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Terrorist bombing of Moscow Airport Jan. 24, 2011

I don't think this is an issue of 'freedom fighters'.

It's more of a tit-for-tat: you kill our innocents; we'll kill yours.

When people reach a point of desperation with nothing left to lose; this is the result.

it is not intelligent...you give your opressors a pretext to kill more of your innocents if that is what they have been doing all this while...
plus the fact that the terrorists can never win an armed struggle against a country that is exceptionally well equipped to fight larger battles...you only harden their resolve and loose on PR...
in this day and age...good pr is the maximum a good freedom movement can hope to achieve and it scares the **** out of any opressing nation!
try and put TTP in perspective...can they ever hope to win agaisnt the mighty Pakistani army?
the worst that they can do is get the world backing them...
The Mountain Jews are Jews of ancient Jewish tribes found historically, factually, in the mountains of Checynia. Some descendants of these Checynian Mountain Jews are in modern times immigrating for safety and protection into Israel. This is a simple fact.

The Mountain Jews are not factually Jews of ancient Jewish tribes found in Chechnya.

Their language is a Persian related language, one theory is that they are Persian Jews who converted to Judaism.

Other theories are that they are Khazar converts, or Sassinid/Parthian frontier guard descendants.

This is unlikely to make them of any particularly Jewish bloodline.

If you will read postings today from #66 forward you will find documented bits and pieces of Jewish Checynian history, among idle remarks by young folks who know not whereof the speak, just popping off.


The Mountain Jews do not form a big proportion of the Chechen population, though they can be Chechen. The Chechens are a Vainakh people that are historically Caucasian and not Semitic.

Even if the Mountain Jews were semitic (which they aren't), the Chechen people as a whole do not have a Jewish history because they are of Vainakh descendency.
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Russians should stop messing with the Chechens. Where there's oppression, there is always resistance.

A Simple and Straight Forward Message.

End The Oppression .... End The Illegal Occupation and Live Happily. The Same Message to All the other Oppressors Including India and Israel.
it is not intelligent...you give your opressors a pretext to kill more of your innocents if that is what they have been doing all this while...
plus the fact that the terrorists can never win an armed struggle against a country that is exceptionally well equipped to fight larger battles...you only harden their resolve and loose on PR...
in this day and age...good pr is the maximum a good freedom movement can hope to achieve and it scares the **** out of any opressing nation!
try and put TTP in perspective...can they ever hope to win agaisnt the mighty Pakistani army?
the worst that they can do is get the world backing them...

I think the Chechens (if this was casued by Chechens) are beyond logic at this point. That is why I wouldn't even call it terrorism because the terrorists' goal, supposedly, is to draw attention to their cause.

This is just pure desperation by people who have suffered so much brutality that they are beyond caring. As the Chechen 'black widows' in the Russian theater incident said, "their fathers/husband/sons have all been brutally killed by the Russians, so they have nothing left to lose. What else can the Russians take away from them?"

I still can't forget the TV report I saw about Chechnya. The Russians just ripped the arms off a young boy in front of his family. That was just sheer medieval brutality. The Russian army is notorious for this kind of brutality. I knew a Russian guy who bragged that his father poisened the water supply of an entire village in Afghanistan.

Global PR only works if the media is objective. That is not the case when Muslims are involved. In any conflict, if the Muslims are the majority, they are portrayed as oppressors; if they are the minority, they are portrayed as troublemakers who can't integrate.
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I think the Chechens (if this was casued by Chechens) are beyond logic at this point. That is why I wouldn't even call it terrorism because the terrorists' goal, supposedly, is to draw attention to their cause.

This is just pure desperation by people who have suffered so much brutality that they are beyond caring. As the Chechen 'black widows' in the Russian theater incident said, "their fathers/husband/sons have all been brutally killed by the Russians, so they have nothing left to lose. What else can the Russians take away from them?"

Global PR only works if the media is objective. That is not the case when Muslims are involved. In any conflict, if the Muslims are the majority, they are portrayed as oppressors; if they are the minority, they are portrayed as troublemakers who can't integrate.

That is why I emphasized on taking them down with education and innovation. When you have superior men in your pocket, superior economy, most advance weapons...Chickens, they will become!

You have none right now....
There is no justification. All I am saying is, fight your case in the court, with the pen, in books, culture etc

The more you blow yourselves, the more hatred you will get regardless of your noble cause.

World is spewing hatred against us, we have to be careful and take calculated steps.
Turkey went far left while Arabi went far right....
Self haters and traitors, ti-we are.

