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Terrorist bombing of Moscow Airport Jan. 24, 2011

Ivan the Terrible quote is just to help focus that this is anciently a part of old Imperial Russia down to modern times. It also tells you of the various ethnic and religious mixes. The area was once pagan, then Christian, now majority Islamic minority Christian. And of course the ethnic mix there is more than 30% Jewish blood line extraction, worth nothing by those who are terrorist heretics to Islam. Here was a place which sheltered the early Jewish Dispora people and intermarried with them.

30% Jewish blood line? Where did you read that? your favourite Muslim hate site? It is not possible to tell how much of a population's bloodline is Jewish, or Christian, or Muslim. There might have been some Ashkenazi populations nearby, but that wouldn't show up, or be, a Jewish bloodline. More of mass conversions that occurred under the Khazar Empire.

Do you think the Cossacks had a right to take control of the Caucasus by force?
30% Jewish blood line? Where did you read that? your favourite Muslim hate site? It is not possible to tell how much of a population's bloodline is Jewish, or Christian, or Muslim. There might have been some Ashkenazi influence nearby, but it doesn't belong to the Jewish bloodline in any way. More of mass conversions that occurred under the Khazar Empire.

Do you think the Cossacks had a right to take control of the Caucasus by force?

Did you forget?

Jews stretch from the natives of Alaska to the lost tribes of Afghanistan.
"Do you think the Cossacks had a right to take control of the Caucasus by force?"

The land was of dispute between two parties. However, Cossacks were smart enough to form alliance but the force they used, cannot be justified, as you mentioned.

General Krukovskii, with saber drawn, sent the Cossacks forward to the enemies' houses. Many, but not all, managed to save themselvees by running away; the Cossacks and the militia seized those who remained and the slaughter began, with the Chechens, like anyone with no hope of survival, fought to their last drop of blood.
30% Jewish blood line? Where did you read that? your favourite Muslim hate site? It is not possible to tell how much of a population's bloodline is Jewish, or Christian, or Muslim. There might have been some Ashkenazi populations nearby, but that wouldn't show up, or be, a Jewish bloodline. More of mass conversions that occurred under the Khazar Empire.

Do you think the Cossacks had a right to take control of the Caucasus by force?

Please see post # 66 in this same Thread for historic details of Jews among the population of what is today Checynia.

Lack of understanding of the history of that area, which is readily available on the Internet with simple searches, simply means some folks are too lazy to look up the facts for themselves, just make it up as they go.
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Please see post # 66 in this same Thread for historic details of Jews among the population of what is today Checynia.

Lack of understanding of the history of that area, which is readily available on the Internet with simple searches, simple means some folks are too lazy to look up the facts for themselves, just make it up as they go.

They are also referred as Mountain Jews...
What we know as Checynia today early on were described as pagans. Then early Christians of the Orthodox or Eastern Catholic variety. Then under the sword conversions began to Islam. Today perhaps 11% of the mixed bag of ethnics making up the whole stae of Checynia are Christians, some are Jews, but the majority today are Muslims, but of different sects, not just one form of Islam. FYI.


They didn't convert under the sword. Conversions to Islam did occur as a result of Ottoman influence and some to curry Ottoman favour.

Also your reference to the 30% is rediculous. Ruslan Khabulatov is a politician and an economist. The Chechens are a mixed group.

btw do you think Cossacks were right to take the area by force in the 17th/18th century?
Please see post # 66 in this same Thread for historic details of Jews among the population of what is today Checynia.

Lack of understanding of the history of that area, which is readily available on the Internet with simple searches, simple means some folks are too lazy to look up the facts for themselves, just make it up as they go.

Although the Khazar theory has little support amongst academics, in the Arab world it still enjoys popularity among anti-Zionists and anti-Semites; Such proponents argue that if Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of God's Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites, thus undermining the theological basis of both Jewish religious Zionists and Christian Zionists. In the 1970s and 80s the Khazar theory was also advanced by some Russian chauvinist antisemites, particularly the historian Lev Gumilyov, who portrayed "Judeo-Khazars" as having repeatedly sabotaged Russia's development since the 7th century.
Bernard Lewis stated in 1999:

This theory… is supported by no evidence whatsoever. It has long since been abandoned by all serious scholars in the field, including those in Arab countries, where the Khazar theory is little used except in occasional political polemics.

