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Terrorist bombing of Moscow Airport Jan. 24, 2011

Russia seems to handle their own problems fairly well, but this looks like some outside interference - someone setting them up for a war or to eliminate personal freedoms once again - as in the US.

BTW, does anyone remember a scene in a game called BattleField 2? Where those shooting takes place in a Russian Airport?

RIP for the Dead..

That scene of modern warfare 2 made me a terrorist it was brutal, and i didn't like it a bit, but had to do it.
Some Checynians are Christians, some are Muslims.

But the apparent fact is the suicide bomber was an Arab, not a Checynian. Did you not see this fact?

can you pls present that fact...!

oh BTW

But Russian news agencies said authorities were investigating three men from the North Caucasus in connection with the attack.
^^ yes since your divine self has spoken we have to accept this truth.
ANy more updates sir???

yes. i predict a false flag attack on Pakistan (again, conducted by the United States CIA) which will bring India and Pakistan to war.
What we know as Checynia today early on were described as pagans. Then early Christians of the Orthodox or Eastern Catholic variety. Then under the sword conversions began to Islam. Today perhaps 11% of the mixed bag of ethnics making up the whole stae of Checynia are Christians, some are Jews, but the majority today are Muslims, but of different sects, not just one form of Islam. FYI.

In the very least, certain historians believe that the Jews influenced Chechen culture considerably (though this is nonetheless controversial).[14][15] Many common Chechen names usually attributed to Arabic origin, due to their Semitic roots, have been shown to have existed before the Islamization of Chechnya. According to Andrey Zelev, many Chechen place names show Jewish influence. The Georgian historian Leonti Mroveli, who considers the Khazars a people closely related to the Chechens, and Ruslan Khasbulatov, who stated that Chechens are 30% Jewish, also support the idea of Jewish influence. Their theories are controversial, and have not achieved widespread acceptance.[16] The mainstream belief is that while there are a number of Chechens descended from Jews and that there is a cultural influence to a small degree, this is no greater than those Chechens descended form Turkic peoples, Georgians, Scythians, Russians, or any other people the Chechens absorbed through their teip-system.
Sad cycle of violence targetting innocent civilians.

In retaliation, the Russians will display their legendary brutality against Chechen civilians. Saw a Western report where Russians soldiers randomly raided houses in Chechnya and ripped a guy's arms off, literally, in front of his family to 'send a message'.

In return, some crazed Chechen will blow up innocent Russian civilians. Or Chechen 'black widows' will stage reprisal attack for the random killings of their men.
The HARP program, done by the US and Canada as a joint project, ended about 40 years ago.

See: Project HARP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Click on above line to read the history of the HARP now extinct program and related programs which are likewise extinct.

Damages caused by the HARP being fired were much less than the sonic boom of a single jet flying overhead. Petty.
No no. if i were YOU i'd be really scared! Pakistan will send you back to the 1600s and then the British will come to sew India back together again, and then you must wait for another Gandhi to make India independent, again.

But of course, this can all be avoided. :oops:

hmm you just had to hit bellow the belt.....
okies i`ll return the favour...:lol:

after the earthquake you`ll be so poor again, the japanese will come over to help you out folks..... and then you know what follow.. i say it so run while you still have the chance....And whats worse...teh japanese wont even regret it....again....

ANd yes it can all be avoided....:coffee:
The comment I quoted here today came straight from live TV news coverage here in the US this morning, on CNN.

Just like they claimed Osama to be in Afghanistan, about 10 years ago....and Saddam having WMDs.....
We all will just have to wait and see:

1. If al Qaida or a related terrorist groups takes credit

2. If there is another explanation.

Myself I separately was aware that Russia just recently, lasts two weeks, signed off on agreement to allow NATO resupply to pass through it's lands to Afghanistan, by road. This in part due to failed security on roads inside Pakistan of fuel trucks now being regularly attacked and burned, with the truck crews often as not also murdered.

3. So, when CNN news on live, and separately TV news in English directly from Moscow (see link on this thread earlier today to Moscow live TV in English) says essentially the same thing, body parts found of suicide bomber indicate it was an Arab...there is the direction of the investigation until or unless someone or something else credibly claims credit.

It is a no brainer for me to suggest al Qaida and/or an allied terrorist group. The pattern and history sinc e1993 with first World Trade Towers failed basemen bombing is a clear trail of style and evidence to me, at least.

AS for the WMD, it was there, some was found by Belgian troops buried in the desert outside Baghdad...and other WMD intel indicates was trucked into Syria.

The fact that Saddam Hussein was a monsterous dictator does not absolve him of being the 19X violator of the armistace that ended the 1991 War wherein he invaded Kuwait and Northern Saudi Arabia, which facts seem to fade conveniently from the minds of those who wish to avoid the facts of rabid terrorist misuse of Islam as a smoke screen to use to attack the whole world in the name of purifying those who don't believe as the radicals choose to believe.
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