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The Al-Badr operative Mujaheed to hang

as a decent bangladeshi ,i want those rascals die in hell.thanks hasina atleast she started it and hope begum zia will finish it.fare enough.btw are you bihari or borned by panjabi seed?hope you are brave to answer it

i can accept the reign of nazi in our country but allama sofi as a president and babu nogori as a primeminister!!!!oh nooooooooooooooo :rofl:

I mentioned in my posts that our Huzurs lack scientific knowledge, that's what creating problems.
What do you know about Sharia laws? BD civil laws must be secular as it has always been since British time. This is progress and Sharia laws are backward. Every country's laws evolve with time. But, your Sharia laws are not allowed to evolve with time. So, it is not progress. You want us to follow Saudi laws, isn't it?

I might not be an expert but i have some knowledge about Sharia laws. Sharia laws are the perfect solution for our increasing crime rate and corruption. As for evolving, if there are no direct solution in Qur'an and Sunnah then there is scope for Ijma and Qiyas.
I might not be an expert but i have some knowledge about Sharia laws. Sharia laws are the perfect solution for our increasing crime rate and corruption. As for evolving, if there are no direct solution in Qur'an and Sunnah then there is scope for Ijma and Qiyas.

Perfect!! Then do you agree a woman who is raped has to present 4 witnesses?
আলী আহসান মুজাহিদ ভাইকে যেমন দেখেছি….(অভিজ্ঞতা)

নুরুল ইসলাম বুলবুল ভাই তখন শিবিরের কেন্দ্রীয় সভাপতি। সাংগঠনিক সফরে আমাদের ক্যাম্পাসে এলেন। আমার সঙ্গে দেখা হলো। একজনকে পরিচয় করিয়ে দিলেন, বললেন তোমার একটা বন্ধুকে নিয়ে এসছি, সঙ্গে রাখো, রাতে যাওয়ার সময় নিয়ে যাব। ছেলেটির সাথে সারাদিন ক্যাম্পাসে ঘুরে বেড়ালাম। আমার হাঁটতে কষ্ট হয় তাই ভ্যান ডেকে নিলাম। একটা পিচ্চি ভ্যানঅলা এগিয়ে এলো আগ্রহের সাথে...স্যার স্যার বলে। ওদেরকে আমি আমতলা স্কুলে পড়াতাম। কিন্তু
ছেলেটা এতই পিচ্চি, আমাদের দুজনকে নিয়ে ভ্যান টানতে কষ্ট হচ্ছিল ওর। আমার সঙ্গের মেহমান ছেলেটি বলল, এত ছোট ছেলে ভ্যান চালায়? চালায় না চালাতে বাধ্য হয়, যেদিন ৮০ থেকে ১০০টাকা যোগাড় করে বাড়িতে বাজার নিয়ে যায় সেদিন বাবা-মাসহ তিনজনের খাবার জোটে... ভ্যানঅলা বলে, স্যার আমার কষ্ট হয় না। মেহমান ছেলেটি তবু যেন অস্বস্তি কাটাতে পারছিল না। অবশেষ সবাইকে চমকে দিয়ে সে নিজেই ভ্যান চালানোর জন্য নেমে পড়লো। তুমি চালাবে ভ্যান?
বিস্ময় না কাটতেই ও ভ্যানে চড়ে বসলো। এবং সত্যিই পুরো ক্যাম্পাস আমরা চষে বেড়ালাম। ভ্যানঅলা তখন যাত্রী। সেই মেহমান ছেলেটির বাবা বাংলাদেশের
সাবেক সমাজকল্যাণমন্ত্রী। ছেলেটির নাম আলী আহমদ মাবরুর। বৃক্ষ তোমার নাম কি? ফলে পরিচয়। এমন ছেলের বাবাকেইতো মানায় সমাজকল্যাণে...
মাবরুরের সাথে বন্ধুত্ব গাঢ় হলো সেই মুগ্ধতা থেকে।... ক'দিন আগে মাবরুরের বাবার ফাঁসির রায় হলো...আমি জানি না মাবরুর কীভাবে এই কষ্টটা সামলেছে...কিন্তু যেই ছেলেটি একটা ভ্যানঅলা পিচ্চির কষ্ট সইতে পারছিল
না, তার পক্ষে নিজের বাপের প্রতি এত বড় জুলুম সে কীভাবে সইবে? আর যে যাই বলুক সন্তানতো জানে তার বাবা কী...
এবার আসি বাপের প্রসঙ্গে.... আমার টেলিভিশন সাংবাদিকতার গুরু, যার হাতে আমার হাতে খড়ি, যার কাছ থেকে আমি শিখেছি কীভাবে উভ লিখতে হয়,
কীভাবে লিংক দিতে হয়, কীভাবে প্যাকেজ বানাতে হয়...সেই মানুষটির
কাছে শোনা একটি কাহিনী... তিনি একবার মন্ত্রী আলী আহসান মোহাম্মদ মুজাহিদ
সাহেবের সফরসঙ্গী হয়েছিলেন। ছিলেন মন্ত্রীর গাড়িতেই। গাড়িটি গন্তব্যে পৌঁছলো (অথবা পথে কোথাও হল্ট করেছিল) লাঞ্চের সময় স্থানীয় জেলা প্রশাসক লাঞ্চের জন্য অনুরোধ জানালে তিনি বললেন আগে লাঞ্চ বিলের কাগজটা আনেন...
তাতে দেখা গেলো একবেলা লাঞ্চের জন্য আড়াই লাখ টাকার খরচ...মন্ত্রী সাহেব বললেন এসব খাবার আপনারা খান, আমি গরীব দেশের মন্ত্রী, এক বেলায়
আড়াই লাখ টাকা আমি খেতে পারি না...তিনি তার টিফিনবক্স বের করলেন এবং লাঞ্চ সারলেন সফরসঙ্গীকে নিয়ে... এই মন্ত্রীর ফাঁসি হবে নাতো হবে কার?...
এই দেশ ইতিবাচক রাজনীতির জায়গা নয়....টিকে থাকবে তারাই, যারা সব
অন্যায়ের সাথে নিজেকে মানিয়ে নিতে পারবেন...

