসরায়েলের মিলিতো সিরিয়াকে ধংষ করার কিছু তথ্য পেন্টাগনের ওয়েব থেকে হ্যাক করে প্রকাশ করে তখন কেউ পাত্তা দেয়নাই বরং আরো বেশি করে হারামে ডুবেছিলো যার ফলাফল মাত্র ২ বছরে কি হয়েছে সবার জানা।

Chronic food shortage compelled the Muslim women of Aleppo to sell their bodies in exchange for food. For survival, people were forced to eat the leaves and barks of trees, nor were the Dogs, Cat, Foxes, etc, spared, and said.

Today when we are stating that the fate of this country future will be very similar to that of Syria, the illererate and ignorant slumbering Muslims are deaf to listen to our warnings.

আলেপ্পর মুসলিম নারি খাদ্যাভাবে দেহ বেচতে বাধ্য হয়েছিলো। বাচার তাগিদে মানুষ গাছের পাতা, গাছের ছাল, কুকুর, বেড়াল শেয়াল পর্যন্ত ছাড়েনি। আজকে আমরা বলছি এবং এদেশের ভবিষ্যৎ সিরায়ার কপি হওয়া মূর্খ আর ঘুমন্ত মুসলমানের কানে যাচ্ছেনা।

Everyone should know that, yesterday in India’s Paschim Bongo.i.e Kolkata a “SECRET” meeting was held. Amongst the participatents present was the nototious MOSSAD agent Mendi N Safadi ( # 2 in picture). আপনাদের জানা উচিৎ যে গতকাল ভারতের পশ্চিমবঙ্গ তথা কলকাতায় বাংলাদেশ বিরোধী এক গোপন মিটিং অনুষ্ঠিত হয়। মিটিং এ উপস্থিত ছিলো মোসাদ এজেন্ট ভয়ংকর গোয়েন্দা মেনদী এন সাফাদী (২ নং ছবিতে)।
Also present during the meeting was another Zionist stooge Hindu Struggle Committees Bangadesh chapters President Mr. Shipan Kumar Basu
(Sl #1 in photo) and Bangladesh Hindu Buddha Christan Parties Founder President Mr. Mithun Chwdhury ( Sl #3 in photo).

সেখানে সেই মিটিঙ্গে উপস্থি ত ছিলো ইহুদিদের আরেক দালাল হিন্দু স্ট্রাগল কমিটির বাংলাদেশের প্রেসিডেন্ট মিঃ শিপন কুমার বসু (১ নং ছবিতে) এবং বাংলাদেশ হিন্দু বৌদ্ধ খ্রীস্টান আদিবাসী পার্টির প্রতিষ্ঠাতা প্রেসিডেন্ট মিঃ মিঠুন চৌধুরী (৩ নং ছবিতে)।

According to information obtained, it was learnt that, in the façade of halting repression of the Hindus in Bangladesh, Chittogong Hill Tracts will be divided and a Separate country known as “Juhmmuland” with the inhabitants of 10 Lacks ethenic minorities, assistance of Isreal will be sought. Moreover, a new propaganda web page named Bangladesh Isreal Friendhip Socity was created. They are openly advacating for transfer of power from Awami League to a 3rd Party. While we areengaged in squatting flies.

যতটুকু জানা যায় তারা কথিত হিন্দু নির্যাতন বন্ধে এবং বাংলাদেশ ভেঙে পার্বত্য অঞ্চলের ১০ লাখ উপজাতি জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য আলাদা জুম্মাল্যান্ড নামক দেশ গঠনের জন্য ইজরায়েলের সহায়তা চায়। শুধু তাই নয় bangladesh israel friendship society নামক পেইজ বানিয়ে তাদের প্রোপাগান্ডা চালিয়ে যাচ্ছে প্রকাশ্যে এবং আওয়ামীলীগ কে হটিয়ে তৃতীয় শক্তির হাতে দেশ দেওয়ার ধান্দায় আছে আর আমরা বসে বসে মশা মারছি।

Kindly remember Awami League or Bangladesh Nationalist Party, whichever party administers the country, we all will somewhat be comfortable. However,if a third force emerges and snatches power, none of us will be spared. This is the Blueprint to Disintrigate Bangladesh.