I understand where you're coming from bro, but the truth is that you are looking at this from a very idealistic viewpoint. Look at our own country. An overwhelming percentage of Pakistanis are against our current administration. How is this man in power, that most Pakistanis despise? How is this man looting us, in front of our eyes? I don't want you to think that I have some sort of agenda, but these are truths. Winton Churchill said that "History is written by the Victors". So as much as I agree with you, about doings things by pen and books, we have to question; who is setting the standard? Of course those in power will set the standard. A very good example I can give you is the burning of a certain Pakistani television agency. How certain channels were shut-down after anti-zardari jokes. How Zardari wanted to trace and punish, comments made against him by the sms of average Pakistani people.

Think outside the box man. What you're saying is what all Pakistanis and citezens of the world want. However the western philosphy that you're spewing is not pragmatic, in the current conditons we're given. Certain people dictate what's right and wrong in the world. It's no longer the right of the people to decide. Inside we're all humans and no matter what religion we claim, there's definitely the standard of humanity.

So when Kashmiris protest against India, when Palestinains protest agianst Israel, when Chechens protest against the Russians, they are exercising their right against occupation and oppression. And when the world turns a deaf ear amongst those people, they will go to any lengths necessary to attain their azadi.

I hope you undertand what I'm saying even if you don't agree with it.

Salaam and Pakistan and Insaniyatt Zindabad Brother. :pakistan:
"So when Kashmiris protest against India, when Palestinains protest agianst Israel, when Chechens protest against the Russians, they are exercising their right against occupation and oppression. And when the world turns a deaf ear amongst those people, they will go to any lengths necessary to attain their azadi."

I can understand your point. However, the problems we face today; external or internal are not in our capacity. This should be a winter for us, hibernation, meanwhile education and economy should be our goal.

We can't fight on too many fronts..If we get emotional enough, it will be a suicide.

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I dislike this very common saying.

"Freedom Fighters" don't plant bombs in public areas to kill women and children. REAL freedom fighters (like the French Partisans in WW2) target military assets.

Yeah This is what should be done. Never ever kill the Innocents.
Some people just can't be reasoned with, some respect power, but most want peace for their kids. They want a future and they see men in suits in capitals far away from where they live making decisions they think they should be making.

You talk about Chechens, but there are pro Russian Chechens and anti Russian Chechens and Chechens that are happy to support either or don't care.

At the end of the day you need to embrace all the different cultures within your countries boundaries and have respect for them all, just as you respect religious choices people make.

To take the Middle East as an example Israel gives all the power to the nutter. When a bomber blows something up they end peace talks because they really don't want to make political concessions anyway.
They give all the power to the bombers and maintain a situation for the Palestinians that can't continue because the Palestinians have no future in the current setup.

The problem is radicals that are prepared to use force to get what they want. This includes Chechen radicals and Russian radicals and US radicals and Jewish radicals.

The only way forward is to engage moderates... don't blame all Chechens for the acts of a few because that alienates them and makes it more a case of them and us. Find Chechens who want peace... I always thought the Americans should have engaged Muslims more to get them to vocally oppose the violent actions of the radical few... it would clarify the real situation as being a few idiots rather than a war on Muslims.

The reality is that the US media has misused its power and will paint anyone who opposes the US in the Middle East as being an Arab terrorist. As if carpet bombing civilians in German cities during WWII from 20,000ft is not a terror weapon.
Look at how Arabs are portrayed in US movies, or Russians for that matter. There are exceptions of course, but Russians are drunk and steal US technology (modern Russian satellites apparently use programming code from US satellites from the 1970s it seems... according to "Space Cowboys" and are always full of nuclear weapons... Space cowboys and Goldeneye...).
true ain't it
Those who target innocent civilians are fylth and scum for every decent people in the world.

By your logic, States Of Israel and India and the other Oppressors are fylth and scum for every decent people in the world. Thank You for proving the Obvious.
I'm not so sure the French Resistance didn't target Vichy civilians. But even so a more like comparison would be the French Resistance operating on German soil and blowing up Nazi airports.

Would you have complained if they had blown up Nazi civilian areas, given the Nazis were fairly indiscriminate also?
By your logic, States Of Israel and India and the other Oppressors are fylth and scum for every decent people in the world. Thank You for proving the Obvious.

After the Balfour Declaration, and before the creation of the state of Israel, the Haganah used terror extensively in Palestine. As the chief of the Haganah admitted himself, "Well, we used terror as a matter of policy. We wanted the Arabs to flee their homes at the slightest rumor that the Jews were coming."

And, of course, we know that Israel gave the highest medal of honor to people involved in the Sabra and Shattila massacres. Ariel Sharon even became PM of Israel.

The point is that whether someone is considered a terrorist or freedom fighter depends less on one's actions and more on the political/media clout.
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