@Joe Shearer
The Soviets were in fact tailing the SR71 in. Mig 25 and Swedes were capturing this on a Radar.
Anyways, the point was that the Air Defence grid is dodgy in mountainous terrain. Heck, it is dodgy at best of times. In my limited knowledge of SHBO and other airborne ops, usually we have been successful in placing the teams where desired.
The 10 km limit of a fighter in LC and IB region is enforced strictly I believe with the distance of say a major launchpad like Minimarg or Kel or Taobat ... the need to cross LC is hardly there in case of using a stand off weapon.
We have done it earlier in response to regular Pakistani fire on a vulnerable post in Uri sector. A fire assault was carried out on the culprit opposing post and
Krasnopol was used.
On the contrary, they will be pin point. You recall that the launch of ingress from a Pakistani post has nothing to do with the post and the troops there. The set for launch is altogether separate. Their assets are separate, they usually carry their own TIs, AR-5000s and iCOMs with iCOMs with the ingress party being on receiving mode and the launch commander using the TI and AR 5000 to keep track of own troops and ambush parties.
PGMs are ideal