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Terrorists Can't Hide, India To Get Predator Drone For American Style Operations

Shooting drone is no issue. Indians if tried to send it inside Pakistan will pay the price. India can have predator drones but India is not USA.
@Joe Shearer

The Soviets were in fact tailing the SR71 in. Mig 25 and Swedes were capturing this on a Radar.

Anyways, the point was that the Air Defence grid is dodgy in mountainous terrain. Heck, it is dodgy at best of times. In my limited knowledge of SHBO and other airborne ops, usually we have been successful in placing the teams where desired.

The 10 km limit of a fighter in LC and IB region is enforced strictly I believe with the distance of say a major launchpad like Minimarg or Kel or Taobat ... the need to cross LC is hardly there in case of using a stand off weapon.

We have done it earlier in response to regular Pakistani fire on a vulnerable post in Uri sector. A fire assault was carried out on the culprit opposing post and Krasnopol was used.

On the contrary, they will be pin point. You recall that the launch of ingress from a Pakistani post has nothing to do with the post and the troops there. The set for launch is altogether separate. Their assets are separate, they usually carry their own TIs, AR-5000s and iCOMs with iCOMs with the ingress party being on receiving mode and the launch commander using the TI and AR 5000 to keep track of own troops and ambush parties.
PGMs are ideal

Now that's interesting. Wish I could grill you about this, and some of the things you mention in various posts.

Air strikes by Predator-like drones on these so called terrorist camps on the Pakistani side is an impossibility. These subsonic drones with relatively lower service ceilings are ill-suited for that purpose. They will be easily detected and shot down by SAMs or fighters. Pakistan has, In the past, Shot down Indian reconnaissance UAVs with lower RCS than the Predator.(1)

Even airstrikes from IAF fighters on Pakistani territory would be a gamble and that is why it hasn't been tried despite the demand.

There will be no retaliation because there will be no such aggression from the Indian side. Better to sit down and keep trying to find a mutually acceptable solution to our disputes. Because agar ab nahi tou kab? (2)

I got two surprises in as many minutes.

1. You mean - and I'm not being ingenuous - UAVs have been used actively by the Indian Army? Good for them.
2. True. But my gut feeling is that it isn't going to work. For a variety of reasons. How I wish it could be done, though. The current state of affairs is utterly unbelievable, and completely futile.
They can buy all the Prrdators from their new found masters, even fucked up Americans don't have balls to use and hit inside Pakistan.............. India.........LOL
Listen brother its not a tit for tat thing, relation between Indian and Pakistan quite different as compared to US Pakistan. US is a main provider of defense equipments plus aid and with Indian we fought 3 to 4 wars. Any aggression from India would be considered as a declaration of war.

I note your point with the seriousness that it deserves, Sir, but I do share @hellfire 's scepticism about an immediate escalation. Perhaps there may be a graduated response, which will allow calmer counsel to prevail.

It must be acknowledged that you may well be right, and there shouldn't be any complacency on the Indian side, no desire to 'test' Pakistan's resolve.

They can buy all the Prrdators from their new found masters, even fucked up Americans don't have balls to use and hit inside Pakistan.............. India.........LOL

Actually, I thought they did. Less than a month ago being the last time. Just come out of stir, have we?
It must be acknowledged that you may well be right, and there shouldn't be any complacency on the Indian side, no desire to 'test' Pakistan's resolve.

But how does one know whether there is resolve across the border or not unless we keep testing from time to time:D j/k
But how does one know whether there is resolve across the border or not unless we keep testing from time to time:D j/k

Silly risk to take, to do something that might escalate rapidly out of control.

Why do we need to know if there is resolve across the border anyway? Don't we have a country to run? Do we have nothing better to do than to bait the Pakistanis? That smacks of the obsession of small nations with their large neighbours.

China is doing precisely that to us; testing our resolve. How does it feel?
Silly risk to take, to do something that might escalate rapidly out of control.

