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No law was ever, I say ever, ever, compiled by the divine power. It was man who created laws in every society and every age, and some of them then propagated the force of divine power as the compiler in order to make it acceptable by the people.

If divine power had created laws He would have written it in His own hand and threw the law books to the Earth in all the languages. By the very definition, the Creator can do anything He wishes, isn't it? So, why not a law book written by Him directly?

Divine power is passive. He does not interfere in the Earthly matters once the Universe was created by Him. Nature follows the laws of physics that was set in motion by Him when Universe was created.

the answer is, I think God made those things through Muhammad who showed how to do things.

no Allah can not do everything, he can not act against his wills

-someone said
No law was ever, I say ever, ever, compiled by the divine power. It was man who created laws in every society and every age, and some of them then propagated the force of divine power as the compiler in order to make it acceptable by the people.

If divine power had created laws He would have written it in His own hand and threw the law books to the Earth in all the languages. By the very definition, the Creator can do anything He wishes, isn't it? So, why not a law book written by Him directly?

Divine power is passive. He does not interfere in the Earthly matters once the Universe was created by Him. Nature follows the laws of physics that was set in motion by Him when Universe was created.

Now Im really getting angry. My religious thoughts are hurt :D

PS: All you are getting fun of freedom there in East and we are stucked between these low life hujurs.
the other politicians, both in east and west pak, should have been more responsible to not let the Awami League do what it did. that way we (in bengal) could have had our own society, not one imposed on us by indians and its secularist puppets. the BAL was always going to be a train wreck ever since leftist scums infiltrated it back in the East Pak times. in the end, it was just us bengalis who got invaded and colonized

I can't agree more. It is sad to see that Bengalies are the worst victim of BAL's exploitation and they are still happy about it and bring them to power. But in all honesty we are all same. Things are no different in Pakistan. Bhutto was responsible for east Pakistan incident. His daughter ruled us twice on our votes and if there was anything left his son in law have leveled it. Literally destroyed the nation from its foot.
1400 years ago there were no way to prove that someone is guilty or not, other than witnesses. Islam always gives people benefit of doubt. Now we have technology to prove if someone is guilty or not. That's why i mentioned earlier we need Huzurs with scientific knowledge.
It means, what laws were good 1400 years ago are no more good and valid today. So, why to try to re-enact laws that were introduced many Centuries ago when the society was completely static.

Today, it is a dynamic society whereby things keep on changing. This needs a new set of rules every now and then.
it is heartening to see some bangladeshis on pdf talking rationally ignoring religious teachings.can u people in bangladesh openly say "I dont believe in god and all the scriptures are man written"?
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it is heartening to see some bangladeshis on pdf talking rationally ignoring religious teachings.can u people in bangladesh openly say "I dont believe in god and all the scriptures are man written"?

I think, you are making a mistake. I did not say there is no God (nauzubillah). I just said God is passive towards its creation, such as, Universe, Sun, Earth, human, animals etc.

By passive, I mean God does not actively participate in the affairs of His creation. Everything of His creation runs according to the natural laws of physics that was set in motion by the God just when He created the Universe.

I believe in God and His creation and I believe in the good teachings of Prophets of all religions which are basically same. However, I may not believe in religious dogma.
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sorry if i misunderstood you ;the impression i got was tht you believe tht all scriptures are man written.do you believe quran is sent by god?you havent answered my previous question.is there freedom in bdesh to openly state tht one is an atheist?or even if one believes god tht he or she does not approve of god mentioned in scriptures?
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1400 years ago there were no way to prove that someone is guilty or not, other than witnesses. Islam always gives people benefit of doubt. Now we have technology to prove if someone is guilty or not. That's why i mentioned earlier we need Huzurs with scientific knowledge.

According to Quran 4 witnesses are required to produce in case of an allegation of adultery. Now I don't know how from that it has been derived that same is applicable to allegation of rape too. Also I don't know of any ruling by the Prophet regarding rape. I hear of this only from people who are anti-Islam.
It means, what laws were good 1400 years ago are no more good and valid today. So, why to try to re-enact laws that were introduced many Centuries ago when the society was completely static.

Today, it is a dynamic society whereby things keep on changing. This needs a new set of rules every now and then.

And that is precisely why Iqbal talked about each succeeding generation reinterpreting Islam & by extension Islamic Jurisprudence in each age, guided but not hampered by the works of their predecessors !

And why ?

Because Islam in itself is dynamic & far from being static !
Jaamat is in in her worst situation in its history . Top leaders are in gallows middle leaders are in jail lower level leaders are on run party are smelling the possibility of ban.
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