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The beginning of the end of Iran is here

This is the great Sino-Pakistan axis in the making.

Turkey, Iran, Bangladesh are being influenced by Pakistan.

Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand are being influenced by China.

PMIK should call Maldives now.
It really shows us the true face of India. A selfish and egocentric nation. India is on payroll of Americans. It doesn't care about the prosperity of the region. It doesn't care about Iran. It only cares about self-enrichment at the expense of others. An American stooge is what India is.
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These are some of the Indians' thoughts on Iran going forward. Curious to hear Iranian opinions on the points brought up.
of course its a big burn for India and knowing the mentality of its current leadership it will resort to petty revenge maybe make joint statements with Israel against Iran etc,
This is the great Sino-Pakistan axis in the making.

Turkey, Iran, Bangladesh are being influenced by Pakistan.

Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand are being influenced by China.

PMIK should call Maldives now.

Malidives unfortunately is a firm puppy of Hindustan.
I am an iranian critic but they have taken a smart decision. They had a choice to wait for democrats to win and restore jcpoa and "hope" india keeps working and funding. They, i guess have deduced that neither is going to happen. They also know china wants oil and they have plenty.

These are some of the Indians' thoughts on Iran going forward. Curious to hear Iranian opinions on the points brought up.
Sounds more like the beginning of the end of India's ambitions to become a regional power ... looks like Iran just got handed a lifeline by the Chinese and the Indians can't seem to comprehend at their sheer loss. I don't blame them though. This if anything is more of a devastating setback for India than it is for the US.
Dream on
The time to attack and destroy Iran has expired, EU/USA power is declining and Asia is rising, Iran will also rise with Asia especially if they become part of the China economy belt, Gwadar and Chahabar ports can be used for trade purposes, Pakistan has no issues with that. We need strong neighbours and having a Muslim state of Iran as neighbour is a bonus. I hope with this agreement Pakistan and Iran can kick out the trouble makers and make an alliance against terrorism, separatism and foreign interference. Turkey will without any doubt join this. 3 powerful Muslim neighbouring States will be able to protect each other, trade, and fight off the challenges in to the 21st century
The indians assumed that they would always be able to continue stringing iran along doing nothing on the projects that had been agreed upon and simply blaming any lack of progress on "sanctions" with the hope that eventually there might be a new us regime that would return to the jcpoa or an iranian surrender that would make the completion of these deals possible.....on favorable terms to india naturally
What they did not expect was the possibility of iran finally getting sick of indian excuses and deciding to go it alone such as we saw on the chabahar-zahedan railway.Now very worryingly for india is the very real possibility that this is linked to the new iran-china deal,as this raises the very real specter of an iran aligned with china and the very real threat that india would ultimately wind up losing not only chabahar and with it the access to afghanistan,but even more importantly the possibility of the entire land route part of the NSTC project being ended.
This is a wake up call for india,its time to put up or shut up especially when it comes to the good old indian excuse of "But,but.....sanctions,but....but sanctions".
So I guess its up to modi to decide whether hes going to put chumpist americas interests first or indias......,because the two of them arent necessarily mutual.

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