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The beginning of the end of Iran is here

My ancestry is rooted in Iran. My ancestors were immigrants Nd settled were they settled to preach religion Nd culture. So yeah shut up. I’m more Iranian then ull ever be. So shut it. A rat doesn’t have the mental construct to understand these things

Are you from Sylhet brother? Are there many people in BD from Iran, Turk, Arab countries? I find this interesting.

Ignore the Indian trolls btw. No use getting yourself dirty.

anti Pakistani sentiment.

Let us pray that Muslims learn the value of sticking together, instead of being enemies for Kaffir powers like India.

In sha Allah, I hope Iran goes even further along this trend. It will be good for all.
yeah and an authoritarian leftist. i used to deny but now i accept myself for who i am.
I like an honest man ESPECIALLY if hes an authoritarian leftist.

Have yourself an upvote....COMRADE.:enjoy:
Listen rat. If u had brains , don’t u think ud be loyal to ur country? My ancestry is rooted in Iran. My ancestors were immigrants Nd settled were they settled to preach religion Nd culture. So yeah shut up. I’m more Iranian then ull ever be. So shut it. A rat doesn’t have the mental construct to understand these things
LOL this is cringe factory. I saw a bangladeshi girl on quora getting roasted for saying she's persian/turkic/arabic etc. but don't even look like north indian. you must be a male version of her.

but what's up with you people wanting claim foreign ancestry? when i was a kid i was very close to one of my cousins who was actually half portugese but she identifies herself as sri lanakn, nothing else. same goes to chinese and malay sri lankans.

here's the link for some friday cringe

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Dont even talk to me sri lankan, going back to ur root is sumthing all ethical man must do. I indentify with Iran, why have u got a problem with that? your country is a joke, you got a communist flag on you, the colours of oppression and brainwashing. I aint taking crap from you. and what does it have with how anyone looks like. Its a question of blood, thats wat ancestry is about. you got rat blood in you perhaps , thats why u cant related to these principles. be gone, you are irrelevant.
hahahahhahahahahaha umm no we don't have time to check useless crap like where one of our ancestors came from 5000000 years ago. We have better things to do like studying, working, working out, contributing to the country etc.
jeez.. what is this meltdown? simmer down homeboy. you're gonna get a heart attack. i had my fun anyway.

Are you from Sylhet brother? Are there many people in BD from Iran, Turk, Arab countries? I find this interesting.

Ignore the Indian trolls btw. No use getting yourself dirty.

Let us pray that Muslims learn the value of sticking together, instead of being enemies for Kaffir powers like India.

In sha Allah, I hope Iran goes even further along this trend. It will be good for all.

unfortunately they are as knowledgeable about military warfare as Admiral Aladdin. Pointy missiles. They think their lil Rafales are Sum Star Wars weapon. Damn 4 gen overpriced jets. These things are irrelevant in today's age of Anti Air defence. But who will make them understand that? Good for us. They are enemies of logic and a contemptible bunch. They will look quite idiotic once they get slaughtered in Dog Fights
unfortunately they are as knowledgeable about military warfare as Admiral Aladdin. Pointy missiles. They think their lil Rafales are Sum Star Wars weapon. Damn 4 gen overpriced jets. These things are irrelevant in today's age of Anti Air defence. But who will make them understand that? Good for us. They are enemies of logic and a contemptible bunch. They will look quite idiotic once they get slaughtered in Dog Fights

It is about time all of us Muslim countries begin seeing India as the enemy it is. For this case, Pakistan and BD are pivotal. India is in essence boxed in from three sides.

I am glad Iran has changed their policy, maybe we will get some fresh decision makers in Tehran.

Then the mess in Syria and Yemen can be solved, so we can focus on Israel and India as a united front.
Okay now that Iran has ended, what will take its place?

Nu-Iran? With Rick and Morty and Vogue photoshoots?

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