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Terrorists Can't Hide, India To Get Predator Drone For American Style Operations

And you are friggin awesome I cracked so fooking hard.

Man what a bloody reply.

After reading the posts of real soldiers like somebody whom you will see prominent in this thread, this was really annoying. That man elevates any discussion; this kid pushes it into the gutter. Just look at the difference; check it out for yourself from earlier posts.
What if Pakistan shoots down Indian drone? Since US and Musharaf may have some sort of agreement on drone strikes even our shamsi base was used to carry out strikes. But for India i don't think so Pakistan Govt or army tolerates this.

But the real question is, India takes the risk of retaliation?
Why on earth you think that india will risk or try to infuse drone from its borders , we are not fools of investing at your western borders . Now distinguish between american and india drone and shoot down at your will.
just dont shoot down an american drone thinking its an indian drone:whistle: (for when and if india buys them:p:)
Why on earth you think that india will risk or try to infuse drone from its borders , we are not fools of investing at your western borders . Now distinguish between american and india drone and shoot down at your will.
Young man just for the sake of possible scenario noting serious, the point you brings it out quite valid.

First of all i must admit your political leadership is quite mature no doubt and because of that many possible wars not happened. But the current Govt or elites are not as wise as the congress (Congress is quite mature they strike when they are 100% sure and they win 1971) but suppose if Indians have the capability do they strike so called camps in Pakistan and what would be the response.
In short i would like to say our Air Defense is quite modern as comparison to many, from Indian side we manage to cover full area no blind spot left and about UAV we can detect it very easily a quite slow flying in comparison to fighter jet and above all a defenseless creature against fighter jets and SAMs. Above all may be Indian still manage to cross in but i must say it would be a suicidal mission for the Drone.

There are many branches of armed forces involved in Air defense. First of all Pakistan Air Defense command have full access to all radars data, Air Force Air Defense and Pakistan Army air defense, we are all working together.

Sir. You are delving into the integration of your AD assets and establishment of your nodes and grids. That is totally conceded.

But you and I both know that no AD grid is foolproof in a mountainous terrain.

Anyways, I am merely indicating a shift in approach of India towards a potential strike in case armed versions are procured.

Young man just for the sake of possible scenario noting serious, the point you brings it out quite valid.

First of all i must admit your political leadership is quite mature no doubt and because of that many possible wars not happened. But the current Govt or elites are not as wise as the congress (Congress is quite mature they strike when they are 100% sure and they win 1971) but suppose if Indians have the capability do they strike so called camps in Pakistan and what would be the response.
That is my question what will be the response from pakistan ??? I am sure tactical nuke or nuke is not. First of all it has to be established that the drone which shot the camp or terrorist say masood azhar is indian.
That is my question what will be the response from pakistan ??? I am sure tactical nuke or nuke is not. First of all it has to be established that the drone which shot the camp or terrorist say masood azhar is indian.

It's a clumsy weapon, don't forget. Drones don't shoot, they launch missiles. The amount of collateral damage is huge.

eneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) isn’t exactly a household name, but it should be. The aerospace and defense contractor is the manufacturing muscle behind the high-profile Predator drone, which is used by military units around the world.

After successfully deploying the MQ-1 Predator and its updated MQ-9 Reaper (Predator B), the company is working on the Certifiable Predator B, a version that is designed from the ground up to be compatible with European flight regulations. A variant, dubbed the Predator B Big Wing, recently completed a challenging 37-hour long-endurance test flight that brings the experimental drone even closer to European certification.

As it name implies, the Predator B Big Wing has a wingspan that is 13 feet longer than the existing Predator B. This increased wingspan increases the fuel capacity of the drone, allowing it to fly for 42 hours, up from the 27 hours for the Predator B. In a recent test flight, the Big Wing was able to launch independently, climb to altitude, conduct maneuvers, and then land after a 37.5-hour flight. Besides larger wings, the Big Wing also can take off and land on short runways, and boasts de-icing capabilities and support for RF antennas.

Related: The Marine Corps is developing land-borne battlefield robots with flying drone sidekicks

This endurance milestone is only the beginning for the Big Wing. The team at GA-ASI plans to increase the drone’s endurance in future test flights. Other planned upgrades include more robust flight control software, improved fatigue and damage tolerance, and better weather durability. These improvements are expected to lead to a European flight certification by 2018. The United Kingdom is going all in with the Certifiable Predator B drone, placing an order for the drone as part of its Protector medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle program. The Royal Air Force will operate more than 20 Predator B drone systems by 2025. They will replace the 10 MQ-9 Reapers currently in service.

should sell this big wing version of the Predator.

It's a clumsy weapon, don't forget. Drones don't shoot, they launch missiles. The amount of collateral damage is huge.

missiles are accuate and the collateral is lot less than a bomb

@Joe Shearer

The Soviets were in fact tailing the SR71 in. Mig 25 and Swedes were capturing this on a Radar.

