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Terrorists Can't Hide, India To Get Predator Drone For American Style Operations

I think BURRAQ will be enough for predator....!!
Burraq or predator are not meant to take out each other one on one, both are armed UAV meant to strike ground targets. Burraq do satisfy our needs for now so no need for us to invest is such an expensive system. The UA have seen successful deployment in the operations against TTP in KPK and army is satisfied with its performance so that is the way forward for us.
What kind of massive retaliation? I met with similar incredulity way back in 2010 when we were discussing Cold Start and fellow Pakistani members were emphasizing the deployment of nuclear weapons at a tactical level. I had only one answer for that - no nuclear weapon is ever a tactical weapon, they may be used at a tactical level but then they become strategic. And India considers any kind of CBRN deployment be it tactical or strategic, counter force or counter value, as a strategic deployment and will respond massively to inflict 'unacceptable' damage. That, in effect, puts to rest the nuclear dimension until and unless over a couple of Islamists and convicts the Pakistani establishment is ready to risk an all out war with potentially uncontrollable comsequences.

The same has been amply clarified by Shyam Saran .... in 2013.

Now coming back, since you are from a services background, you are aware of UAVs of both sides crossing the LC frequently for recce .... how many incidents of shooting them down have occurred till date?
I served in air defense for 25 years and believe me our border with India always on alert you can send Drones but i am 100% sure it will be suicidal mission for the poor drone. Retaliation would be air strikes back to your bases where drones takeoff and eventually there would be all out war.
I served in air defense for 25 years and believe me our border with India always on alert you can send Drones but i am 100% sure it will be suicidal mission for the poor drone. Retaliation would be air strikes back to your bases where drones takeoff and eventually there would be all out war.

See, I said we will get armed versions, you asked if we are willing to risk, and I said yes. That's it. Hypothetical situations can be war gamed. However, I am stating the current thought process that is roaming around.

We can afford to specifically target the camps/terror infrastructure namely the launchpads for ingress.

Anyways, your regular troops on LC do not mingle with these irregulars and the Launch commander and the ISI rep are separate from your troops, so we have the space to target them without targeting your troops
See, I said we will get armed versions, you asked if we are willing to risk, and I said yes. That's it. Hypothetical situations can be war gamed. However, I am stating the current thought process that is roaming around.

We can afford to specifically target the camps/terror infrastructure namely the launchpads for ingress.

Anyways, your regular troops on LC do not mingle with these irregulars and the Launch commander and the ISI rep are separate from your troops, so we have the space to target them without targeting your troops
Its not matter you target our troops or the so called camps any violation of our airspace would be retaliated accordingly.
How does MTCR enables India to get the predator?? Why couldn't India get it earlier?
If we are already testing our own armed drone why we need to buy US predator ddrones
Rustom 2 with Helina.jpg
Rustom 2 with helina missiles during Taxing trials

and i think any drone will be shot down if it crossed the LOC both sides of the border
I am sure Indian looking for amred drone to counter Naxals, it would be great adavanatage for Indian forces if they use arned drone against naxalites.
Maybe but It will Surely used in Kashmir & Ulfa & Khaplan groups in North East
If we are already testing our own armed drone why we need to buy US predator ddrones
View attachment 309396 Rustom 2 with helina missiles during Taxing trials

and i think any drone will be shot down if it crossed the LOC both sides of the border
i guess that picture is at least a year if not couple of years old but still we havent heared of roustom having "first flight" YET is there something missing :azn:
If we are already testing our own armed drone why we need to buy US predator ddrones
View attachment 309396 Rustom 2 with helina missiles during Taxing trials

and i think any drone will be shot down if it crossed the LOC both sides of the border

Wrong. Regular trans LC flights by both sides occur
View attachment 309396 Rustom 2 with helina missiles during Taxing trials

Two missiles:o:.



4 missiles, 2 PGMs and an ISR pod:D.

But I agree with you, India doesn't need Predator or Reaper (or Avenger) and is mainly looking at long-range maritime ISR UAVs, but they're still a nice piece of kit that outclasses anything you currently have.

How does MTCR enables India to get the predator?? Why couldn't India get it earlier?

The MTCR also regulates the sale of UAVS that can travel for X distance and carry Y payload:

The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) is an informal and voluntary partnership among 35 countries to prevent the proliferation of missile and unmanned aerial vehicle technology capable of carrying a 500 kg payload for at least 300 km.

Its not matter you target our troops or the so called camps any violation of our airspace would be retaliated accordingly.

How many times did you engage/shoot down our Mig-25s? How many UAVs have you shot down across LC or for that matter how many have we?

The reason why you won't retaliate is that the only condition wherein a strike at a designated terror camp will take place will be if a repeat of Mumbai type attack takes place.

Pakistan is and remains in a precarious situation today as it is now openly being challenged to prove it is not supporting terror and is increasingly being called out for in fact spreading terror. In such a scenario, a pragmatic situation exists that a Mumbai type attack may force the present government to take overt action against a terror base. In such a scenario, wherein the world opinion would be against Pakistan, I again ask, will the Pakistani authorities accept unmanageable consequences for a few Islamists and convicts? After all, your cadre of proxies in valley are made up mostly of convicts nowadays ......
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