Why do we need to know if there is resolve across the border anyway? Don't we have a country to run? Do we have nothing better to do than to bait the Pakistanis? That smacks of the obsession of small nations with their large neighbours.

China is doing precisely that to us; testing our resolve. How does it feel?

Couldn't agree more.
India, a nation of 1.2 billion.

When will it start make its own weapons??
India, a nation of 1.2 billion.

When will it start make its own weapons??

Why worry about making weapons. Hindu philosophy says that one cannot take anything with them when they die.

We just want to enjoy playing with the toys while we live..:D Others can spend their lives making them...:D
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Listen brother its not a tit for tat thing, relation between Indian and Pakistan quite different as compared to US Pakistan. US is a main provider of defense equipments plus aid and with Indian we fought 3 to 4 wars. Any aggression from India would be considered as a declaration of war.

Sir, I believe we are still dealing with a professional army when we talk of Pakistan Army today. Unlike what majority of Pakistani members and indeed Pakistan today officially professes, the emphasis will remain on conflict management, and not on conflict escalation. This systematic posturing of being unstable and unpredictable that is being professed by Pakistan is simply a ruse in order to maintain the fluidity and unpredictability of its actions. The incantations of use of nuclear weapons every other day is a classical example wherein a calibrated message is being sent out by Pakistan due to various threat perceptions it may be appreciating which may be reinforcing its sense of insecurity.

The scenario I had outlined earlier, wherein a single strike may occur with an armed drone, remains a large scale terror attack like Mumbai attack.

You may find that in case India does decide to go for such an action, the US and others may be informed simultaneously and the US may not have any option but to intervene in the matter too. Again, a stand off solitary strike, wherein an actual airspace violation does not take place (and I can not but again emphasise the proximity of potential targets to LC) with specific strike only on the compound/forward logistic base of the terrorists, can occur, well below the threshold of an open war, and the same can be absorbed by Pakistan without the accompanying public pressure (provided India does not publicly acknowledge the fact of a strike occurring; indeed we do not ever acknowledge any BAT action/cross border ingress) and indeed Pakistan can assuage it's ego by a calibrated response a couple of days later on a place of its choosing as has been the case till date.

Now, am sure, that you may agree that this has been occurring, our striking a target at some point and a response from your side after sometime at some other location and reverse!

Anyways, just a perspective, there is never any correct answer or logic in military matters. Will butt out now.


@Joe Shearer Sir, maybe over a nice cup of coffee someday we may chat and you can 'grill' me! I think I know the potential queries you may be having. Maybe you can direct them, I will see to what level I can respond. You were right about the sensibility of this professional. It has been a pleasure

@Maj.Osmani Sir I shall butt out now, but being a first interaction with you, it has been a pleasure. You come highly recommended to engage with in a discourse (or intellectual intercourse as we indulge in here) - succinct and informative, by @Joe Shearer.
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Now that's interesting. Wish I could grill you about this, and some of the things you mention in various posts.

I got two surprises in as many minutes.

1. You mean - and I'm not being ingenuous - UAVs have been used actively by the Indian Army? Good for them.
2. True. But my gut feeling is that it isn't going to work. For a variety of reasons. How I wish it could be done, though. The current state of affairs is utterly unbelievable, and completely futile.
Apparently it was an IAF Searcher drone.

http://www.pakistan affairs.pk/threads/61741-Friday-7th-June-2002-when-PAF-shot-down-first-enemy-Drone

(Remove the space)

I'm afraid I have to agree. GoP doesn't look much interested. You can tell that by NA's Kashmir Committee's composition. What about your side?
Apparently it was an IAF Searcher drone.

http://www.pakistan affairs.pk/threads/61741-Friday-7th-June-2002-when-PAF-shot-down-first-enemy-Drone

(Remove the space)

I'm afraid I have to agree. GoP doesn't look much interested. You can tell that by NA's Kashmir Committee's composition. What about your side?

They're thoroughly confused. I'd like to write about this properly. I have to rush out now and do something about a cheque which I overwrote and which has come back. Watch this space.
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