Anyways, the point was that the Air Defence grid is dodgy in mountainous terrain. Heck, it is dodgy at best of times. In my limited knowledge of SHBO and other airborne ops, usually we have been successful in placing the teams where desired.

The 10 km limit of a fighter in LC and IB region is enforced strictly I believe with the distance of say a major launchpad like Minimarg or Kel or Taobat ... the need to cross LC is hardly there in case of using a stand off weapon.

We have done it earlier in response to regular Pakistani fire on a vulnerable post in Uri sector. A fire assault was carried out on the culprit opposing post and Krasnopol was used.

It's a clumsy weapon, don't forget. Drones don't shoot, they launch missiles. The amount of collateral damage is huge.

On the contrary, they will be pin point. You recall that the launch of ingress from a Pakistani post has nothing to do with the post and the troops there. The set for launch is altogether separate. Their assets are separate, they usually carry their own TIs, AR-5000s and iCOMs with iCOMs with the ingress party being on receiving mode and the launch commander using the TI and AR 5000 to keep track of own troops and ambush parties.
PGMs are ideal
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eneral Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) isn’t exactly a household name, but it should be. The aerospace and defense contractor is the manufacturing muscle behind the high-profile Predator drone, which is used by military units around the world.

After successfully deploying the MQ-1 Predator and its updated MQ-9 Reaper (Predator B), the company is working on the Certifiable Predator B, a version that is designed from the ground up to be compatible with European flight regulations. A variant, dubbed the Predator B Big Wing, recently completed a challenging 37-hour long-endurance test flight that brings the experimental drone even closer to European certification.

As it name implies, the Predator B Big Wing has a wingspan that is 13 feet longer than the existing Predator B. This increased wingspan increases the fuel capacity of the drone, allowing it to fly for 42 hours, up from the 27 hours for the Predator B. In a recent test flight, the Big Wing was able to launch independently, climb to altitude, conduct maneuvers, and then land after a 37.5-hour flight. Besides larger wings, the Big Wing also can take off and land on short runways, and boasts de-icing capabilities and support for RF antennas.

Related: The Marine Corps is developing land-borne battlefield robots with flying drone sidekicks

This endurance milestone is only the beginning for the Big Wing. The team at GA-ASI plans to increase the drone’s endurance in future test flights. Other planned upgrades include more robust flight control software, improved fatigue and damage tolerance, and better weather durability. These improvements are expected to lead to a European flight certification by 2018. The United Kingdom is going all in with the Certifiable Predator B drone, placing an order for the drone as part of its Protector medium-altitude, long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle program. The Royal Air Force will operate more than 20 Predator B drone systems by 2025. They will replace the 10 MQ-9 Reapers currently in service.

should sell this big wing version of the Predator.

missiles are accuate and the collateral is lot less than a bomb

I wasn't comparing missiles to bombs. Someone wrote about 'shooting', and the point was that shooting is the most accurate procedure; compared to that, missiles are clumsy, and bombs are worse.:coffee:
Shooting drone is no issue. Indians if tried to send it inside Pakistan will pay the price. India can have predator drones but India is not USA.
Shooting drone is no issue. Indians if tried to send it inside Pakistan will pay the price. India can have predator drones but India is not USA.

Zarvan most of our likely targets, and that will be only in response to a terror strike and on terror camps, are within 10 Kilometers as the crow flies from LC. We needn't cross the LC.

My point remains .... Will Pakistan risk an all out war for a single strike on terror camp where you have Islamists and convicts ... The standard LeT cadre nowadays?
Zarvan most of our likely targets, and that will be only in response to a terror strike and on terror camps, are within 10 Kilometers as the crow flies from LC. We needn't cross the LC.

My point remains .... Will Pakistan risk an all out war for a single strike on terror camp where you have Islamists and convicts ... The standard LeT cadre nowadays?
Please get predator drones and try to do this
Air strikes by Predator-like drones on these so called terrorist camps on the Pakistani side is an impossibility. These subsonic drones with relatively lower service ceilings are ill-suited for that purpose. They will be easily detected and shot down by SAMs or fighters. Pakistan has, In the past, Shot down Indian reconnaissance UAVs with lower RCS than the Predator.

Even airstrikes from IAF fighters on Pakistani territory would be a gamble and that is why it hasn't been tried despite the demand.

There will be no retaliation because there will be no such aggression from the Indian side. Better to sit down and keep trying to find a mutually acceptable solution to our disputes. Because agar ab nahi tou kab?
Zarvan most of our likely targets, and that will be only in response to a terror strike and on terror camps, are within 10 Kilometers as the crow flies from LC. We needn't cross the LC.

My point remains .... Will Pakistan risk an all out war for a single strike on terror camp where you have Islamists and convicts ... The standard LeT cadre nowadays?
Listen brother its not a tit for tat thing, relation between Indian and Pakistan quite different as compared to US Pakistan. US is a main provider of defense equipments plus aid and with Indian we fought 3 to 4 wars. Any aggression from India would be considered as a declaration of war.
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