মনে রাখবেন দেশ আওয়ামীলীগ বা বিএনপি যেই চালাক আপনি আমি কম বেশি ভালো থাকবো কিন্তু যদি তৃতীয় শক্তির উত্তান হয় তাহলে আপনাকে কেউ চিনবেওনা ভালোও থাকতে দেবেনা।বাংলাদেশ ভেঙ্গে ফেলার নীল নকশা...!!!


Yesterday at 3:45 PM#95
বিশ্বনবীকে নিয়ে কটুক্তি: ভারতে পালানোর সময় সেই রাকেশ গ্রেফতার
সিলেটভিউ টুয়েন্টিফোর ডটকম, ২০১৭-০৬-০৭ ১২:২০:২৩

নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক :: ফেসবুকে ইসলাম ধর্ম ও বিশ্বনবী হযরত মুহাম্মদ (স.) কে নিয়ে কটুক্তি পূর্ণ মন্তব্যকারী হিন্দু মহাজোটের সিলেট বিভাগীয় সাংগঠনিক সম্পাদক রাকেশ রায়কে গ্রেপ্তার করেছে পুলিশ। আজ বুধবার ভোর ৬টার দিকে অবৈধভাবে ভারত প্রবেশের সময় তাকে লালাখাল নামক স্থান থেকে পুলিশ গ্রেপ্তার করে।
- See more at: http://www.sylhetview24.com/news/details/Sylhet/88256#sthash.3ebObe3P.R2wVF6C8.dpuf
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Rakesh Roy divisional organizational secretary of "Hindu grand alliance" was arrested while escaping to India illegally. This Hindu organization leader made insulting comments against the Prophet (PBUH) and attacking Islamic faith.

It is clear, India is source of strength for these Hindu fundamentalists and their organizations which are continuously attacking Islam and Islamic faith.
So Mendi Safadi and Rakesh Roy will disintegrate Bangladesh by forming an unholy alliance of Mossad and RAW?
@BANGLAR BIR do you know the whereabouts of Imam Mahdi? We need him very badly to defeat this satanic nexus of Mendi Safadi and Rakesh Roy.We PDF Bangladeshi mujahid will join the Imam Mahdi's army with the direct supervision of you. Allahu Akbar.
Nope, not as religious as you I guess,will try to google for Imam Mahdi and inform you subsequently. The news items are not written by me either.
However, a very timely and a relevant article indeed, guess I am just a field level operative, more an action oriented type and am used to all conspiracy theories, if that what you term Doyals them as.
Always prepared, 24/7 to nab any anti state elements within our national boundaries,transnational ones are classified,of course. :-):-):-)
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So Mendi Safadi and Rakesh Roy will disintegrate Bangladesh by forming an unholy alliance of Mossad and RAW?
@BANGLAR BIR do you know the whereabouts of Imam Mahdi? We need him very badly to defeat this satanic nexus of Mendi Safadi and Rakesh Roy.We PDF Bangladeshi mujahid will join the Imam Mahdi's army with the direct supervision of you. Allahu Akbar.

Why are you not recognizing that hindu extremist groups from Bangladesh are colluding with zionist agenda is against Bangladesh sovereignty??? Being sarcastic to mask hindu extremist group may suits you and awami league. Because, awami league and sheikh mujib never wanted Bangladesh independence, they just wanted to be an indian vessel state where awami league can rule.
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Everyone should know that, yesterday in India’s Paschim Bongo.i.e Kolkata a “SECRET” meeting was held. Amongst the participatents present was the nototious MOSSAD agent Mendi N Safadi.
Also present during the meeting was another Zionist stooge Hindu Struggle Committees Bangadesh chapters President Mr. Shipan Kumar Basu
(Sl #1 in photo) and Bangladesh Hindu Buddha Christan Parties Founder President Mr. Mithun Chwdhury

Yep, that's true, I was present in the meeting, actually it is my plan that we are executing. All of Bangladesh must submit to my command, you have no other option left.

