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Thailand gives 300 kg gold to Gaya's Mahabodhi temple

If you read my post carefully you'll notice that I've already stated, I don't support govt. spending on things like temples etc. BUT your logic fails when you consider that enough fund is allocated for poverty alleviation and other welfare schemes but they don't get utilized properly....so what's going to be achieved by just increasing the fund?

Which govt. are you talking about??.....as far as I know, govt. ain't building anything religious...
I dont remember talking about only spending on poor, there are so much investment needed in infrastructure that govt will never have enough money. State road network needs up gradation. Big and medium size cities need proper metro/ bus service that needs investment.
All these and we got massive deficit to take care of.

Please follow the my reply chain, It was suggested 2 state govts are building new temple. 
Bcoz we think that blaming Govt. n Politics for ever nut n bolt is gonna relieve us from all our miseries while we ourselves don't even have to raise a finger.

I mean i see people cry every year Govt. isn't doing anything, Govt. Is corrupt n all shit they can think off but when it comes to elections, ''Mere Papa ne bola hai vote Congress to dena'', ''Mere Dada ne bola hai vote to BJP ko hi dena''.:taz:

We can go against our family wish to buy a 1lakh rupee bike but won't even try to vote on our own thinking, let alone reason with our families.

N even if every Govt. Official is corrupt, what the hell have we done ourselves for the sake our nation, our society we live in, we never bother to Question....
I have completely lost you. We are talking about public money spent of building new temples, not corruption and rest of other issues.
i was merely suggesting not to waste that much wealth.it would've been of greater utility if it were diverted to more useful purposes.anyway their money,their wish!

by that same logic,you will be obliged to accept western/saudi funded missionary/conversion works...

I understand your intentions are good, but what about people who splurge on diamonds, latest mobile phones or luxury cars . they can use all that money for good things right? saying is easy doing it and becoming a example yourself is a whole different thing.
No person should buy BMW,mercedes when they can buy a nano car and donate the rest of money for charity. sounds nice on paper isn't it but be pragmatic that is not going to happen in this consumer driven world.

There is a difference between national security and decorating, madarssas breed extremists what do they teach other than islam and sharia? they dont even have sciences in their curriculum even if they did incorporate modern sciences it would have to be compliant with what is written in koran otherwise they are null and void.
You dont want brainwashed zombies rioting in india cos some country dropped a bomb in palestine.
As long as buddhists are concerned neither do they have the intention to convert ,or radicalise people in india using their religion, that why buddhists are ok even in CHINA, WHILE china strictly regulates christianity and islam with a iron hand.
definitely.there is madness among ppl nowadays

1)modi is constructing a statue at cost of 2000 crores(as much as i like modi,,this is madness)
2)nitsh kumar is making a temple for 500 crore(comeon,,bihar is already in doldrums)
3)in punjab cm sukhbir badal is making a temple for 100 crore(foolishness)
you forget to mention one more expensive temple of cost 160 million USD, fully covered with gold


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