(Fan post)
Perfect!! Then do you agree a woman who is raped has to present 4 witnesses?

1400 years ago there were no way to prove that someone is guilty or not, other than witnesses. Islam always gives people benefit of doubt. Now we have technology to prove if someone is guilty or not. That's why i mentioned earlier we need Huzurs with scientific knowledge.
1400 years ago there were no way to prove that someone is guilty or not, other than witnesses. Islam always gives people benefit of doubt. Now we have technology to prove if someone is guilty or not. That's why i mentioned earlier we need Huzurs with scientific knowledge.

So 1400 years ago, if a woman was genuinely raped and she could not produce witness, she be condemned to jail/stoning for adultery. Hardly sounds like a "perfect" or "divine" law.
So 1400 years ago, if a woman was genuinely raped and she could not produce witness, she be condemned to jail/stoning for adultery. Hardly sounds like a "perfect" or "divine" law.

Stoning is only applicable if there were four witness and the person is married. If the culprit isn't punished in this life, there were no escape from punishment in afterlife.
Stoning is only applicable if there were four witness and the person is married. If the culprit isn't punished in this life, there were no escape from punishment in afterlife.

You didnt answer my question, how is this law perfect/divine when innocent victims can get jailed/stoned for getting raped. Or should we now start leaving everything to the afterlife :rolleyes:
You didnt answer my question, how is this law perfect/divine when innocent victims can get jailed/stoned for getting raped. Or should we now start leaving everything to the afterlife :rolleyes:

Because the law is executed by humans and humans aren't perfect. At least shariah law doesn't have widow burning system :lol:.
No offence meant - "Because the law is executed by humans" - You mean for Shariah to be implemented, Allah has to come and personally cut hands and feet of thieves and stone adulterers? Please clarify.
Widow burning - I think you are referring to Sati. Banned a couple of centuries back almost. That is an advantage. We don't claim it is God gifted. So we can improve with time. No one can say God said so it should continue.

But then there is a difference - Sati is not there in scriptures that Sanatanis/'Hindus' hold sacred...
But Shariah is enshrined in the Islamic belief system. No it becomes unchanged for eternity.

Please share your views.
Because the law is executed by humans and humans aren't perfect. At least shariah law doesn't have widow burning system :lol:.
I might not be an expert but i have some knowledge about Sharia laws. Sharia laws are the perfect solution for our increasing crime rate and corruption. As for evolving, if there are no direct solution in Qur'an and Sunnah then there is scope for Ijma and Qiyas.

@ I fully agree with your views as I was the student of Law though never practice as Lawyer.

@ My dear friend we never followed the Sharia Law in our country as we had been the British Colony for about 200 years. We had been following some Social Laws of Islam like the Law of Inheritance and Marriage Law. The Criminal Law of British was followed in toto and still following in our country.

@ " Sharia laws are the perfect solution for our increasing crime rate and corruption. " It is debateable which law is suitable in our country. Moreso, we donnot have any tradition.

@ Can you tell me in how many Muslim countries this Sharia Law is followed ????? So, far I know, it is only in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Sudan !!! Any more ??????
@ I fully agree with your views as I was the student of Law though never practice as Lawyer.

@ My dear friend we never followed the Sharia Law in our country as we had been the British Colony for about 200 years. We had been following some Social Laws of Islam like the Law of Inheritance and Marriage Law. The Criminal Law of British was followed in toto and still following in our country.

@ " Sharia laws are the perfect solution for our increasing crime rate and corruption. " It is debateable which law is suitable in our country. Moreso, we donnot have any tradition.

@ Can you tell me in how many Muslim countries this Sharia Law is followed ????? So, far I know, it is only in Saudi Arabia, Iran and Sudan !!! Any more ??????
aceh province indonesia having sharia law
So 1400 years ago, if a woman was genuinely raped and she could not produce witness, she be condemned to jail/stoning for adultery. Hardly sounds like a "perfect" or "divine" law.

No law was ever, I say ever, ever, compiled by the divine power. It was man who created laws in every society and every age, and some of them then propagated the force of divine power as the compiler in order to make it acceptable by the people.

If divine power had created laws He would have written it in His own hand and threw the law books to the Earth in all the languages. By the very definition, the Creator can do anything He wishes, isn't it? So, why not a law book written by Him directly?

Divine power is passive. He does not interfere in the Earthly matters once the Universe was created by Him. Nature follows the laws of physics that was set in motion by Him when Universe was created.
Totally agree with you - "No law was ever, I say ever, ever, compiled by the divine power".
But you might just stir a hornet's nest. :(

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/bangla...operative-mujaheed-hang-16.html#ixzz2ZrXXiLUc
No law was ever, I say ever, ever, compiled by the divine power. It was man who created laws in every society and every age, and some of them then propagated the force of divine power as the compiler in order to make it acceptable by the people.

If divine power had created laws He would have written it in His own hand and threw the law books to the Earth in all the languages. By the very definition, the Creator can do anything He wishes, isn't it? So, why not a law book written by Him directly?

Divine power is passive. He does not interfere in the Earthly matters once the Universe was created by Him. Nature follows the laws of physics that was set in motion by Him when Universe was created.
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