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Vrindavan poised to have India's tallest temple

ISCKON's Mayapur temple under construction. Most likely they will build Western design temples.


So they judge faith by the dimensions of the structures now? And that too in a third world nation, where 14000 children dying everyday because of preventable diseases and malnutrition, and they making a useless temple of 300 crores?

May God bless them. :D

Its private money, so their choice.

And this temple does look kickass.

On topic: Does anyone know when this is supposed to be completed by?
ISCKON's Mayapur temple under construction. Most likely they will build Western design temples.
The structure looks kinda Islamic.......something else instead of the round shaped domes would be better....IMHO

....The reason of failure of poverty alleviation is not lack of funds.
No matter how many times you tell them, they'll not stop repeating their broken records....
Just read the entire thread below....
Thailand gives 300 kg gold to Gaya's Mahabodhi temple | Page 2
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The structure looks kinda Islamic.......something else instead of the round shaped domes would be better....IMHO

I thought it looks too much like St. Peters Basilica. Western Hinduism will incorporate Western styles in to Hinduism.


St. Peter's Basilica.

What was even more strange was the Isckon temple in Tirupathi.
Before going 'gung-ho' over space exploration, i believe practicing science has an upper hand before sitting in front of the statue and wasting time, anyday.

Religion and spirituality are major cohesive forces in any society. No matter how far the space is explored, people will always come down to earth looking for their inner peace and their bases of morality. Hinduism is not a religion that aggressively looks to occupy regions or convert people, so when the devotees decide to build a structure that would give them some happiness and contentment without disturbing others, it should be welcomed.

It is not as if they are taking any money that could have gone elsewhere. Practicing science has its own merits, while sitting in front of statues has its own. You cannot say one is better than the other. Try to understand the view of others and not be so judgmental, especially when those others are not taking even a penny from your pocket and are going their own way. Or shall we say, they do not have a right to find their own way, and shall be forced to seek "the right way" only from Mr. Skull and Bones?
dont we have already too many temples... I know its private money but could not they put it to better use.

It comes from a private foundation, their money, their wish.

People should never be forced to spend money for the social good, except of taxes, otherwise it will hurt the economy
To start with, India's rate of poverty reduction has mostly being done by reducing the level of income, that qualifies one to be in poverty group.

And private research, promotion of sports, making movies, or even Ambani's Antilla are taxable to the government. Are temples or religious entities taxable in India? No, it is not.

I don't know you overlooked the research part in my previous post intentionally or not, every kind of research has enough potential to earn multiple times the amount invested in it.

Whatever you do, even distribute 1 million to all people of India, at the end of the decade many will end poorer, not because of development, but of over population . Unless Population is controlled, how many welfare measures comes, people will remain poor. It needs a attitude change in the minds of the people.
Moreover, this is their money, their wish. They are not building temples alone. ISKCON have a superb track record of helping various organisations and people.
Its also a commercial one. If they are to generate revenues to support such activities, where you are going to get revenue? Temples serve as a sacrificial site, and a revenue generating one. Dont push off the pros and consider Cons alone before understanding buddy.
Chill folks - I am sure we all know Temples will promote the local traders tremendously. Just imagine the tourism due to pilgrimage! Ask the locals where this is being built and you will get an answer. Besides ISKCON organizes a lot of volunteer programs daily. So this is a good initiative. :D :partay:

Benefits -
* Traders
* Cottage/Handicraft industry
* Guides
* Hotels for tourists
* Restaurants for hotels
* Transport workers for all this
* Builders and renovation experts
* Engineers for building infra
* Maintenance staff
* Priests and volunteers
* International tourism

Looks like I killed the thread. :ashamed: @Hermione @levina @bronxbull @ExtraOdinary @INDIC others :D
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