According to information obtained, it was learnt that, in the façade of halting repression of the Hindus in Bangladesh, Chittogong Hill Tracts will be divided and a Separate country known as “Juhmmuland” with the inhabitants of 10 Lacks ethenic minorities, assistance of Isreal will be sought. Moreover, a new propaganda web page named Bangladesh Isreal Friendhip Socity was created. They are openly advacating for transfer of power from Awami League to a 3rd Party. While we areengaged in squatting flies.

Correct, just got the name of the new country wrong. In fact there won't be one, but two new countries....Chakma Pradesh and Bangabhumi. Later these two countries will be integrated into Akhand Bharat.

Agent @BDforever , you are cleared for 'Operation Split'. Report back at my Dhaka headquarter at 0800 hours. Over.
Oh Noh. BD gonna become Rain Man land. Indian state and Israeli state(put together ISIS) gonna destroy the country. @Nilgiri will take charge as the pm of the newly formed Rain Man land and under his supervision the country will eventually be merged with India. Such evil plan...to counter this BD must stop playing haraam game of cricket.
Because, awami league and sheikh mujib never wanted Bangladesh independence, they just wanted to be an indian vessel state where awami league can rule.

Yeah only the likes of Gulam Azam, Nizami, Saeedi, Kader Molla wanted independence. But they were killed by evil Hasina govt backed by ISIS(India and Israel)

Btw a new peace of top secret information has been uncovered. Narendra Modi is just an alias of Abu Bakar al Bagdadi.

It is getting worse. A new investigation reveals that Alaungphaya is also a part of this conspiracy. Part of Rain Man Land will be given to Myanmar? Will prime minister Nilgiri agree to it? Or will there be a war?
According to OP The entire world is plotting to destroy Bangladesh?o_O
Doesn't RAW, CIA & MOSSAD have better things to do?
Anyways the jamatis is Bangladesh will say such nonsense untill the secular structure of Bangladesh is destroyed.
They just can't watch their country becoming a modern successful developed democracy.
But, the Jamaati fanatic group and ISI are colluding to disintegrate BD into Muslim and Hindu entities. What are you going to do with it?

You are openly supporting name calling of the Prophet (PBUH) and defending these hindu extremist act using Jamaat as pretext.

I would ask @WebMaster to take action of supporting the name calling on the Prophet (PBUH).

Looks like you are biggest fan and patron of Jammat because you and your kinds of awami cheer leaders like to use Jammat as shield to hide anti Bangladesh activity by hindus and awami league. That is only education you received, what a pity.
are you supporting Rakesh Roy utterly filthy attack on the Prophet (PBUH) and Islamic faith?
No, I don't support him.He is a Hindu extremist no better than Muslim extremist Christian extremist,Buddhist extremist or Jewish extremist.He should be stopped to do abuse in social media.But suggesting that,he has any power to disintegrate BD is utterly laughable one.
You are openly supporting name calling of the Prophet (PBUH) and defending these hindu extremist act using Jamaat as pretext.

I would ask @WebMaster to take action of supporting the name calling on the Prophet (PBUH).
I am surprised to read the lies in your text. I re-checked my own text and I did not find any word I wrote against the Prophet (PBUH). Please refrain from name calling.
Disintegration of BD into what? I think BD is in competition with pakistan for conspiracy theories.
(no hard feelings for Secular bangaldeshi brothers @Doyalbaba and @Philia )

@idune don't treat bangla Hindus as your enemies, they are racially your brothers.

And consider this as warning from This rajput, if you ever attack Hindus in your country,we will make sure that Bangladeshi jehadis like you will meet creator in the most painful way.

This is not 90's. Remember that.


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