The Israeli historian Shlomo Sand explored the theme of the Khazar ancestry of the Ashkenazi Jews in his controversial book The Invention of the Jewish People, first published in 2008. Sand stated that Israeli historians have marginalized the thesis of Khazar ancestry, and points out that from 1951 to the present, not a single historical work on the Khazars has been published in Hebrew. Some historians have criticised the quality of Sand's research; Simon Schama, in his review of Sand's book, writes: "to argue that the entirety of Ashkenazi Jewry must necessarily descend from the Khazars is to make precisely the uncritical claim of uninterrupted genealogy Sand is eager to dispute in the wider context of Jewish history. Anita Shapira wrote "Sand bases his arguments on the most esoteric and controversial interpretations, while seeking to undermine the credibility of important scholars by dismissing their conclusions without bringing any evidence to bear."

In June 2010, genetic research supervised by geneticist Harry Ostrer of the New York University School of Medicine, and published in the American Journal of Human Genetics, led to a whole series of journalistic comments on Sand's book. An article in Newsweek titled "The DNA Of Abraham's Children" challenges through genetic analysis Sand's assertion that modern European Jews are descended from Khazars, a Turkic group: "The DNA has spoken: no." Genetic analysis is not only supposed to show this to be untrue but that modern Jewish genes can be shown to trace back to a common people of Middle East origin.
You are 100% correct regarding Checyians who were and are referred to as Mountain Jews. Here is a bit more info and a site to verify these extracted facs from:

Mountain Jews - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In Chechnya, the Jews became notably well-integrated into Chechen society. A clan, Dzugtoi, was formed for Chechen Jews long ago, perhaps during the Middle Ages.

In Chechen culture, there is an assembly of clans (taips). Of the total 90, 20 were originally founded by foreigners (a new taip can be founded at any time as long as there is a considerable founding group).[2]

In founding the new taip, its members pledged eternal loyalty to the Chechen nation, and hence became part of the nation, being simultaneously Chechens and Jews (there are also Polish, Russian, Armenian, Georgian, Turkish and other clans).[2][3]

Over time they become more and more integrated, due both to assimilation and to the Chechen populace becoming used to their presence. Interclan marriages were common, so eventually they became largely indistinguishable from other Chechens, except for their faith.[2][3] The original Mountain Jews of Chechnya now speak mostly Chechen.[4]

Some historians believe that the Jews also influenced Chechen culture.[5][6] Many common Chechen names usually attributed to Arabic origin, due to their Semitic roots, have been shown to have existed before the Islamization of Chechnya.

According to Andrey Zelev, many Chechen place names show Jewish influence. The Georgian historian Leonti Mroveli, who considers the Khazars a people closely related to the Chechens, and Ruslan Khasbulatov, who stated that Chechens are 30% Jewish, also support the idea of Jewish influence. Their theories are controversial, and have not achieved widespread acceptance.[7]

Mountain Jewish men, c. 1900 (1905-06 Jewish Encyclopedia)

History also records the large number of Jews in Babylonian Captivity in what is today Iran. About 25,000-40,000 Jews remain in Iran today, 2011.

Many old Babylonia Jews crossed from Iran/Babylonia/Ottoman Empite of old into what we today know as Checynia between the 5th and 7th centuries AD. Please do some Internet searches and satisfy yourself. Thanks.
Chechens aren't referred to as Mountain Jews. lol.

Are you doing this deliberately?

Chechens are predominantly Muslim. Why would they refer to themselves as Mountain Jews?
lol, remember wikipedia, its not a trused source for any factual information
Most likely it is an al Qaida terrorist suicide attack (the body of the bomber appears to be that of an Arab, not that of a Chechen) as Russia has recently agreed to a long term contract with NATO to move supplies down into Afghanistan to fight the terrorists there.

See, I had a feeling it was an Arab!!! These Arabs cause Problems everywhere they go!!
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